AQAAS Geography
Lessons from the 2009 series of exams.
David Redfern
October 2009
10.00am Registration and coffee
10.15am GEOG 1 - Core Physical and Human
An examination of some questions and answers to identify the major pitfalls, and the means to success
11.30am Morning coffee
11.45am GEOG 1 - Physical and Human Options
An examination of some questions and answers to identify the major pitfalls, and the means to success
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm GEOG 2 - The skills questions
An examination of some questions and answers to identify the major pitfalls, and the means to success
Implications for teaching strategies
2.15pm GEOG 2 – The fieldwork question
The requirements of the compulsory fieldwork question
3.00pm Afternoon tea
3.00pm Lessons learnt
Discussion/forum on how teaching and learning styles can be
4.00pm Day ends
Unit 1 2009 questions
Core Physical: Rivers, floods and management
(a)Outline the ways in which a river transports its load. 4
Point marked. Max 3 for one process.
Candidate A
There are four main methods of transportation in rivers which are, firstly, through traction. During this process large particles such as cobbles or boulders are rolled along the channel bed by the force of the water. In addition to this saltation is used whereby slightly smaller debris is effectively bounced along the river bed. These terms are collectively known as the river’s bedload. Thirdly, suspension the most common method of transportation involves smaller particles such as clay and silt being carried whilst suspended in the river. And finally solution is the term for sediment dissolved within the mass of water.
Candidate B
A river transports its load in four ways. The first process is traction where rocks and larger material is rolled along the bed by the river. Pebbles and other similarly sized material are transported by saltation which bounces material. Suspension is the process by which sand particles are transported by the rivers carrying them along. Solution, the last process, is the transportation of dissolved material by the river.
(b)Describe the relationship between velocity and load size for the process of erosion (diagram of Hjulstrom curve) 4
Point marked
Candidate A
Generally the larger the size of load (also known as the calibre) the greater velocity that is required to erode it. However there are exceptions mainly the need for a higher velocity to erode smaller clay particles. This is because they often converge into larger masses that require turbulent flow to enable them to be entrained. The Hjulstrom curve above indicates how a river of a small velocity such as 10 cumecs cannot erode any material whilst a faster flowing river of 100 cumecs can erode large clay, silt, sand and gravel particles but cannot erode higher calibre particles.
Candidate B
The critical erosion curve outlines the relationship between velocity and load size. The smallest material, clays and silts, require a greater velocity to erode them eg clay needs around 100 cm/sec to erode it due to electrical bonding and an adhesive quality. As load size increases the velocity needed to erode it decreases. This is principally for sand particles. Then, as particle size increases velocity needed to erode also increases with pebbles for example requiring 100 cm/sec at least to erode.
(c)Describe these potholes and explain their formation. 7
Level 1: describes generally; begins to explain; imbalanced. 1-4
Level 2: description refers to photo; explanation is clear; balanced. 5-7
Candidate A
Potholes are fairly circular hollows or depressions on the channel bed which can extend to around 1-2m in diameter. They usually occur in the upper courses of a river due to increased turbulence and erratic swirling of the water. They are formed when pieces of eroded material that form the river’s load become lodged in small hollows on the channel bed. The turbulent water then swirls the material until it grinds the channel and abrades in a circular motion to deepen and widen the hollows. These trapped particles then either dislodge themselves after the potholes become too big to contain them or are smoothed and worn down by the process of attrition as the river continues to flow over them.
Candidate B
These potholes are angular and uneven which causes the flow of water to be turbulent over them. However some of the potholes in the figure are more smooth and rounded. Potholes are formed when a small depression or hollow is created and pebbles of rocks become trapped in them. This material may then swirl around in the hollows and cause them to become larger and deeper due to abrasion. This process is known as pothole drilling and results in the formation of potholes. Hydraulic action may also be present in the formation of potholes as the force of the water may increase their size. This may be particularly evident at waterfalls where there is more force from the water at plunge pools. Potholes may join together to create sudden drops in the gradient of the channel.
(d)Describe and explain the formation of landforms resulting from rejuvenation. 15
Level 1: describes at least one landform; begins to explain; imbalanced. Generic waterfalls max level 1. 1-6
Level 2: specific description of at least 2 landforms; explanation is more focused; balanced 7-12
Level 3: clear purposeful description; clear links to process; recognises different types of same landform (terraces, meanders) 13-15
Candidate A
Rejuvenation is the process whereby a river is given more erosive power in the form of potential energy due to a drop in the river’s base level. The point at which this occurs is often indicated by a sudden drop in the channel bed known as a knick point. This often results in waterfalls as the increased erosive power allows a river to erode down through layers of hard rock that overly soft rock at a quicker rate leading to an overhang. The increased velocity of the water as it flows over the overhang leads to undercutting through erosion of the soft rock. Eventually the hard rock cap may collapse due to a lack of support and the debris is then used to rapidly abrade the surrounding rock by the turbulent flow of the water forming a plunge pool. An example of this is the High Force waterfall in Upper Teesdale, the tallest waterfall in the UK. This process may then continue causing the waterfall to retreat upstream forming a steep sided gorge.
Another landform that occurs as a result of rejuvenation is an incised meander such as the one at Durham in the north east of England. When rejuvenation occurs originating meanders can gain more potential energy which is used for increased vertical erosive power. The channel bed of the meander can be deepened leaving an incised meander with steep cliff like banks.
The other main landform associated with rejuvenation is terraced floodplains which are essentially floodplains at different elevation that occur on top of one another leading to different layers of flat land. Here, an increase in erosive power causes a sudden drop in the channel bed as the river erodes downwards. A new floodplain is created on the river’s new level of flow through lateral erosion and the deposition of its load following flooding. These floodplain terraces can often be identified in alternating steps of flat elevated land.
Candidate B
Knickpoints are formed due to rejuvenation as they show where the old long profile meets the new long profile. They are formed when the river is rejuvenating and trying to adjust to their new base level. Knickpoints may be small landforms or they may cause waterfalls due to the steep change in gradient. River terraces are also landforms resulting from rejuvenation. They are former floodplains which are left high above the level of the river. This is because as the river rejuvenates it cuts deeper into the ground and therefore a new floodplain is formed leaving the old floodplain (river terrace) above the level of the new one. Incised meanders are other landforms due to rejuvenation. There are two types of incised meander, ingrown and entrenched. Ingrown meanders occur when the meander keeps its meandering course but erodes vertically as it adjusts to the new base level. Ingrown meanders are asymmetrical in shape with a steep river cliff and more shallow slip off slope. Ingrown meanders are caused where the vertical erosion is quite slow. Entrenched meanders occur when vertical erosion is faster meaning that the meanders are more symmetrical in shape. They are very deep and have steep sides. Entrenched meanders are also caused due to the river keeping its meandering course, but has increased vertical erosion due to rejuvenation.
Core Human: Population change.
(a)Describe the pattern shown in Figure 6. 4
Point marked
Candidate A
The figure shows that migration is mainly negative or very low in the countries that joined the EU recently in May 2004. This is due to the population using their freedoms to migrate to wealthier countries of Europe. It also shows high migration levels in the sunnier countries of Portugal, Spain, Italy and Cyprus, 18/000. More central Europe such as Hungary and Germany have lower migration rates (2/000) as do colder countries such as Finland.
Candidate B
The overall pattern is one of increasing numbers of migrants entering countries. Every country in the EU except for four gained migrants. The four who didn’t all joined the EU in 2004 and they are some of the most easterly countries. The country with the highest numbers of immigrants are all located towards the south of Europe whilst those in the centre received the smallest number of migrants.
(b)Suggest reasons for the pattern. 5
Level 1: general reasons; limited number 1-3
Level 2: specific reasons; exceptions; variety of reasons 4-5
Candidate A
This is due to the Baltic states who have recently joined being poorer and having a lower quality of life. They are drawn into the wealthier countries due to the belief that pay is better, there is more employment, housing is better and general quality of life is better. It is also due to the freedoms gained from joining the EU. They can now move freely within Europe and set up residence. This has then increased migration to Spain and Cyprus due to better weather and to places such as the UK who offer better social welfare. France and Germany have lower migration due to them bordering so many countries which makes them easier to move out to somewhere else.
Candidate B
Spain, Italy and Cyprus each received over 10 immigrants per 1000 people in their population. This way due to large amounts of people in rich northern Europe countries going there to retire. This is particularly popular in countries like the UK where thousands of people aged over 60 leave each year for warmer climates. Poland and the three other countries that lost people during that period mostly lost men aged 18-45 who went overseas to look for better work. Many Polish workers came to the UK as they could earn on average four times more per week than they could in Poland. Some countries like Denmark and the Netherlands put restrictions on the number of migrants they allowed in which is why their migrant numbers are so small.
