GPSEPC Meeting
February 20, 2017
Present: Linda Herkenhoff (LH), Ameera Ibrahim (AI), Craig Johnson (CJ), Sarah Vital (SV)
Present via telephone: Elizabeth Montaño (EM)
Guests: Arnav Sheth, Director of MS-FAIM program; Yung Jae Lee, SEBA Associate Dean for Graduate Programs; Kathy Porter, Professor of Mathematics
Minutes from previous meeting were approved previously via email and submitted for posting on the website.
- Welcome Ameera Ibrahim as new SEBA representative. Previous SEBA representative, Natasha Munshi, was relieved of committee duty after appointment to serve as chair of the EMBA program.
- Change to March meeting date. Due to scheduling issues, the March meeting date was changed to March 13 (same time)..
Old Business
- Communication letter to faculty for new courses- SV reported that our suggested language for the email to update the faculty on the requirement that GPSEPC see and review all new and significantly revised courses was sent to Chris Sindt December 12. She re-sent it today.
- Department name changes and Faculty Handbook updates- LH updated the committee on confusion from SEBA regarding the School’s internal use of the word “departments” and the word as used in the College’s governance rules outlined in the Faculty Handbook. This confusion is illustrated in debate whether GPSEPC needs to review name change proposals. LH has suggested to SEBA Dean, Zhan Li, to find areas in the handbook that are confusing and GPSEPC will review and suggest possible changes / clarifications to the Senate regarding language. AI will follow up on this.
- SEBA reorganization of EMBA- LH shared that the Provost has recently approved the changes proposed for the EMBA program. Since the review and approval by GPSEPC and Academic Senate, more changes have been proposed. GPSEPC discussed whether the changes to the proposal need to be reviewed again. Since the changes are somewhat substantive (even if more conservative), we should probably look over them again. LH will contact Chris Sindt and Mindy Thomas of the Academic Senate to see how to proceed.
- Of particular note, GPSEPC would like to know if it is prudent to ask the proposers to submit an addendum to be reviewed. This addendum should address 1) reasons for reducing number of cohort starts and concentrations offered; 2) course objectives of any new courses proposed; 3) rationale for the hybrid model.
New Business
- Finance name change- Arnav Sheth visited to share information and answer questions about a proposed name program / degree name change from MS-FAIM (Financial Analysis and Investment Management) to simply MS- Finance. He shared that the change will increase appeal in advertising and leave the program broad to potentially expand curriculum at a later time. The change is hoped to take affect Summer 2017.
- GPSEPC voted unanimously to endorse this proposal and forward to the Academic Senate for their next consent agenda (March 1). (4 yays; 0 nays; 1 absent from voting)
- EMBA program in China- Yung Jae Lee visited to share information and answer questions about a SEBA proposal for an EMBA program in Shenzhen, China. This would not be a new program, but would be a new location. Courses would be taught primarily by SMC faculty and would follow the already set format and content of the current EMBA program. No addition courses are proposed. The various questions posed by GPSEPC members were answered to satisfaction.
- GPSEPC voted unanimously to endorse this proposal and forward to the Academic Senate for their next consent agenda (March 1). (5 yays; 0 nays)
- Math 4+1- Kathy Porter visited to share information and answer questions about a new 4+1 program. The proposed accelerated program adds no new courses to either the undergraduate Math major or the graduate and credential programs offered through KSOE. This new program would simple be a pathway for undergraduate majoring in Mathematics to enter SMC’s KSOE and complete a teaching credential (and optionally a MA in Education) in one additional year.
- This proposal has already been reviewed and endorsed by UEPC.
- GPSEPC voted unanimously to endorse this proposal and forward to the Academic Senate for their next consent agenda (March 1). (5 yays; 0 nays)
-Meeting adjourned: 2:55 pm
-Minutes recorded by Sarah Vital (February 20, 2017)
-Minutes approved by GSPEPC via email on March 6, 2016(vote: 5 yays; 0 nays; 0 abstentions)