Guilford Township Board Meeting, August 11, 2014

Guilford Township Board Meeting

Guilford Town Hall, 1973 W. Rawlins Road

Elizabeth, Illinois

August 11, 2014, 7:30 p.m.


The Guilford Township Board of Trustees met Monday, August 11, 2014, at Guilford Town Hall. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Francis Wachter. Following the Call To Order, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


Present: Supervisor Francis Wachter;Trustees Larry Lomax,Dan Ripley, Larry Stoneburner, andWayne Wienen.Officials present: Clerk Claire Bersbach and Highway Commissioner Jeff Winders.Also present: Township citizen Gary Diedrick.


A copy of theJuly14, 2014, meeting minutes was provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Supervisor Wachter asked if there were any amendments to the minutes. There being none, Trustee Lomax moved the minutes be approved as presented;seconded by Trustee Ripley. By voice vote, approved unanimously.


Supervisor Wachter advised the Board that letters were sent July 24th to other Townships who participated in the legal action against Jo Daviess County related to County’s Redistricting actions.

The second distribution of propertytax payments dated July 24th was received. The Township received $48,726.35; the Road District received $95,921.23.

A refund of $77.76 from Zarnoth Brush and an overweight fine check for $47.62 were received. The Township also received Personal Property Replacement Checks from the State Comptroller after the Investment Report was generated; therefore, those amountswere not reflected in that Report.All checks have been deposited.

After all bills presented were reviewed by the Trustees, upon a motion made by Trustee Stoneburner,seconded by Trustee Wienen and unanimously passed by roll call vote, the Board approved payment of $44,070.20as shown on the Board Audit Report as well as payment of bills received after the Report was prepared.


Supervisor Wachterindicated the three-member audit committee of Frances Peterson, Bob Upton, and Wende Corbett is tentatively scheduled to meet the week of August 18.

Wachter attended the Elizabeth Ambulance District Meeting July 15. The 2015 model 4-wheel drive ambulance is expected to be delivered before winter. The Board adopted a new patient fee schedule. There were 128 calls in the first six months of this year. Elizabeth Ambulance District covered the Shenandoah Rodeo and 4-H Fairs.

Elizabeth Ambulance District has a CPA audit performed every year with the report filed at the County Courthouse. The District is going to discuss the requirements of the audit with its attorney to determine whether an audit could be performed by a committee similar to what Townships do and thereby save several thousand dollars every year. The next regular Elizabeth Ambulance District meeting is scheduled for October 21st.

Wachter mentioned that The Galena Territory Association will again have a Household Hazardous Waste Collection on October 11 from 9 a.m. to noon, open to anyone who lives in Jo Daviess County. Note: motor oil is not being accepted.

Township Attorney Roth has caused the Public Notice to be published that our Township and Road District adopted the Prevailing Rate of Wages ordinances. Publication is required by statute but the Township saves money by entering into a joint publication with other Townships. Attorney Roth also sent the required letters to the Secretary of State and the Illinois Department of Labor.

Supervisor Wachter, Highway Commissioner Winders, and Township Clerk Bersbach attended the TOIRMA Loss Control Meeting July 24 at Guilford Town Hall.Representatives from several other Townships also attended. Loss Control Consultant Sean Richardson reviewed TOIRMA’s Mission Statement, what TOIRMA covers, and discussed the differences between Replacement Cost, Functional Replacement, and Actual Cash Value coverage. Of particular interest is Accidental Death & Dismemberment coverage on Township officials and employees, regardless of whether or not the incident happens while on Township business.

After the program Wachter talked with Sean Richardson regarding the lack of a guard rail between Jo Daviess County’s Elizabeth-Scales Mound Road right-of-way and the Distler Quarry. Wachter told Mr. Richardson that he had contacted Jo Daviess County’s Engineer a number of times to advise him of the Township’s concerns about the safety of the public due to the lack of a guard rail. Guilford Township does not have any authority to install a guard rail. Mr. Richardson advised that the Township should continue to document any contact with Jo Daviess County regarding this issue.

Supervisor Wachter reported on proposals to supplypropane to the Township. Records show the Township’s 2013-2014 usage was 2,403 gallon. The Township’s propane tank is 1,000 gallon; the gauge currently reads 20%.After discussing the proposals, Trustee Lomax moved that the Township agree to Mulgrew Oil Company’s Summer Fill/Fall and Winter contract; Trustee Wienen seconded, unanimously passed by roll call vote.Supervisor Wachter will advise Mulgrew of the Township’s decision.

