July 7th to July 31 2014

The Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Consortium offers remedial and enrichment courses for secondary students who will be in grades 7 to 12. MBIT is located at 2740 York Road, Jamison, Pa between Edison Furlong and Almshouse Road.

Questions??? Write for an immediate response

This is a draft the registration process will be changing so more information is coming . Course offering are definite

Student Expectations for classes offered at MBIT:

Students enrolled in Summer School are expected to attend all classes. Credit for Summer School is based upon clock hours and requires PERFECT ATTENDANCE. Emergency circumstances may occur that result in school absence. Immediate contact must be made with the summer school office on the day of the absence to communicate the reason for the absence. For an absence to be excused, a student must return from the absence with a signed note from his/her parent/guardian or doctor stating the reason for the absence. At the discretion of the Summer School Director, any student who is absent from three classes in any course, regardless of the reason, will forfeit the course credit and related fees and will be removed from the class. Students who are repeatedly tardy may also be dropped from Summer School classes. Tardiness to class translates into a class absence in accordance with the following:

·  Up to 10 minutes late to class = 1 tardy

·  Up to 20 minutes late to class = 2 tardies

·  Over 20 minutes late to class = 1 absence

·  Students enrolled in Summer School are expected to attend all classes!

·  Students who participate in the Summer School Program are required to follow the MBIT Discipline Code. The Disciplinary Code for MBIT is identical to Consortium Schools Disciplinary codes.

·  Disciplinary actions may result in dismissal from Summer School. No refunds for Summer School following disciplinary action are given. MBIT and its grounds are smoke free areas. $50.00 fines will be assessed and students may be dismissed for violations of this policy.

Payment Information:

There are no scholarships, payment plans or reduced costs for courses. If you are paying by check mail the registration page to address on that page.

Registration Information for face to face classes at MBIT and on line virtual classes:

·  Register on line after May 5, 2014. Virtual classes must be completed by August 8,2014

·  How to register:

Meet with Guidance and fill out the forms in the back of the packet.

·  More information to follow

·  . No refunds after Friday, July 28, 2014 except if the course is cancelled.

(After July 8, 2014) or during the Summer Sessions at 215.343.2480 ext. 251

Summer School Time Schedule

·  Enrichment session 7:30AM-2:20PM

·  Virtual classroom INDEPENDENT WITH DEADLINE August 8, 2014

Traditional Classroom remedial and enrichment

Traditional classroom experience for both remedial and enrichment courses requiring attendance at MBIT.

Traditional Remedial courses PE and Health are designed for students who need to repeat a course not successfully completed during the school year. These courses are NOT for initial credit. Offered in the classroom are Health and Wellness.

·  Enrichment courses are designed for students who need initial credit or for purpose of accelerating their academic placement. Guidance approval is required.

·  Students taking enrichment courses attend class from 7:30 AM. - 2:20 PM.

·  Students taking credits in Health and PE may have a flexible time schedule.

·  There will be a break for lunch at 10:10 for enrichment students and at 10:40 for remedial students taking two courses.

·  Students must provide their own lunch.

·  No transportation is provided.

Enrichment Courses

·  Enrichment courses are designed for students who need initial credit or for purpose of accelerating their academic placement. Tutoring to make up lost time is not an option. Algebra I is not offered for enrichment. Enrichment courses are offered in Session 3 only(7:30 AM-2:20PM)

·  Students from Central Bucks New Hope-Solebury, Council Rock and Centennial who are interested in taking enrichment courses need prior approval from their guidance counselor or principal.

These courses are aligned with the Central Bucks, Centennial, Council Rock, and New Hope-Solebury curricula. Credit will be awarded for successful completion of the course per district requirements.

In order to take an enrichment math course you need approval from a guidance counselor. When you register on line you will be asked your counselors name and email address. Completion of this information means you have met with guidance and are taking the correct course. You will be enrolled in this course once verification has been received by your counselor/administrator.

TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM ENRICHMENT MATH AND HEALTH AND FITNESS COURSES-for original credit at MBIT. These are the only enrichment courses offered

Educere Number / Course/Sessions / Meets Central Bucks
Requirements / Meets Council Rock
Requirements / Meets Centennial
Requirements / Meets New Hope Requirements / Price
1760 / Geometry
1 Credit / Geometry/Trig / Accelerated Geometry / Geometry
0 credit / Geometry / $490
1761 / Algebra II
1 Credit / Algebra II/trig / Accelerated Algebra II / Algebra II
0 credit / Algebra II / $490
1762 / Pre Calculus
1 Credit / Pre Calculus/Trig III / Pre cal
(Acc Analysis) / Trig/Stat
0 credit / Pre–Calculus / $490
1763 / English-
Creative Writing Workshop
1 Credit / Independent at home course with teacher meetings and monitoring. / Independent at home course with teacher meetings and monitoring. / Independent at home course with teacher meetings and monitoring.
0 credit / Independent at home course with teacher meetings and monitoring. / $490
1764 / Health and Fitness (credit-.5) 60 hours
. Flexible scheduling.
Time and hours developed with teacher / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
Fulfills requirement, 0 credits. / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / $245
1766 / Health and Fitness 1.0 (120 hours)
Flexible scheduling.
Time and hours developed with teacher / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
Only students enrolled in High School / Health and Fitness
Fulfills requirement, 0 credit / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / $490
1775 / Health and Fitness .25 (30 hours)
(S-1) Flexible scheduling.
Time and hours developed with teacher / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
Only students enrolled in High School / Health and Fitness
Fulfills requirement, 0 credit / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / $123

Remedial Health and Fitness courses offered live at MBIT

·  These courses are aligned with the Central Bucks, Council Rock, and Centennial and New Hope-Solebury curricula and will focus on key concepts.

·  Credit will be awarded for successful completion of the course for students who have previously failed the course.

·  These courses are appropriate for students who need to improve their grade in order to move to the next level.

·  Tutoring to make up lost time due to a planned vacation is not an option. Fitness classes have flexibility due to hourly/credit requirements.

·  Report cards for all classroom courses taken in Summer School will be sent to the student’s home school with the name of the course that was completed unsuccessfully during the 2014school term.

Course or Sessions / Meets Central Bucks
Requirements / Meets Council Rock
Requirements / Meets Centennial
Requirements / Meets New Hope Requirements / Price
1706 / Health and Fitness .5 credit 30 hours
Flexible scheduling.
Time and hours developed with teacher / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / $148
1708 / Health and Fitness 1.0 credit 60 hours
Flexible scheduling.
Time and hours developed with teacher / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / Health and Fitness
(guidance approval) / Health and Fitness
9-10-11-12 / $310

Remedial Virtual: Courses completed at home, to make up work not completed successfully during the school term.

Students may take up to three virtual courses using a predetermined, consortium-approved school district curriculum provided through EDUCERE. Completion of virtual courses allows the students to work from their home to complete the required 60 hours of independent study per course. All courses and assessments must be completed by August 8th, 2014.

·  Upon completion of either mail in or online registration parents and students will receive log in information and course(s) number. This information will allow you to begin your online instruction early.

·  Initial Virtual course sign up will end July 5, 2014 at 5:00PM. If you register after July 5 classes will start when you are notified. The ending time frame remains the same.

·  Consortium Schools will not be able to provide assistance or solve support issues with your computer. Log in issues and problems related to Educere will be resolved by Educere at 866-4EDUCERE.

The first email you will receive will be from Educere. Later you will receive contact from Founders and will be asked to start the course work. You will receive the Learning Coaches email and contact information

·  Students access courses completely over the Internet.

·  No additional course materials are necessary.

·  Students may take both traditional PE at MBIT and virtual courses: social studies, science and English at home.

The virtual remedial courses available through Educere for MBIT summer program students offer the convenience of studying where and when it fits the registrant’s schedule. The virtual courses are delivered through the internet, and include a syllabus, class lessons, instructor messaging system, grade book, and live access to virtual instructors from 7:30AM to 10PM Monday to Friday, and 8AM to 4PM Saturday and Sunday.

Personal Learning CoachTM

Education observers often point to the positive impact that a mentor can have on a virtual education program and its participants. Educere embraces this philosophy, and all Educere programs include a Personal Learning Coach™ assigned to support every student, educator and school. Below is an overview of the Personal Learning Coach™.

