Minutes of a meeting of Oxhill Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th September at 8.00pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting, chaired by Grenville Moore and was attended by Councillors Duncan Harper and Derek Harbour, apologies were received from Sue Hunt andStuart Whittaker. 7 members of the public attended.

Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting were read, agreed and signed.

Matters arising

Foot path on Main Street – The date of the 3rd October 2016 has been given by Stratford District Council for the works to commence.

Western Power Distribution – have notified the Parish Council that some of the low voltage overhead power lines will be placed underground in the village, along Main Street, Beech Road and Back Lane. Works has been programmed to start on 7th November when there will be traffic lights on Main Street access will be maintained on Beech Road and Back Lane. Details of the works can be found on the village notice board.

Parish Council Website – Due to changes in legislation through the Transparency Fund it has become increasingly necessary for the Parish Council to have their own web site. There is funding currently available to facilitate this. It was agreed that this should be applied for and that the Parish Clerk would begin work to set up the website, proposed by Grenville Moore and Seconded by Derek Harbour.

Leys Field Update – The Newt and amphibian fencing has been erected, the Archaeological survey will follow this in November / December. S106 – if the Parish Council becomes responsible for the proposed community space there would be funding available for maintenance from Stratford District Council. It will be at the next stage of planning, submitted by the developer that will confirm exactly the location and area of the space. Local companies have been approached to establish a rough estimate of the cost of mowing etc. and another company is liaising with the Chair person to provide ideas for a natural play space. Councillor Derek Harbour has also approached a company for a quotation to establish exactly where there is a flow of water by using sink holes at the field end near Main Street which will provide an independent survey for the village and provide information so that the excess water can be diverted to the retention pond rather than entering Main Street.

Benches and Planters- Having evaluated the space it was proposed that 2 additional planters and a large bench be purchased and positioned on the area opposite the Peacock Inn. This was Proposed by Grenville Moore and seconded by Derek Harbour. Further research will be done to ascertain the type of bench purchased.

A vote of thanks was given to Doug Nethercleft for maintaining the trough. Proposed by Grenville Moore and Seconded by Duncan Harper.

Planning– Permission has been granted for: Arboricultural works at St. Lawrence Church, A single dwelling at Plot 3, Green Lane, Listed Building consent at Home Stead, Main Street, Redevelopment of the visitor centre at Redwings horse Sanctuary,.

Planning was refused for outline planning for 5 dwellings on land adjacent to Short Meadow, Whatcote Road.

Planning pending – Appeal for 2 detached houses at the rear of Oak woods House, Green Lane, Arboricultural works at Auchneiven House, Whatcote Road and South View, Main Street.

A new application has been received for comment for a separate drive way for Plot 2 Green Lane.


Sale of Flag Stones-Further funds amounting to £2650.00 has been received for the sale of Flag stones that had previously been recovered when the path was replaced opposite the Peacock Inn.

Audit for the year ended 31 March 2016- has been certified and is available for inspection dates and times are available on the village notice board. All details will be added to the website when it is up and running.

Neighbourhood watch –£150.00 has been received from the SD NHW for the village neighbourhood watch, the parish council will act as executors for this money which will be used for good and services related to the neighbourhood watch scheme when and as necessary.

Mandate form- It is necessary to complete a new mandate form to ensure that signatures are up to date, the form will be circulated and the appropriate action taken to complete this.

Correspondence –The Parish Council has been contacted by the mobile library service with the request for ideas to promote the service. The library van visits the village once a month, a reminder of this date will be added to the calendar in the Oxhill News. Books borrowed can either be renewed at the next visit, taken to any other Warwickshire library or renewed on line. It was felt that this is a valuable service for residents and with current austerity measures needs to be supported if it is to be maintained. If there are further suggestions of how this could be promoted please contact Lis Stuart, Parish Clerk who will pass them on to the appropriate person.

Any other Business – It was suggested that a google diary is set up to inform Councillors when each other is on holiday, this would be a closed group diary. The parish Clerk will explore and attempt to set up. Proposed by Derek Harbour and Seconded by Grenville Moore.

Pot holes on Main Street- A letter will be sent to the highways department at Stratford District Council highlighting this issue.

Dog Fowling – It was raised that there has been an increase in dog fowling which has become more obvious in the dry weather, the area along Main Street to the Church is particularly bad. The Parish Council would like to remind dog owners that they are responsible for clearing up after their dogs in public places. Grenville Moore suggested that he would explore the possibility of obtaining disposable bags for this purpose which would be placed at strategic places for the use of dog owners.

A thank you was given to Grenville Moore for facilitating the sale of the flag stones. Proposed by Duncan Harper and Seconded by Derek Harbour.

Matters raised by the members of the public attending – Speed of vehicles through the village–It has been noted that there are several vehicles which travel above the required 30 miles an hour along both the Whatcote Road and Green Lane. Several villages are clubbing together to purchase a community speed camera, however no indication of the cost has been agreed. It was felt that this was not the most effective way of dealing with the issue. A request to highways will be made for rubber strips to be placed on the road surface for a specified period of time to provide statistical evidence of the speed of traffic in the village, in order to facilitate further action.

It was also noted that this is often commercial vehicles – these can be reported to the haulage company responsible who will be able to identify the driver and take action.

Cherry Tree - An application is to be made for a tree preservation order, a resident is going to take this forward as initial investigations have been made.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm. Date of the next meeting 8th November 8.00pm in the Village Hall.

Lis Stuart

Parish Clerk