Intrapartum Care Clinical Study Group Proposal Review Summary

(Scoring will only be undertaken if requested or

immediately prior to submission for funding)


Trial/Study name:


Relevance of research question
Description of proposal / Mark / Tick as appropriate
Very important research questions; likely to result in patient/service benefit and have a strong impact on NHS or social care / 3
Important research questions and good patient/service benefit / 2
Interesting question but unknown impact on patients/services / 1
Unimportant / 0
What we liked about your proposal:
How you might improve your proposal:
What information we would like to have about your proposal:
Research design
Description of proposal / Mark / Tick as appropriate
Excellent research design to answer question / 3
Largely acceptable quality with prospect of making some impact despite identified weaknesses / 2
Potentially useful but borderline quality research design / 1
Serious scientific weaknesses or other major concerns / 0
What we liked about your proposal:
How you might improve your proposal:
What information we would like to have about your proposal:
User involvement in research
Description of proposal / Mark / Tick as appropriate
Active participation and influence of service users at all relevant stages of the project / 3
Well planned PPI that is likely to lead to user-informed outcomes but might be developed further / 2
Some elements of PPI but not well integrated and of questionable quality / 1
PPI components very limited or lacking altogether / 0
What we liked about your proposal:
How you might improve your proposal:
What information we would like to have about your proposal:
Research team
Description of proposal / Mark / Tick as appropriate
Strong team with good experience / 3
Competent and appropriate research experience / 2
Applicants without relevant research experience / 1
Key skills missing from research team / 0
What we liked about your proposal:
How you might improve your proposal:
What information we would like to have about your proposal:
Research question possible to recruit to
Description of proposal / Mark / Tick as appropriate
Study/trial it would be easy to recruit women to / 3
Study/trial it would be possible to recruit women to / 2
Study/trial it would be difficult to recruit women to / 1
Study/trial it would be impossible to recruit women to / 0
Additional comments:

Total mark given: /15

Feasibility of project:

Research question addresses identified priorities: Yes/No

Clinical trials Unit (CTU) involvement, if required: Yes/No

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