Suggestions for ways to Improve in Honors Pre-Calculus

1. Pre-read the section in the textbook

2. During class, follow the lesson by taking notes and attempting the sample problems during class.

3. Ask questions on an example if it needs to be clarified

4. When the practice problems are started, really try to complete the problems - correctly ! ! !

5. When we review the practice or homework problems, make corrections as necessary and ask questions as necessary

6. When completing the homework assignment, concentrate on answering the questions correctly and check answers in the back of the book or online; if it is wrong, try to find your error; if you still are not sure what to fix then mark the problem in some way and ask about it the next day during homework review; just writing down work to make it look like you completed the assignment is not going to help come time for a quiz or test

7. During homework review in class check your answers; if you see a wrong answer check to see if it isn’t something small that you can easily repair; ask your team if they can help you with it; if you still need help, then ask for it to be reviewed in class; while the teacher is reviewing problems follow along with the problem on your assignment and make repairs as needed (recommended to be done in red pen)

8. Do not fall behind in completion of assignments – it’s hard to catch up; also, the homework review portion of the class is most beneficial if the assignment has already been “completed”

9. Preparation for the quizzes and tests will be much easier and shorter if the assignments have been completed and revised; there will not be a need to “cram” for a test – which usually consists only of studying notes instead of actually practicing the completion of problems

10. Come to the many tutoring help sessions offered by the HPC teachers here on campus; there are five sessions a week and they happen at lunch and after school

11. Some of my students benefit from creating study groups that meet up after school and help one another with questions while doing homework.

12. Make use of the online textbook. It has a LOT of helpful tools including hints and answers that are not in the paper copy.

13. When we review tests TAKE NOTES to be used in preparing for future tests (they are cumulative). Use this list to search for extra practice online. You will be surprised how much is available.

I hope you find this list helpful and are able to try a few things from above.


Mrs. Reinke