U of W Restoration Ecology Network RFP Form

Question 1. Client Name:Butch Lovelace

Question 2. Organization:King County Parks

Question 3.E-mail address:

Question 4. Phone number:206.263.6267

Question 5. FAX:206.263.6217

Question 6. Mailing Address:201 South Jackson Street, Suite 700, Seattle 98144

Question 7. Name of Project:SkywayPark Wetland Restoration

Question 8. Site Location (city, county, watershed, cross-streets, section, township, range):

Zipcode: 98178

Drainage Basin: West Lake Washington - Seattle South

Thomas Bros. Page: 403

Urban/Rural (GMA): Urban

WRIA: 8 (Cedar-Sammamish)

Parcels: 1223049009, 7689600005, 7689600120, 7812801960, 7812801985

Question 9. Site Description: (Size of project area, topography, watershed positioning, level of disturbance, existing land use):

SkywayPark is 23 acres and includes ballfields, open space, sports courts, walking paths, forested slopes, and three wetlands. SkywayPark is one of the headwaters of TaylorCreek which runs through DeadHorseCanyon in LakeridgePark in Seattle. The park is underutilized at this time but through the public outreach process we’ve just completed, a strong desire to use the park on a regular basis with the inclusion of new amenities was revealed.

Question 10. Project Goals & Objectives (What is to be accomplished and why):

Increase the habitat value of the park and improve water quality of TaylorCreek by restoring and connecting the three wetlands in the park. Make the park more inviting, aesthetically pleasing, safer, and increase the community’srestoration knowledge base and get them more involved in stewarding the park.

Question 11. Deliverables (What are the deliverables you expect from the UW-REN student Group):

Participate in 2-3 community meetings to develop a restoration plan (Document). Work with community volunteers and King County Parks’ staff to do the restoration work. Coordinate with the UW’s landscape architecture design/build class to implement spring 2009 project to include boardwalks, interpretive signs / kiosks, and art in and around wetlands.

Question 12. Reference Material (what reference information can be provided to assist in the research and development of the project goals/ baseline data, reports, site reconnaissance information):

  1. Wetland Delineation Report
  2. Site Suitability Map
  3. Community Visioning Plan
  4. Storm-Drain Plans for neighborhood
  5. DeadHorseCanyonVegetation Management Plan

Question 13. Volunteer Resources (If volunteers are going to assist in aspects of the project does your organization have access to a volunteer resource pool):

King County Parks has a volunteer coordinator that works with groups on restoration projects that result in over 50,000 volunteer hours a year. We are able to assist with pursuing other grants, as well as providing professional staff services such heavy equipment operators.

Question 14. Other Relevant Information:

Skyway is a unique urban unincorporated area in that while most of the county has seen an economic upswing, the greater Skyway area has remained an economically depressed island. The outreach process that has recently been completed is part of a larger county-wide effort called the Community Enhancement Initiative that brings together multiple departments to address disparities within a single focus area, in this case Skyway. The SkywayPark improvement project is the catalyst for this endeavor.

UW-REN webpage: