Explanet Worksheet

Project Includes:100pts

  1. 1 set of Answered Planet Questions (see page 1-2)
  2. Paper scale model of Earth compared to your planet (see page 2)
  3. Age calculation for at least 4 friends or family members of varying ages (see page 3-4)
  4. 1of the following:

PowerPoint Presentation

Children’s Book (Min 6 Pages with Pictures)

Other –run it by me & I will decide if it is appropriate (NO POSTERS)

  1. Bibliography of sources
  2. Use photos, symbols, the name of your planet, or things associated with your planet to make an art image, T-shirt, sculpture, jewelry or decoupage. This piece should be something your group would be proud to display or wear.

Planet Questions:

In this activity, your group will research and answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper. You may retype the questions & do short answers or write the answers as complete sentence. Using this research, you will teach the rest of the class about your assigned planet through one of the activities above. As you work with your group, complete one copy of the following questions, keeping in mind that all will share the resulting grade. Learn to cooperate and share all the tasks of this project, as you are sharing the grade that you earn. Please answer the items below using complete sentences and showing your best work. Remember to incorporate them into your presentation.

  1. Name of your planet.
  1. How long is a day on your planet in Earth time? A year?
  1. What is the order of this planet from the sun?
  1. What is the average distance from the sun? (miles , kilometers and AU)
  2. Can someone see this planet easily, or is special equipment needed? If so what is it? Where & when is it visible?
  1. What is the average distance from Earth? (miles and kilometers)
  2. A. Give the mythological origin of the name of your planet.
    B. Why was that name chosen for your planet?
  1. Find a mythology from another culture related to your planet. (other than Greek or Roman if possible)
  1. What is the diameter of your planet in kilometers?
  1. Compare the size of your planet to that of the Earth. How much larger or smaller is your planet than the Earth?
  2. A. Compare the gravity of your planet to that of the Earth.
    B. If an object weighed 100 pounds on the Earth, what would it weigh on your planet?
  3. What is the temperature range, (highs and lows) found on your planet? (Fahrenheit and Celsius)
  1. What does your planet look like? Describe its colors, surface features, and unique features.
  2. List the common elements present and their state of matter (solid, liquid, gas).
  1. What is the atmosphere like on your planet? List the gases present and their percentages.
  1. What are the names of your planet's moons? Describe any unique features found on your planet's moons.
  1. What probes have been sent or will be sent to your planet? What did they find out? (If many missions have been sent, list the most important and their findings.).
  1. Based on what you have learned, do you think life as we know it can be found on your planet? Explain your answer using fact and reason.
  1. Give any other information that you would like to share about your planet. (What makes your planet unique? special? distinct from the others?)

Make A Model of Your Planet

You are going to visually compare the size of Earth to the size of your planet. Draw a to "scale" picture of your planet. For example Jupiter is about 11 times bigger than Earth. Scale means that Jupiter's picture is about 11 times bigger than Earth's.

Your pictures of the planets will be circles. There are two ways of measuring a circle. From one side to the other is the diameter. From the center to the side is the radius. The radius is one half the diameter.

Start with the Earth. Make the diameter 3 inches. One way to draw good circles is to use a compass. If you are using a compass, make the distance between the sharp point and the pencil equal to the radius of 1.5 inches. The sharp point will be at the center. Carefully, hold the sharp point down and drag the pencil around the whole circle without moving the pointy end.

Now make your planet using the chart on the next page. You may need a large piece of paper depending on your planet

Your ruler has markings between 1 and 2 for the fractions, or parts, of an inch. It may even have markings for eighths.

One way to draw a big circle is to use a piece of string with loops tied in it so that the loops are as far apart as the radius. Use one pencil in one loop at the center of the circle and use the other pencil in the other loop todraw the outside of the circle. Another person can hold one pencil down for the center, while you go around the outside of the circle, dragging the other pencil.

Be sure to put the planet's name on its drawing. Clicking on the planet name gives a picture of the planet.

Cut out your circles. You can color them.

Name / Diameter / Radius
Sun / 327 1/2 / 163 3/4
Mercury / 1 / 1/2
Venus / 3 / 1 1/2
Earth / 3 / 1 1/2
Mars / 1 1/2 / 3/4
Jupiter / 33 1/2 / 16 3/4
Saturn / 28 1/2 / 14 1/4
Uranus / 12 / 6
Neptune / 11 1/2 / 5 3/4
Pluto / 1/2 / 1/4

Age Calculation

To find your age according to the length of another planet's year, divide your age in Earth years by the period of revolution (in Earth years) of the planet listed in the table below. / Example:
I am 47 Earth years old. On Mercury's orbit, I would be, 47 years ÷ 0.241 = 195 years old
In Neptune's orbit, I would be, 47 years ÷ 164.8= 0.285 years old
Celestial Object / Period of Revolution (compared to Earth)
Mercury / 87.9 days
0.241 Earth years
Venus / 224.7 Earth days
0.615 Earth years
Earth / 1.0 Earth year
Mars / 686.9 Earth days
1.88 Earth years
Jupiter / 11.9 Earth years
Saturn / 29.5 Earth years
Uranus / 84.0 Earth years
Neptune / 164.8 Earth years
Pluto / 248.5 Earth years
The Sun / Not Applicable

Most of the data in this table is from Planet Hop at NASA's Starchild Project.