(c)Describe the population structure shown and outline the likely impact of the E European workers registered in the UK on this population structure. 6
Level 1: general description; separate accounts 1-4
Level 2: clear with evidence; clear impact stated; clear links 5-6
Candidate A
The population structure shows an increasingly ageing population with over 15% over the retirement age. It also has around 40% of the population not economically active causing a higher dependency ratio. The general structure is a bell shape with steep sides. Most of the eastern European workers are below 35. All of them are economically active which lowers the dependency ratio. By having an influx of workers who pay taxes it means that the retirement age doesn’t have to be raised and neither do taxes to pay for the not economically active. It is likely most of the workers are male and are coming over to set up ready for bringing their families over. This will cause a larger number of males in the 18-44 range and could create a gender ration imbalance. Also the influx of immigrants will cause a wider middle to the population structure as are in this age range.
Candidate B
The population structure shown in Figure 7a matches perfectly with Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition model. There are roughly equal numbers of men and women, the only exception being in people aged over 70 where there is around 0.25% extra females for each age group. There are no noticeable immigrants in the population and both sex’s largest age category is the 35-39 fitting in with the baby boom of the late 60s. However, the population is not increasing as only 6% of the population is aged 0-4.
The main impact of the eastern European workers would be an increase in the % of males aged 18-34. The majority of these workers will be men, so there isn’t a complementary female bulge. However, some families will come over with the workers and so the numbers of children is likely to increase as most eastern European are Catholic or Orthodox – where larger families are encouraged.
(d)Outline and comment on the economic and political consequences of population change. 15
Level 1: describes economic and/or political; simple points 1-6
Level 2: specific and precise; both econ/political; some support; tentative/implicit comment 7-12
Level 3: clear purposeful; clear exemplification; clear explicit comment. 13-15
Candidate A
Population change can have a large effect on the economy and politics. The net migration in the UK is 2% and this is causing a quick increase in population. This change has put a strain on public services such as the NHS and trains. For them to continue to run properly more investment is needed from the government. Also an increase in population can cause a large amount of unemployment as there aren’t enough jobs available. This means more people are relying on benefits and so the government requires more money. To gain this extra money for services and benefits the government has to increase taxes for those that are working. This can cause outrage and may lead to strikes which weaken the economy and weaken a party’s political power. If the increase in population is due to higher births then this raises the dependency ratio of the country. This can cause a raise in retirement age to increase the work force or a raise in taxes which is unpopular. However, if the population change is negative, then a different scenario occurs. There is no longer enough people to take up jobs which weakens the economy as its potential is not being filled. Also the lower population may cause businesses to shut as they can’t get enough custom. Also if the population is low a government may have to import a work force from abroad such as what has been done in the middle east to work on extracting oil. These workers however are mainly male and can cause a gender imbalance which can be unpopular.
There are some positive effects of population change, an increase means that there are more customers for shops and more people to tax which can strengthen a economy as people spend. Also a negative fall in population can make houses more widely available and lower the price as demand falls. Just as an increase can cause house prices to rise due to extra demand.
Candidate B
There are many economic and political consequences of population change. If the population increase then the results could be good or bad. It will provide a large workforce which can sustain economic growth and it could increase urbanisation too as rural areas are unlikely to be able to support larger numbers of people. However, population increases can have negative effects too. In Iran, 18 million children were born between 1981 and 1984. These were originally planned to help the Iranian economy and war effort but now Iran is suffering consequences. The unemployment rate for under 30 year olds is 28% and around 150000 college educated workers leave the country each year in search of work.
China also had to deal with a dangerous population increase – 94% of its 1.25 billion strong population lived on 40% of its land. The country’s natural resources were rapidly being used up and it put the government under a lot of pressure. As a result the political consequence was that in 1979 the one child policy was started which made people get a permit to have a child and only one was permitted per couple. China’s fertility rate decreased from 5.1% to 1.7% but it is now facing many other issues.
A decreasing population can also cause many problems. In France the fertility rate has been below replacement levels for a few years and problems are beginning to arise. The % of retired people has now increased to be almost double of those under the age of 16. As a result the government is receiving much less taxes than it used to – reducing France’s economic power. More money has to be spent on services and the health care system as well to deal with the ageing population. France is also being affected politically too – the older people (who make up the majority of voters) vote for right wing parties who won’t change France too much. Both of France’s presidents for the last few years have been right wing traditionalists.