·  Professional with training and/or experience in the virtual education field.

·  Accessible by the student, educator and school through a toll-free phone number and email found on the program overview page.

·  Supports student, educator and school throughout the entire virtual education process. .

·  Helps the registrant adjust to the virtual education experience.

·  Sends introductory email to new registrants introducing the Personal Learning Coach’s™ role, as well as, in the case of students, the responsibilities of the student and parent or guardian.

·  Monitors the student’s progress in courses, providing regular feedback to the student and parent or guardian, and school liaison. ** Sends progress update to students, parents/guardians, and schools.


Language Arts-Remedial

Educere / Remedial Course Name / Cost / CB / CR / CENT / NHS
DAFSP2879 / 7th Grade Language Arts
(Grade7) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2880 / 8th Language Arts Grade Grade(8) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2779 / English I (aka Intro to Literature) (Grade 9) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2781 / English II (aka Literature)
(Grade10) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2782 / English III (aka American Literature) (Grade11) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2783 / English IV (aka British Literature) (Grade 12) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED


Educere / Remedial Course Name / Cost / CB / CR / CENT / NHS
DAFSP2872 / 7th Grade Science / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2873 / 8th Grade Science / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2826 / Anatomy/Physiology / $310.00 / OFFERED
DAFSP2816 / Biology / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2827 / Chemistry / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2793 / Earth and Space Science / $310.00 / OFFERED
DAFSP2824 / Earth Science / $310.00
DAFSP2870 / Earth Science - MS / $310.00 / 9th GRADE
DAFSP2810 / Environmental Science / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2871 / Life Science - MS / $310.00 / OFFERED
DAFSP2830 / Meteorology/Astronomy / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2808 / Physical Science - HS / $310.00 / OFFERED (grade 9) / OFFERED(Discovery Science)
DAFSP3127 / Physical Science - MS / $310.00
DAFSP2791 / Physics / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED


Educere / Remedial Course Name / Cost / CB / CR / CENT / NHS
DAFSP2796 / Algebra I / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2876 / 7th Grade Mathematics / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2877 / 8th Grade Mathematics / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2800 / Algebra II/trig / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2797 / Calculus / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2801 / Geometry / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2798 / Pre-Algebra (prep for Alg1) / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2857 / Pre-Calculus / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DCFSP2858 / Intro to Algebra / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2795 / Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2220 / Probability and Statistics / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2802 / Trigonometry / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / OFFERED

Note: Students in Central Bucks School District who are attending summer school because they did not meet the prerequisite for Accelerated Algebra 1, Geometry/Trig, or Pre-calculus, but earned at least a C – in the course must take the virtual summer school class listed above which matches the class you wish to remediate.

Social Studies-Remedial

Educere / Remedial Course Name / Cost / CB / CR / CENT / NHS
DAFSP2815 / American Government / $310.00 / OFFERED FOR GRADE 11 / Government & Public Policy 12th
DAFSP2878 / American History - MS
Grade 8 / $310.00 / OFFERED) / OFFERED
DAFSP2888 / Ancient Civilizations - MS
Grade 7 / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / World History
7th Grade
DAFSP2813 / Civics / $310.00
DAFSP1464 / Current Events and Politics / 310.00 / OFFERED FOR GRADE 12 / OFFERED
DAFSP2814 / Economics / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED
DAFSP2855 / Human Behavior (Psychology) / $310.00 / OFFERED / Psy/Soc 11th/12th / OFFERED
DAFSP2856 / Sociology / $310.00 / OFFERED / Psy/Soc 11th/12th Elective
DAFSP2868 / US Geography / $310.00
DAFSP2844 / US History I / $310.00 / OFFERED / OFFERED / US History 8th Grade
DAFSP2861 / US History II
Grade 9 / $310.00 / OFFERED FOR GRADE 9 / OFFERED / US History 9th Grade / OFFERED
DAFSP2850 / World Geography / $310.00
DAFSP2852 / World History / $310.00 / OFFERED FOR GRADE 10 / OFFERED / Global Studies 10Th Grade / OFFERED
DAFSP3126 / World History - MS / $310.00

World Languages-Remedial