Ontario Amateur Wrestling Association

2013 Annual General Meeting

Saturday June 1, 2013

Ajax Community Center

Ajax, Ontario


1. Roll Call: Determination of voting privileges:

Dave Mottram (President),

Steve Westwood (VP Administration), Bob Parsons (VP Technical), Kevin Ramroop (Treasurer, Voting - Milton), Chris Stefopulos (Secretary), Francis Clayton (NWO Chair, Voting - Lakehead), Kimin Kim (Voting – Team Impact),Chris Fraser (Voting - Haldimand), Sheldon Francis (Voting - Jr Marauders),Marlon Sherland (CEO Chair, Voting - Lexus Titans), Mitch Bedard (Voting - Matmen), Josip Mrkoci (London-Western), Saeed Azarbayjani (Voting - London-Western), Bill Perkins (SWO Chair), Sue Perkins (OAWOA), Gary Bird (OAWOA Chair), John Burke (Voting - Sarnia), Juris Ligers (Voting – Mariposa), Neil Bangs (NEO Chair), Mario Lamarche (Timmins), Eric Lachance (Voting-Timmins), Shawn Day (Voting – Sudbury), Bill Smith (Voting - Brock), MarcusNeimann (EO Chair), Ashley Neimann (Voting – Kingston),John Cook (OXEL), Gerard Charette (Voting-OXEL), Anne Cameron (OAWOA), Derek Kossatz (Voting-Tsunami), Erika Lavesque (Voting - U of Ottawa WC), Ashok Kumar (Voting-AOC), Karen Karn (Voting - Triumph), Darcy Sheppard (Triumph)Kevin Mayhew (Voting - Arnprior), Bahman Sarbhazi (Voting - York), Shawn Geris (York), Guy Zink (non-voting - SJK), Bobby Keomany (OAWOA), Grant Lavallee (Voting - Renfrew), Larry Jaroslawski (Voting - Guelph), Derm Tilley (CWO Chair, Voting - Hamilton), Chris Kelman (Voting - Raw), Chris Crooks (Voting - Kawartha Olympic WC), Greg Cappuccitti (Matmen)

Voting by Proxy:

No Proxies were received

Total votes: 37

Non Voting:Tim MaGarrey (Executive Director)

Regrets: Ivan Jagas (Past President)

Absent: Ryan Lue (Athletes' Rep),

2. New Business:


  1. Athletes represented by coach at Provincial Championships
  2. Athletes training with registered coach
  3. Definition of a Club
  4. Provincial Championship eligibility for athletes
  5. Review the format and agenda of the OAWA AGM

3. Reports:

Executive Committee Reports:


-Reviewed attached report

b)Vice President Administration

-highlighted the need for the OAWA to add two new Executive positions. These positions would be responsible for Marketing, Promotion, Social Media, Fundraising, Alumni, Crowd Sourcing. These positions will be a non-voting position until the 2014 AGM.

c) Vice President Technical

-Reviewed attached report

d) Treasurer

-Discussed the reports

The membership requested that the financial reports and budget be made available prior to the meeting.

The membership requested that individual's names not be included in expense reports.

e) Secretary

-No report was submitted

f) Past President – no report was submitted

Staff Reports:

a)Executive Director

-Tim MaGarrey reviewed his submitted report

b)Board of Directors, Program Chairmen, Training Centers

-The reports were read by the membership. No issues arose from the submitted reports

-Chairs and Centers that did not submit written reports gave verbal reports.

Motion: "That the membership accept the reports."

Mitch Bedard/Bill PerkinsCarried

4. Motion to amend the OAWA Constitution

a) Adding Vice President Coaching position to the OAWA Executive

Motion: "That the OAWA create a Vice President Coaching Executive position. This will be a voting position on the Executive and Board of Directors."

Chris Stefopulos/Derek KossatzCarried

b) The OAWA add two new Executive positions. These positions would be responsible for Marketing, Promotion, Social Media, Fundraising, Alumni, Crowd Sourcing. These positions will be a non-voting position until the 2014 AGM.

This will be further discussed by the Execut

5. Executive Committee Elections: (President, Vice President - Technical,

Vice President - Coaching)

Scrutineers: Sue Perkins and Greg Cappuccitti


Bob Parsons nominated Guy Zink, seconded by Bill Perkins

Bahman Sarbhazi nominated Shawn Geris, seconded by Chris Fraser

Both nominees accepted.

