Montpelier Music Booster’s Minutes


Attendance: Jodi Grime, Kaleb Moore, Colleen Oxenham, Jan Roth, Laura Zumbaugh, Michael Moyseenko, Tara Richmond, Kelly Deetz

Review of Minutes:

Minutes of October meeting approved. All voted aye.

Correspondence: Kaleb made the Montpelier Music Booster thank you notes to send to the Moose for their latest donation ($ 1,800).

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking: current balance $ 7,400.00

Savings: current balance $ 13,000.00

Colleen is working on a debit card for Kaleb for the Music Boosters.

Colleen will update the Sam’s Club membership.

Colleen wrote a check to Bobbi Mercer for the alterations for Locomotion,and to Michael M. for the additional uniform purchases (outfit for Collin, shirts, ties and cummerbunds, etc.).

Received check from Pepsi for $248.00.

Money from 50/50 and proceeds from Preview Show to be deposited into music department school account for miscellaneous spending (music, trip extras, etc.).

Motion to approve treasurer’s report made by Tara Richmond; All voted aye.

Old Business:


Jodi to set up Volunteer Spot, Kaleb will have concession stand ready for Basketball.

Holliday Gathering Concessions:

Locomotion will staff, all proceeds will go to Locomotion. Colleen will supply startup cash box with $150.00 to be returned.

Preview Show:

Sunday, December 13 at 4:00 p.m. Ticket prices for the fall preview show will be $10.00 for students and $15.00 for adults. Tickets are to be presold for meal planning. All money due Dec. 1, 2015.

Kaleb, Michael, and Midge will get together and discuss plans for the meal and costs to Locomotion and Jazz Band students.

Soiree update:

Event date January 31st. Jodi reserved the auditeria. She will check to see if she also reserved the day before for set up.

Need volunteers for the following committees: food, gift baskets, advertising, decorations, and donations.

This event has been tabled at this time for later discussion.


Shirts are finished, paid for and passed out to students. Have 20 left over for donations.

Opera Trip update:

Mike to check on which night, Wednesday (student night or Friday night). Mike or Laura will need to check on curfew for students and bus.

Thank you notes:

Jodi Grime will send out thank you notes. Emily Altaffer will send a thank you note to the Moose.

Mike will call the Moose to inquire about Locomotion donating a show to thank them for all of their support.

Locomotion/Jazz Band Trip:

TORONTO!! The trip would be from Friday, March 18 morning to Sunday, March 20 evening. This would be a joint trip Locomotion/Jazz Band. There will be 2 teachers, 36 students and 10 chaperones. Student payments are to be made out to the school, chaperone payments are to be made out to the Band Boosters, and Colleen will collect all chaperones’ checks and write one check.

Cost: $515.00 each.

Boosters to pay $100.00, Students to pay $100.00, and the school will pay the remainder $315.00 per student. All chaperones pay their own to Music Boosters. Music Boosters will donate the money to the school to pay for the trip in one check each time.

Cedar Point Update:

Michael had information on 2016 Music Showcase Festival. It takes place Saturdays in April/May. Potentially a lot of conflicts this time of the year and with sports. Decided to table discussion for now.

New Business:

Locomotion Shirts/Jazz Band shirts:

Jan will wash Jazz Band shirts, and Mike and Jodi will wash Locomotion shirts.

Cheese Balls:

Fund raiser for grades 5-12, students will take orders for two delivery dates. Orders are to be turned in by Wednesday 11/18 for Monday 11/23 delivery, and Wednesday 12/16 for Friday 12/18 delivery. The cheeseballs will be made by the High School Home Economics class for each of the order dates. The cheeseballs will be sold for $5.00 each.

Samples will be available at the school during the Old Tyme Holiday Gathering on Saturday 11/21. The Profits will go to the Music Boosters.


Mike will look into replacing shirts for a reasonable price on his next trip to Cleveland.


Laura was approved for the band uniforms that were used to be sent out and cleaned.

Locomotion Performances:

11/2, 11/6, 11/21, 12/4, 12/5, 12/10, 12/13.

Pep band games:

12/7, 12/11, 1/7, 1/9, 1/15, 1/21, 2/4, 2/6, 2/19, 2/20

Jodi Grime approached the Athletic Boosters about the Music Boosters doing the concessions for wrestling tournaments, which will take place at Superior. Pending Athletic Booster approval, Music Boosters will run concession for Ironhorse Wrestling tournament at Superior. Location was changed by the Athletic Department. NWOAL on 2/6 and 2/7 will be held at the Main School. Music Boosters will do the concession stand for both days. Athletic Boosters will take care of the Ironhorse Wrestling Tournament on 12/4 at Superior and the home boys game at Superior on 2/6

Executive Session: Officer Positions

Meeting back in session:

V. President- unable to fulfill position. Voted to replace current officer.

Nominations for V. President- Tara Richmond

Tara and Kaleb to head up the committee for the Soiree.

Future Elections to be held in June.

Future Elections for officers to be split so all four would not be elected the same year.

Next meeting: December 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm.