Dergholm State Park and Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Tooan Block)

August 1998

This Management Plan for Dergholm State Park and Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Tooan Block) is approved for implementation. Its purpose is to direct management of the Park until the Plan is reviewed. A Draft Management Plan was published in February 1998. A total of 12 submissions were received.

Copies of the Plan can be obtained from:

Parks Victoria 378 Cotham Road

KEW VIC 3101

Parks Victoria Information Centre 35 Whitehorse Road


' 13 1963

NRE Information Centre 8 Nicholson Street


For further information on this Plan, please contact: Rod Newnham

Chief Ranger, Grampians District, Victoria West Parks Victoria

Cnr Mair Doveton Streets BALLARAT VIC 3350

' 5333 6584

Published in August 1998 by Parks Victoria 378 Cotham Road, Kew, Victoria, 3101

This Plan is based on a draft plan compiled by Biosis Research Pty. Ltd.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Parks Victoria

Dergholm State Park and Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Tooan block) management plan.


ISBN 0 7311 3127 4.

1. National parks and reserves - Victoria - Wannon - Management. 2. National parks and reserves - Victoria - Wimmera - Management. 3. Dergholm State Park (Vic.).

4.  Mt Arapiles - Tooan State Park (Vic.) I. Title. 333.783099457

Cover: Yellow Gum Woodland, Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Tooan block) (Photo: Jessica Wilson)

Printed on recycled paper to help save our natural environment

These two areas are not widely known compared with parks like Port Campbell or Wilsons Promontory, but they have very high value for nature conservation, and they offer good opportunities for low-key recreation such as nature study, walking and camping. Their remoteness and lack of disturbance are also qualities that are increasingly valued today, especially in countries that do not have the spaciousness and relatively small population of Australia.

The Parks protect significant natural vegetation communities such as Clay Heath and Yellow Gum and Pink Gum Woodlands, and habitat for significant fauna such as Red-tailed Black- Cockatoos, Red-necked Wallabies, Bush Stone- Curlews, Swift Parrots, Painted Honeyeaters and Brush-tailed Phascogales.

Programs outside the Parks such as enhancing habitat will be encouraged. Parks should not be seen as isolated islands, separate from the surrounding area.

Under this Plan, most of Dergholm State Park and the Tooan Block of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park will be managed to protect sensitive natural environments and provide for minimal impact recreation activities and simple visitor facilities. Appropriate fire regimes will be determined and adopted.

Camping, picnic and walking areas at Bailey’s Rocks in Dergholm State Park will be upgraded, scenic drives developed, and information for visitors provided. Visitor facilities will not be provided in the Tooan block, but walking and nature study are appropriate activities there. (There are already visitor facilities in the popular Mt Arapiles section of the Park, which has a separate Management Plan.)

These Parks protect important parts of Victoria’s natural and cultural heritage. I look forward to the community’s support in looking after them for the future.

Marie Tehan MP Minister for Conservation and Land Management

This Approved Management Plan has been prepared under section 17 of the National Parks Act 1975 (Vic.) and is approved for implementation.

Rod Gowans A/Director National Parks

The Plan provides the basis for the future management of Dergholm State Park and the Tooan block of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park. It was finalised following consideration of the 12 submissions received on the Draft Plan.

Mark Stone Chief Executive Parks Victoria

Dergholm State Park (10 400 ha) and the Tooan block (3 550 ha) of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park protect important landforms of the Wannon and Wimmera regions. The Parks are important for their unique and highly diverse vegetation communities supporting a range of significant fauna species. Two nationally significant vegetation communities occur in Dergholm State Park. Both Parks represent some of the most intact and last remaining vegetation communities within the regions.

The Parks are isolated from major population centres but are natural settings for semi-remote recreation opportunities. Activities in Dergholm State Park include walking, picnicking, nature study, camping and orienteering, with visitor facilities at Bailey’s Rocks.

The Tooan block of the Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park is primarily managed for the protection of its natural values, hence recreation opportunities are limited. The Mt Arapiles block is the visitor focus for the Park because of the internationally renowned rock climbing opportunities there. (Mt Arapiles already has a Management Plan.)

Significant management directions for the Parks are summarised below.

·  Bailey’s Rocks visitor area in Dergholm State Park will be maintained and new information and interpretation facilities will be provided.

·  Testing for Cinnamon Fungus in Dergholm State Park will be undertaken.

·  Flora and fauna surveys will be encouraged in the Tooan block of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park.

·  Habitat links between the blocks in each Park will continue to be encouraged.

·  Tracks in both Parks will be protected from inappropriate uses.





1.1  Location and planning area 3

1.2  Regional context 3

1.3  Significance of the Parks 3

1.4  Creation of the Parks 4

1.5  Legislation and guidelines 4

1.6  Park management aims 5


2.1  Park vision 6

2.2  Management directions 6

2.3  Zoning 7



3.1  Geological and landform features 11

3.2  Vegetation 11

3.3  Fauna 12

3.4  Landscape 13

3.5  Cultural heritage 13


4.1  Fire management 15

4.2  Pest plants and animals, and diseases 16

4.3  Soil conservation 17


5.1  The Park visitor 19

5.2  Visitor recreation activities and facilities 19

5.2.1 / Vehicle access / 19
5.2.2 / Day visits and camping / 22
5.2.3 / Walking / 23
5.2.4 / Orienteering / 23

5.3  Visitor information, interpretation and education 24

5.4  Commercial tourism operations 24

5.5  Public safety 25


6.1  Friends and volunteers 26

6.2  Community awareness and Park neighbours 26


7.1  Authorised uses 27

7.2  Boundaries and adjacent uses 27




9.1  Geological and landform features 33

9.2  Vegetation 33

9.3  Fauna 34

9.4  Landscape 34

9.5  Cultural heritage 35


10.1  Fire management 36

10.2  Pest plants and animals, and diseases 37

10.3  Soil conservation 38


11.1  The Park visitor 39

11.2  Visitor recreation activities and facilities 39

11.2.1  Vehicle access 39

11.2.2  Day visits, camping and walking 41

11.3  Visitor information and interpretation 41

11.4  Commercial tourism operations 41

11.5  Public safety 42


12.1  Friends and volunteers 43

12.2  Community awareness and Park neighbours 43


13.1  Authorised uses 44

13.2  Boundaries and adjacent uses 44




1  Park management zones - Dergholm State Park 8

2  Park management zones and overlay - Tooan block 8

Dergholm State Park

3  Summary of recreational activities 20

4  Management of roads and tracks 21

5  Priority management strategies 29

Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Tooan block)

6  Summary of recreational activities 40

7  Management of roads and tracks 40

8  Priority management strategies 46


1  Significant flora - Dergholm State Park 49

2  Significant flora - Tooan block 51

3  Significant fauna 52


1 / Regional locality plan / End of Plan
2 / Dergholm State Park management zones, recreation
and access / "
3 / Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (Tooan block ) management
zones, recreation and access / "






This Plan covers both Dergholm State Park and the Tooan block of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park. The Parks have been considered together in the planning process, particularly in relation to regional issues, but a number of management aims and actions are specific to each Park.

This is reflected in the plan format: Sections 1 and 2 deal with both Parks together, and then the document is divided into separate sections dealing with each Park.

There is a separate Management Plan for the Mt Arapiles block of the Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (DCE 1991).

1.1  Location and planning area

Dergholm State Park (10 400 ha) is located to the north and north-east of Dergholm and Casterton in western Victoria, about 390 km from Melbourne (figure 1). It consists of two blocks, the Youpayang block in the east and the Bogalara block in the west. The blocks are separated by the Glenelg River and private land.

Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park (5 061 ha) is in the Wimmera about 80 km north-east of Dergholm State Park, 46 km west of Horsham and 340 km north-west of Melbourne (figure 1). This Park is also in two blocks, Mt Arapiles (including Mitre Rock) and the Tooan block.

This plan covers:

·  Youpayang and Bogalara blocks of Dergholm State Park (10 400 ha);

·  the Tooan block (3 550 ha) of Mt Arapiles- Tooan State Park (5 061 ha), including the Tooan Reference Area (430 ha).