MTAD Assessor,Theresa Cole, received a letter addressed to Ms. Theresa Cole, Assessor, Guilford Township, from Sage Information Services in Glen Ellen, California, “made pursuant to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act” requesting “a copy, on CD or similar electronic media, of the current real property assessment record file for your entire jurisdiction.” The letter goes on to say “A database format capable of being sorted and manipulated… is requested.” Theresa sent a reply letter to Sage Information Services that Guilford Township does not have electronic files; the electronic files are kept by the Jo Daviess County Assessment Office. On-line research of Mr. Hurlbert/Sage Information Services reveals that he has filed a number of legal actions related to obtaining information from assessors.

Every year the Township receives a Certificate of Status of Exempt Property from the County Assessor’s office. Board members wereprovided with a summary regarding thehistory related to this Certificate. Two additional properties have recently been listed onthisCertificate - a Millcreek Road parcel and a North Ford Road parcel.The Township does not have any record of Guilford Township owningeither of these parcels.

Board members were given information regarding The Mop Shop which distributes cleaning supplies to low income or needy individuals or families residing in Jo Daviess County. Additional information is available at and on the Township’s website Special Services page. The Board was asked to please pass along the information if they know of anyone in the County who may benefit from this service.

Highway Commissioner Winders reported the day after our July monthly Township meeting work progressed with a day of seal coating on Heatherdowns Lane, Powderhorn Gap, and Deer Hollow Run. The following day Oxbow Path and Meadow Path were also chip sealed. Three culvert extensions were put in place as well as some ditch work and repairs on Grube Road during the week.

The third week of July Signal Point Lane, Heim Court, Wheatstrand Lane and a portion of Cogan Lane were sealed. Brush and trees were removed from the west side of the North and West Rawlins Road intersections. The loose chips from Cameron Road were also removed from the traveling surface.

On Sunday evening, July 27th, Highway Commissioner Winders received an e-mail from Jo Daviess County Engineer, Steve Keeffer, stating that an IDOT bridge inspection had been done on the S/N 043-3074 (Tr71) Small Pox Creek structure and unless certain criteria were met, the bridge would become a 5-ton weight limit structure. On Monday, July 28th, Winders placed temporary signs and ordered the permanent signs to conform to the IDOT specifications.

On Wednesday, August 6th, Winders met with Steve Keeffer and Brian Converse (of Willett and Hofmann Engineering) to inspect the bridge and ask for any design repairs which could be made to make the structure more user friendly until a new crossing can be put in place. We are currently waiting for JULIE phone markings to begin fixed-sign installation.

Highway Commissioner Winders concluded his report by noting the brush has been burned at the Rawlins intersection as well as other piles which were eliminated at that site. The loose chips in the Heatherdowns area have also been removed.

Following Highway Commissioner Winders’ report, there was some discussion about the number of bridges in the Township. Winders indicated there was one on Menzemer Road, three on Mill Creek, and one each on Cogan, Morley Road, North Rawlins, and Guilford. There is a bridge-like structure on Cording Road(less than 20 feet) that is not long enough to technically qualify as a bridge.

Township Clerk Bersbach reportedthat, in compliance with a FOIA request, she provided access to Township records two hours each on July 17th & 31st, and August 7th.

Bersbach noted that she had attended TOIRMA’s Loss Control Program on July 24th and found it to be very interesting and informative.

With the concurrence of Supervisor Wachter, Bersbach added information about The Mop Shop to Guilford Township’s website.Opening day at The Mop Shop had 20 clients representing 34 family members from Galena, Elizabeth, Hanover, Scales Mound, Stockton and Warren.

Bersbach received information about the Regional Development Summit: Energizing Tomorrow’s Economy presented by Blackhawk Hills Regional Council at Lake Carroll Clubhouse. The main topics will be Transportation and Local Governance, TIF and the Toolbox, A Perspective on Local & Regional Development, and Energy Efficiency in Illinois. Bersbach plans to attend the program.

Trustees Report— None.



Each Board member was provided with a copy of TOIRMA’s suggested Loss Control Policy. Per TOIRMA, the Policy Statement is an indication that the township does realize the responsibility it has to provide safe conditions for all township employees and township residents. Trustee Ripley asked to postpone discussion and a decision until the September meeting to give the Board more time to consider the Policy.

Supervisor Wachter informed the Board he had a call from Beth Baranski regarding The League of Women Voters WatershedProject in Jo Daviess County. She has asked to speak to the Board at the September Township meeting.


Township citizen Gary Diedrick advised the Board that he is one of a nine-member Zoning Ad-Hoc Committee which will be reviewing and making recommendations on 18 revisions to the Zoning Code. One topic of particular interest is the agricultural residences lot size minimum requirement of 40 acres.


There being no further business to conduct, TrusteeRipley moved to adjourn the meeting; Trustee Lomax seconded. By voice vote, approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at9:17p.m.

Approved by the Board of Trustees:September 8, 2014

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