Scheme of work - ASC 5: Investigating science

The following scheme of work offers a route through the Applied General Science Unit 5 Investigating science, covering all the sections in a logical order. The order is by no means prescriptive and there are many alternative ways in which the content could be organised.

Assumed coverage

This scheme of work is a plan of what will be covered in each week or session of the learning programme or course. It will detail over 30 weeks the delivery of the applied science course content for the examination. The scheme of work will also give resources and ideas for practical work that can illustrate the written content.

PO1 Prepare for a scientific investigation

Specification content / Learning objectives / Additional guidance / Session number / Learning activities and resources
Prepare for a scientific investigation. / P1:
Research and outline the science behind the investigation. / Q and A.
Communication skills. / 1 / Tutor led introduction to the unit.
Identify prior knowledge by Q and A.
Draw together learners ideas and tutor input on:
  • biology of yeast
  • process of fermentation
  • fermenter technology
  • wine/beer
Discuss idea of conducting aScientific investigation: hypotheses, protocols, variables, fair test, showing all the results – Q and A.
Tasks involved in the investigation:
  • Dependent/independent variables
  • measurements, observations, accuracy, reliability and validity
  • trials and modifications (P1).

Prepare for a scientific investigation. / M1:
Explain the scientific principles behind the investigation. / Q and A.
Learner research notes.
Communication skills.
Research skills. / 2 / Recap on session 1.
Learner led research into the scientific principles.
  • (wine/beer) fermentation/anaerobic respiration
  • enzymes
  • contamination
  • water sources
  • sugars
  • temperature
  • substrates/nutrients
  • pH(M1).
The science of brewing beer
How beer works
Prepare for a scientific investigation. / D1:
Provide a detailed account of the scientific principles behind the investigation and relate these to commercial and industrial uses. / Q and A.
Learner research notes.
Communication skills.
Research skills. / 3 / Using information from week 2 look at commercial and industrial uses of products of brewing egdrinking, solvents, fuels, industrial feedstock (D1).
Alcohol uses
Uses of alcohol
The uses of ethanol
Prepare for a scientific investigation / P1:
Research and outline the science behind the investigation:
Explain the scientific principles behind the investigation.
Provide a detailed account of the scientific principles behind the investigation and relate these to commercial and industrial uses. / Notes.
Q and A.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills.
Research skills. / 4 / Learner led secondary research:
P1 - science
M1 - principles
D1 - commercial and industrial.
Develop Information from weeks 1,2,3.
Prepare for a scientific investigation. / P2:
Produce a plan for the investigation which includes standard procedures /techniques to be followed and the aims of individual tasks. / Plan.
Written communication for plan. / 5 / Learners to produce a plan which includes:
  • overall purpose of the investigation, (factors that affect fermentation in the brewing industry)
  • details of the individual practical tasks to be undertaken (e.g. variety of yeast, temperature, pH, substrate)
  • use of equipment
  • use of materials
  • timeline for practical work
  • opportunities for modifications
  • and the aims of these tasks
  • details of observations and measurements (P2).
Prepare for a scientific investigation. / M2:
Record details of trials completed, describing any changes made to the plan as a result of these trials. / Risk assessment.
Observation record.
Review plan.
Written communication.
Verbal communication. / 6 / Tutor led introduction to the differences between hazards and risks.
Learner led task to produce verbal risk assessments for any practical work undertaken.
Learners work individually:
  • follow/modify standard procedures
  • test, modify or develop equipment/materials (making model fermenters)
  • add any alterations to plan (M2).

Prepare for a scientific investigation. / D2:
Justify the techniques chosen and the accuracy, reliability and validity shown. / Plan.
Q and A.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills. / 7 / Tutor led review looking at the differences between accuracy, reliability and validity (D2) (see glossary).
Learner led discussion on justifying the individual chosen techniques (D2).
Prepare for a scientific investigation. / P2:
Produce a plan for the investigation which includes standard procedures/ techniques to be followed and the aims of individual tasks.
Record details of trials completed, describing any changes made to the plan as a result of these trials.
Justify the techniques chosen and the accuracy, reliability and validity shown. / Plan.
Written communication for plan. / 8 / Student led plenary session.
  • P2 - plan
  • M2 - plan and modifications
  • D2 - accuracy, reliability and validity.