1.2  Regional context

Dergholm State Park, although isolated from major populated centres, is centrally located in relation to a number of towns, parks and tourist routes in south-west Victoria (figure 1). Bailey’s Rocks in the Bogalara block is the most visited area in the Park, although overall visitor numbers are low. The Park supports

significant natural environments of the Wannon region.

A network of roads and tracks provides opportunities for low-key activities. Major activities are based on natural attributes such as walking, sight-seeing, camping, orienteering and nature study.

The Bogalara block is surrounded almost entirely by freehold land used for cropping and sheep grazing. The Youpayang block has a variety of surrounding land tenures including State forest on the eastern boundary, the Glenelg River along small sections of the western boundary and freehold for the remainder, in which cropping and sheep grazing are the major uses (figure 2).

Other public land in the region is mostly State forest with relatively low opportunities for recreation and tourism.

Dergholm State Park and the Tooan block of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park have different visitor use and management requirements.

Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park is at the western edge of the Wimmera. The Mt Arapiles block is world famous for its rock climbing opportunities and therefore receives the majority of visitors to the Park. Tooan block on the other hand has few visitors but has significant natural values. Visitor use is mostly restricted to nature study, with some driving and walking.

The block is bordered by farmland with uncommitted Crown land to the west and south. The Wimmera Highway adjoins the south- eastern corner and the St Mary’s Lake Reserve adjoins the eastern side (figure 3).

Other parks and reserves in the region include Grampians National Park, Black Range State Park, Little Desert National Park and Lower Glenelg National Park, all providing semi- remote tourism and recreation opportunities.

1.3  Significance of the Parks

Dergholm State Park and the Tooan block of Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park make a valuable contribution to Victoria’s parks system, which

aims to protect viable representative samples of the State’s natural environments occurring on public land. The Parks also provide opportunities for visitors to enjoy and appreciate natural and cultural values.

The Parks are assigned the IUCN Category II (National Parks) of the United Nations’ List of National Parks and Protected Areas. Category II areas are managed primarily for ecosystem conservation and appropriate recreation.

Significant features of the Parks are summarised below.

Natural values

Dergholm State Park

·  Significant vegetation communities including Swampy Riparian, Clay Heath, Yellow Gum and Pink Gum Woodlands.

·  Important fauna habitat for a range of threatened fauna such as the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo, as well as numerous regionally significant species.

·  Spectacular wildflower displays.

Tooan block

·  Important fauna habitat for a range of threatened fauna such as the Malleefowl.

·  Relatively intact and weed-free habitats with minimal threats from recreation and other uses.

·  One of the few blocks of public land in the South-West Wimmera supporting woodland tree species and intact and interesting drainage lines.

Cultural values

Dergholm State Park

·  Sites of interest associated with European history, including Bailey’s Rocks.

Tooan block

·  Significant Aboriginal archaeological sites in the Tooan block.

Tourism and recreation values

Dergholm State Park

·  Opportunities to experience nature-based recreation activities such as walking, picnicking and camping.

·  A focus for orienteering events for Victorians and South Australians.

Tooan block

·  Excellent opportunities for nature appreciation, because of its intact and diverse habitats.

1.4  Creation of the Parks

Following the LCC South-Western Area District 1 Review Final Recommendations (LCC 1983), Dergholm State Park was included on Schedule Two B of the National Parks Act and proclaimed on 23 September 1992 under the National Parks (Amendment) Act 1989 (Vic.).

Following the LCC South-Western Area District 2 Final Recommendations (LCC 1982), the Tooan block, as part of the Mt Arapiles- Tooan State Park, was included on Schedule 3 (Other Parks) and proclaimed on 17 December 1987 under the National Parks (Amendment) Act 1987 (Vic.) and transferred to the new Schedule Two B (State Parks) in 1989.

1.5  Legislation and guidelines

Dergholm State Park and Mt Arapiles-Tooan State Park are reserved and managed under the National Parks Act. The Act requires the Director to preserve the natural condition of the Parks and their natural and other features and, subject to this, to provide for the use of the Parks by the public for enjoyment, recreation and education. The Act also provides for appropriate research.