
by Judge Te Whetu o Rongo

~ a stateofdisorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority;

~ absenceof government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a politicalideal;

The second definition of anarchy (as highlighted) is the preferred coin of the realm of freedom and liberty. Many have misused and abused the word “anarchy” in defiant ignorance and wanton arrogance like it has an anti-devil (government) connotation and meaning that threatens the devil’s existence in our midst. The second definition explains the first with great clarity when “authority” is wholly suspect.

Before law came into being, justice was well entrenched in primitive societies. Every member of this society had an inherent sense of justice. They practiced fairness. They lived alone or in communities and respected each other’s property rights. Disputes were resolved in a roundtable sort of powwow where everyone participated and expressed their thoughts, sentiments and feelings in order to arrive at a just conclusion and resolution of the dispute. Every member of this society lived rather happily without having to fight Nature or the elements. Fights and differences of opinions, and controversies were mainly wrought and brought among themselves when any one of the seven deadly sins raised its ugly tortured head.

I have not read any treatise on anthropology that suggests otherwise. True anarchy reigned and ruled supreme where absolute freedom of the individual was the preferred style and standard of political existence. If an individual did not like what his community stood for, he merely expressed his wishes and if he could not find accommodation for his ideals, he just went away and lived elswehere. Absolute freedom with food, shelter and clothing as the prime necessities to live and die for. Those were the only concerns. You don’t need the devil (government) to find food, shelter and clothing, do you?

And then, law raised its ugly, worthless, satanic and disfigured head. The rest is a long and extended chronicle of restlessness, lawlessness and disorder caused by the established devil (government). Under the label “rule of law” the devil made sure that laws are made for fools who act like mules.

So: which defines you ? The first or the second definition of anarchy? Both will make you whole, able, stable and reliable as an authority unto yourself. YOU have the authority and the power to stay the course and finish the race. Read Genesis 1:27; and then read Genesis 2:7; the icing on the cake is at Mark 14: 51, 52.