PO2 Carry out the investigation and record results

Specification content / Learning objectives / Additional guidance / Session number / Learning activities and resources
Carry out the investigation and record results. / P3:
Correctly identify hazards and assess risks in carrying out the investigation.
Explain the control measures taken to ensure the safe use of equipment / Individual risk assessments.
Equipment request form.
Written communication for report. / 9 / Tutor led recap into the differences between hazards and risks.
Tutor led completion of risk assessment, identifying hazards and risks (P3) and including control measures for each individual task in the investigation (M3).
Learners to order chosen equipment and materials for following session.
Carry out the investigation and record results. / P4:
Correctly follow standard procedure to use a range of practical equipment and materials safely.
Record the data obtained in appropriate ways using correct conventions and units. / Risk assessment.
Standard procedure.
Observation of correct and safe use of materials and equipment.
Observation record.
Possible video/photographic evidence.
Table records.
Equipment request form.
Practical skills.
Recording data for graphs/charts. / 10 / Learner led, using and ordering equipment and materials, follow chosen procedure to investigate relevant factor(s), eg the effect of pH, temperature, yeast type etc on the brewing process (P4).
Tutor led introduction to recording data in tables to include correct headings, units, accuracy and appropriate number of significant figures.
Record relevant data in learner-prepared tables and use of graphs/charts where appropriate (P5).
Learners to order chosen equipment and materials for following session.
What affects yeast growth?
Carry out the investigation and record results. / P4:
Correctly follow standard procedure to use a range of practical equipment and materials safely.
Record the data obtained in appropriate ways using correct conventions and units. / Risk assessment.
Standard procedure.
Observation of correct and safe use of materials and equipment.
Observation record.
Practical skills.
Recording data for graphs/charts.
Possible video/photographic evidence.
Table/graph records.
Equipment request form. / 11 / Learner led, using and ordering equipment and materials, follow chosen procedure to investigate relevant factor(s) (P4).
Record relevant data in learner-prepared tables/graphs (P5).
Learners to order chosen equipment and materials for following session.
Carry out the investigation and record results. / P4:
Correctly follow standard procedure to use a range of practical equipment and materials safely.
Record the data obtained in appropriate ways using correct conventions and units. / Risk assessment.
Standard procedure.
Observation of correct and safe use of materials and equipment.
Observation record.
Possible video/photographic evidence.
Table/graphs records.
Equipment request form.
Practical skills.
Recording data for graphs/charts. / 12 / Learner led, using and ordering equipment and materials, follow chosen procedure to investigate relevant factor(s) (P4).
Record relevant data in learner-prepared tables/graphs (P5).
Learners to order chosen equipment and materials for following session.
Carry out the investigation and record results. / P4:
Correctly follow standard procedure to use a range of practical equipment and materials safely.
Record the data obtained in appropriate ways using correct conventions and units. / Risk assessment.
Standard procedure.
Observation of correct and safe use of materials and equipment.
Observation record.
Possible video/photographic evidence.
Table/graphs records.
Practical skills.
Recording data for graphs/charts. / 13 / Learner led, using and ordering equipment and materials, follow chosen procedure to investigate relevant factor(s) (P4).
Record relevant data in learner-prepared tables/graphs (P5).
Carry out the investigation and record results. / M4:
Assess the effectiveness of the methods used to collect data.
Make justified suggestions for any improvements that could be made. / Notes for report.
Q and A.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills. / 14 / Tutor led recap on collection and recording of data.
Learner led discussion on effectiveness eg how well each task met the requirements of the investigation (M4)
Learner led discussions on justifications of improvements; consideration given to:
  • accuracy,
  • reliability
  • validity
  • time and resources (D3).

Carry out the investigation and record results. / P4:
Correctly follow standard procedure to use a range of practical equipment and materials safely.
Record the data obtained in appropriate ways using correct conventions and units.
Assess the effectiveness of the methods used to collect data.
Make justified suggestions for any improvements that could be made. / Notes for report.
Observation record.
Possible video/ photographic evidence.
Written communication for report.
Practical skills. / 15 / Learner led, tutor observation session.
Learners work individually as appropriate.
Follow standard procedure/record data (P4/P5).
Assess effectiveness of method (M4).
Justify suggestions for improvements (D3).

