Health and Wellness 3

Mr. Russo

Course Syllabus

Course Description

This course is designed to give students the knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare for the Personal Trainer Certification Exam and become effective personal trainers. This course presents a comprehensive system for designing individualized programs based on each client’s unique health, fitness, and goals. The information covered by this course will help students learn how to facilitate rapport, adherence, self-efficacy and behavior change in clients, as well as design programs that help clients to improve posture, movement, flexibility, balance, core function, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular endurance and strength.

Text Book: NASM Student Manual.

In addition we will use other resources that will assist in learning more difficult anatomical and physiological processes presented in class, including labs. Unit Power Point Presentations can be found on school website under Mr. Russo’s Documents

Course Content

  • Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Applied Kinesiology, and Nutrition
  • Principles of Adherence, Motivation, Behavior Change, and Health Psychology
  • Communication and Teaching Techniques
  • The NASM Fitness Training Model
  • Building Rapport
  • Health and Exercise History Information Assessment
  • Functional Training: Assessments, Programming, and Progressions for Posture, Movement, Core, Balance, and Flexibility
  • Physiological Assessments
  • Resistance Training: Programming and Progressions
  • Cardiorespiratory Training: Programming and Progressions
  • Professional and Legal Responsibilities, Scope of Practice, and Business Strategies for Personal Trainers
  • Special Exercise Programming Topics: Mind-body Exercise, Special Populations, and Exercise Implications of Common Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • First Aid and CPR
  • 20 Hours of Internship

Required Materials: It is impossible to participate in class activities and discussions without the necessary supplies. This class is preparation for a vocational education program where responsibility is the key. Bring supplies to every class.

  • 3 Ring Binder & Paper
  • Composition Notebook (to stay in class)
  • Pen/Pencil


Students repeatedly late for class, or have behavioral issues will be given a referral.


Grading will follow CCPS grading standard.

A - 90% - 100 % B – 80% - 89% C – 70% - 79% D – 60% - 69% F – 59% and less

Grades are based on the following percentages:

  • Assessments – 50%
  • Bell Work – 20%
  • Class Work – 20%
  • Class Participation & Preparedness – 10%

Makeup Work and Late Assignments

  • Class work assignments are due at the end of class
  • Students that are absent and miss and an assignment or test have one week from the time they return to complete the assignment. A zero may be entered in the gradebook until makeup work is completed
  • Late assignments will not be excepted

Class Rules:

  • No cell phone use during class
  • You are on time if you are in your seat when the bell rings
  • 20/10 Rule is in affect during class.
  • Bell work to be done during the first 10 minutes of class
  • Students are to stay in seats until end of class bell rings.

Should you or your parents have any concerns questions or concerns, please contact me by email or phone:

Charlie.Russo@ or (941) 474-7702