Guy Zink was elected President

Dave Motram is resigning as Past-President and Ivan Jagas will remain as Past-President

Motion: ``That the ballots be destroyed.``

Bill Perkins/Gary BirdCarried

Vice President - Technical:

Chris Stefopulos nominated Bob Parsons, seconded by Grant Lavallee

Derm Tilley nominated by Sheldon Francis, seconded by Marlon Sherland

Gary Bird nominated Shawn Geris, seconded by Mitch Bedard

There is no clear majority on the first Ballot. There will be a second vote between Bob Parsons and Sheldon Francis

Bob Parsons was elected Vice President Technical

Vice President - Coaching:

Juris Ligers nominated Marcus Niemann, seconded by Chris Stefopulos

Mitch Bedard nominated Shawn Geris, seconded by Gary Bird

Shawn Day nominated Sheldon Francis, seconded by Bob Parsons

Kevin Ramroop nominated Steven Surracci, seconded by Ashok Kumar

Scrutineers: Sue Perkins and Bobby Keomany

Marcus Niemann was elected.

6. Approval of Auditors and appointment of Legal Counselfor 2013-20134.

Motion: “That the OAWA approve DNTW as the auditors for 2013-2014.”

Chris Stefopulos/Grant LavalleeCarried

Motion: “That the OAWA use Brian Renken as legal counsel for 2013-2014.”

Bob Parsons/Bil PerkinsCarried

Motion: "The OAWA Finance Committee will solicit at least three potential auditors to be presented at the 2014 AGM. These auditors will be reviewed at the January 2014 Board of Directors meeting."

Grant Lavallee/Sheldon Francis

Grant Lavallee withdrew his motion.

Amendment to the above motion:

Motion: "The OAWA Finance Committee will come forward to the 2014 AGM with their recommendation of a potential auditor and an alternative."

Sheldon Francis/Bob ParsonsCarried

6. Acceptance of 2012-2013Financial Review Engagement Reports.

Motion: "That the OAWA accept the 2012-2013 Review Engagement Report."

Kevin Ramroop/Grant LavalleeCarried

7. Determination of Provincial Championships 2015

2014 Ontario Youth Wrestling Festival Sarnia has withdrawn from hosting this event. April 26, 2014

Bids: London-Western/Harry Geris WC co-host

Team Impact


Vote by show of hands

First ballot results Impact 13, London-Western 9, Mariposa 7

Second ballot results Impact 17, London-Western 13

Team Impact was awarded the right to host the event

a) Ontario Junior ChampionshipsJanuary 31, 2015



Sudbury Regional WC

Vote by show of hands.

First ballot results Hamilton 13, Tsunami 13, Sudbury 5

Second ballot results Hamilton 17, Tsunami 17

Guy Zink, President voted to break the tie

Tsunami was awarded the right to host the event.

Kingston will host the event.

b) Ontario Cadet/Juvenile ChampionshipsFebruary 7-8, 2015

Bids: Brock

Matmen Mississauga

Voting was conducted by show of hands.

18voted forMatmen, 11voted for Brock

Matmen will host the event.

c) Ontario Youth Wrestling FestivalApril 25, 2015

Bids: Sarnia

Drury Dynamo

Hamilton withdrew bid

Voting was conducted by show of hands.

14 voted for Drury Dynamo, 10 voted for Sarnia

Drury Dynamo will host the event.

d) Ontario Senior ChampionshipsNovember 21, 2015



Voting was conducted by show of hands.

23 voted for Hamilton, 3 voted for Brock

Hamilton will host the event.

The membership is requesting that the OAWA establish a clear event hosting bid process.

Motion: "The OAWA approve the 2013-2014 Budget as presented."

Kevin Ramroop/Bob ParsonsCarried

8. New Business:

  1. Athletes represented by coach at Provincial Championships

Motion: "To be eligible to compete at the Provincial Championship, athletes must attend with a minimum NCCP trained coach who is a member of the OAWA."

Chris Stefopulos/Bob ParsonsCarried

Gary Bird is opposed and Mitch Bedard abstained.

  1. Athletes training with registered coach

-Not addressed

  1. Definition of a Club

Motion: "That a Club be defined as having a coach with a minimum NCCP Community Coach trained status and a minimum of five registered athletes."

Bob Parsons/Chris StefopulosCarried

17 in favour and 13 opposed

  1. Provincial Championship eligibility for athletes

Motion: "To be eligible to compete at the Provincial Championships athletes must be a resident of Ontario, or a Canadian citizen or a Landed Immigrant or enrolled in full time studies at a recognized educational institute in Ontario."

Bob Parsons/Chris StefopulosMotion has been withdrawn

Motion: "To be eligible to compete at the Provincial Championships athletes must be a resident of Ontario for 90 days prior to the event and a Canadian citizen or a Landed Immigrant."

Bob Parsons/Chris CrooksMotion has been withdrawn

Motion: "to table this discussion."

John Cook/Gary BirdCarried

  1. Review the format and agenda of the OAWA AGM
  2. Was not discussed.

Motion: “To adjourn the meeting.”

Bill Perkins/Kevin RamroopCarried