PO3 Demonstrate the ability to work with radioisotopes in the laboratory

Specification content / Learning objectives / Additional guidance / Session number / Learning activities and resources
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P6:
Analyse the data obtained using appropriate methods.
Manipulate data using appropriate methods, including use of IT. / Q and A.
Notes for report.
Analysis and manipulation of data.
Communication skills. / 16 / Tutor led session to look at analysis (P6) and manipulation of data (M5).
Use of IT to develop report.
Individuals to work on own data.
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P6:
Analyse the data obtained using appropriate methods.
Manipulate data using appropriate methods, including use of IT. / Q and A.
Notes for report.
Analysis and manipulation of data.
Communication skills. / 17 / Learner led activity.
Analysis (P6) and manipulation (M5) of data.
Use of IT to develop report.
Individuals to work on own data.
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P7:
Identify sources of error and any anomalous data.
Explain the sources of error, give possible reasons for anomalous data and explain how they can be minimised. / Notes for report.
Q and A.
Analysis and manipulation of data.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills. / 18 / Tutor led discussion comparing random and systematic errors and the occurrence of anomalous results.
Learner led activity to identify (P7)and explain (M6) errors in their own work (qualitative and quantitative).
Anomalous results should be identified and reasons for these results suggested (M6).
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P7:
Identify sources of error and any anomalous data.
Explain the sources of error, give possible reasons for anomalous data and explain how they can be minimized.
Justify the methods and formats used to analyse and manipulate data. / Notes for report.
Q and A.
Analysis and manipulation of data.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills. / 19 / Tutor led discussion comparing random and systematic errors and the occurrence of anomalous results.
Learner led activity to identify (P7)and explain (M6) errors in their own work (qualitative and quantitative) and justify (D4) methods and formats used.
Anomalous results should be identified and reasons for these results suggested (M6).
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P8:
Draw conclusions from the data obtained.
Review the use of primary and secondary data.
Evaluate the outcomes of the investigation. / Notes for report.
Q and A.
Written communication for report.
Research for secondary data. / 20 / Learner led activity to work on drawing conclusions from each task (P8) and comparisons from primary data made to secondary data (M7). These should be collated to form an overall conclusion to the investigation.
Evaluate techniques used and the results obtained. Make recommendations for improvements to the investigation (D5).
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P8:
Draw conclusions from the data obtained.
Review the use of primary and secondary data.
Evaluate the outcomes of the investigation. / Notes for report.
Q and A.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills.
Research for secondary data. / 21 / Learner led activity to work on drawing conclusions from each task (P8) and comparisons from primary data made to secondary data (M7). These should be collated to form an overall conclusion to the investigation.
Evaluate techniques used and the results obtained. Make recommendations for improvements to the investigation (D5).
Analyse results, draw conclusions and evaluate the investigation. / P8:
Draw conclusions from the data obtained.
Review the use of primary and secondary data.
Evaluate the outcomes of the investigation. / Notes for report.
Q and A.
Written communication for report.
Communication skills.
Research for secondary data. / 22 / Learner led activity to work on drawing conclusions from each task (P8) and comparisons from primary data made to secondary data (M7). These should be collated to form an overall conclusion to the investigation.
Evaluate techniques used and the results obtained. Make recommendations for improvements to the investigation (D5).

PO4 Present the findings of the investigation to a suitable audience.

Specification content / Learning objectives / Additional guidance / Session number / Learning activities and resources
Present the findings of the investigation to a suitable audience. / P9:
Produce a report on the investigation and make a presentation to a suitable audience. Include results and a conclusion which are clear and concise.
Record sources of information used to support research and conclusions, using Harvard Reference System. / Q and A.
Development of report.
Analysis and manipulation of data
Written communication for report.
Communication skills. / 23 / Tutor led recap on writing areport on the scientific investigation. The report should include:
  • introduction,
  • risk assessment
  • method and procedures
  • results
  • analysis
  • conclusions (P9)
  • bibliography (P10).

Present the findings of the investigation to a suitable audience. / P9:
Produce a report on the investigation and make a presentation to a suitable audience. Include results and a conclusion which are clear and concise.
Record sources of information used to support research and conclusions, using Harvard Reference System
Refer to secondary data. use correct scientific terminology throughout
Evaluate the sources of information used in terms of their usefulness and validity
Identify the relevance of the investigation and results to appropriate industrial processes. / Final report.
Presentation may take the form of any of the following:
  • PowerPoint
  • booklet/leaflet
  • scientific magazine article
  • webpage.
Analysis and manipulation of data.
Written communication for report and presentation. / 24 / Using information from previous session and report notes learners to start to produce final report and presentation.
Tutor to remind learners to select suitable information from the report to form the basis of the presentation. The tutor should direct the learners to include the following points for their presentation:
  • combine text and images, charts, graphs for an effective presentation (P8)
  • summarise the purpose, data obtained and conclusions of the practical investigation (P8)
  • correct use of appropriate scientific terminology (M8)
  • evaluate sources of information (M9)
  • relevance to industrial processes (D6)
  • production of a bibliography the at makes use of the Harvard Reference System (P10).

Present the findings of the investigation to a suitable audience. / P9:
Produce a report on the investigation and make a presentation to a suitable audience. Include results and a conclusion which are clear and concise.
Record sources of information used to support research and conclusions, using Harvard Reference System .
Refer to secondary data. Use correct scientific terminology throughout.
Evaluate the sources of information used in terms of their usefulness and validity.
Identify the relevance of the investigation and results to appropriate industrial processes. / Final report.
Presentation may take the form of any of the following:
  • PowerPoint
  • booklet/leaflet
  • scientific magazine article
  • webpage.
Q and A.
Analysis and manipulation of data.
Written communication for report and presentation.
Communication skills. / 25 / Using information from previous session and report notes learners to start to produce final report and presentation.
Tutor to remind learners to select suitable information from the report to form the basis of the presentation. The tutor should direct the learners to include the following points for their presentation:
  • combine text and images, charts, graphs for an effective presentation (P8)
  • summarise the purpose, data obtained and conclusions of the practical investigation (P8)
  • correct use of appropriate scientific terminology (M8)
  • evaluate sources of information (M9)
  • relevance to industrial processes (D6)
Production of a bibliography the at makes use of the Harvard Reference System.
Present the findings of the investigation to a suitable audience. / P9:
Produce a report on the investigation and make a presentation to a suitable audience. Include results and a conclusion which are clear and concise.
Record sources of information used to support research and conclusions, using Harvard Reference System
Refer to secondary data. use correct scientific terminology throughout
Evaluate the sources of information used in terms of their usefulness and validity