Project Management Plan 1

Project Management - Strategic Plan and Business Strategy

I. Business Plan

a. Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Marketing Objectives

b. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

c. Database of Personal/Professional Contacts to the organization

important information repository, mission critical information, basis of decision, future concepts, records administration, be controlled and issued documents, procedures, procedure revision control, records: retention requirements, physical and lists of impacted docs, legal, business, tax, corporation decisions, bylaws, votes, financial, business information requirements data, Q&A compliance dbase, business strategic dbase, the control all in one data base that has bz ops, engineering ops, schedule, forms, records, completed checks, sends out forms for completion and controls our daily ops. strategic, financial, tax and project schedules,

d. Internal Contracts- Employee’s, Consultants, and Inside Investors (3 Separate Forms)

e. Production Contracts- Outside Suppliers, Vendors, Manufactures, Partners,

Distributors, Trucking Companies, and Hired Help

1.Compensation package concept...Most associates are treated as independent contractors, with contracts of finite duration, and responsible for deliverables within projects having specified performance criteria. As a differentiation between employee and independent contractor, one primary test is forseen to be supervision of others, see A primary difference between a contractor and employee is treatment including tax withholding, and certain benefits. Directors are employees by virtue of their task of supervising others in the scope and acceptability of work performed by others for InOvate. Project Managers and independent consultants that provide goods or services for a specific scope or outcome may be independent contractors. Each person associated with InOvate is paid when profits are made, according to the hours they contribute as billable to a project, and ultimately from the success or failure of each individual project. Each person is responsible to account for billable hours, and indicate the parts and equipment resources expended for the project.

Business Ethics- How we do business.

Every bird wets his beak is the founding principle. Contributions by individuals involved in our project team determine the shares in profits. We do not fight to remove market share from others, instead we move on to other opportunities. Full integrity in our dealings, practicing honorable principles in all our affairs is our only acceptable method of operating. Parking our ego at the door, and doing what is best for everyone is at all times our guiding code. Performing business at a profit, for sustainable benefits to all involved, with regard for our ecological footprint, and social leadership and betterment of all who encounter our work is our ethical standard. Leaving the place better than when we got here is our final judge. Having a light heart and enjoying our labor is a metric along the way.

People offer their creativity, knowledge, skill and abilities to participate in the creative undertaking of developing, protecting, and marketing products that benefit mankind. Because each idea is a hope in raising the consciousness of mankind, or easing our burden, or cleaning up the present, using off-the-shelf technologies in new ways, a certain excitement and contribution is available that shows progress along a path, contribution, community and a noble opportunity to be of service.

As a result, our motivation is more than pay, our pay is more than dollars, more than shares in a common arrival of goods and services in the interest of continued commerce for an increase in material possession, it is essentially the act of successful giving and an acknowledgement of caring for the common man. We need to prosper, and treat ourselves well so that we can continue to have good to offer. Therefore, our financial remuneration is postponed, awaiting the results that provide accounts receivable to InOvate, and to its operators and contributors, for its work and that performed in the project that generates the revenue, i.e., the idea bringer, feasibility assessment writer, feasibility evaluation team, the developing engineer, the proof of concept prototype developer, the scheduler, the advertiser, the salesman, the patent draftsman, the project manager, the legal staff, the office assistant, the business contracting officer, and the government that provides a place to excel. In short, each person, organization or project that has contribution to any project that is a billable and necessary component of that project’s completion, support, or revenue stream is a project member. Each is accountable to register their projected hours for project needs, and using consistent metrics, their estimates are evaluated and approved by project management (generally, an InOvate Officer, Director or designated representative that is the managing partner in the project, a Project Manager who may be an individual contributor that manages the project, with subject matter expert(s), and others, whose functional input is deemed appropriate and necessary by project management) who are responsible to ensure the budget constraints, time resource loading documents and subsequent schedule enforcement is maintained. Each will wet their beak in the rewards gained in proportion to the value of the contribution made. The originator of an idea deserves compensation, likewise one that brings the idea into reality, and their level of effort may be very different, and that contribution to the paycheck received by InOvate shall be evaluated, and determined. It is the responsibility of InOvate to set consistent guidelines for reward in return for effort. Notwithstanding, a very appropriate remuneration is necessary to the contributor of the idea that allows the project to exist or move forward. To that end, a bonus may be offered by InOvate’s corporate parent, controlled by project majority ballot to direct a reward specific for genius over and above normal contribution as noted by project management.

A very real risk of having no sale or production occur is possible, and shall be intercepted prior to loss of revenue by our foresight, and business procedures. A position of no reward obtained for effort and resources expended is not tenable, and affects all, therefore, each individual in turn has the responsibility and authority to say Nay with each endeavor that appears to miss the mark, or is not well conceived or well executed. Each individual is responsible to the team for their performance, and can be majority voted off the team for non performance. Each team majority has the right to request a replacement management liaison when integration is not in the teams best interest. Each team majority has the right to retire the project. Each project will accrue revenues individually and have open accounting of profit/loss available on request to each member involved. Each original project member has the right to contract fulfillment on established profit, until such time as the project revenues are superseded by improvement or lost due to inapplicability to the market. Each Project’s accounting will provide and distribute funds when profits, if any, are received as accounts receivable attributed to that Project. Project operating expenses are accounted for and authorized by the Project Manager. Expenses over $300 have the same accountability, and are coauthorized by InOvate Management Representative. All single and recurrent consumables, equipment, research, travel and other expenses, used during the Project for furthering Project TRL are paid for out of Project gross profit, prior to bonus calculations. Net profit is defined as the remaining funds, and are distributed below.

As the originating business, InOvate’s portion is 60% of net project receipts. For this part, InOvate shall manage, staff and fund to fulfil our mission statement including corporate business responsibilities, providing sustainable growth, business processes, acquisition, and capitalizing development while maintaining employee’s equitable salary, including benefits as obtained, and remuneration to individuals including participation as Project Management Representative. When project funding is available, a management performance bonus guideline [1]minimum shall be an equivalence to the Board of the highest payment to any contributing Project member. Remaining funds are then designated as a one year prudent operating reserve incorporating reasonable economic forecast, then the remainder is distributed as follows: project genius bonus as requested, InOvate staff bonus, future project funding, basic research, for philanthropic, and social betterment projects including micro-financing individual entrepreneurs showing fulfilling our mission.

Each Project’s part (of the Project’s net accounts received by InOvate) is 40% distributed among each individual contributing participant. InOvate management, scheduling, clerical, advertising, legal, accounting, patent, office, (project support staff) bill at the rate appropriate to scope of their regular services, for the hours directly authorized by project management, and that total is the nominal compensation for their work on the project. The remaining funds of the project distribute among the team each according to the work and worth of their contribution. All net distributions are assigned payable at the same time, and are remitted to project individuals on a quarterly basis and support staff on an every two week schedule. A general guideline minimum shall be a equivalence to Inventor of the highest payment to any contributing Project member.

g. Taxes: Accountant for accurate financial records and dates when taxes will be due

h. Legal Representation- creation and development of internal and external business


i. Insurance- how much $ is needed to cover employee’s and product production

a. O & E insurance (JPL Insurance) see gmail Ambre, Patrick/ "InOvate" 93846

PCE&S/Gina... needs additional info to Quote

II. Project Flow

a. Designed so that InOvate “Profitably develops, protects and markets products that benefit mankind.” We will establish Rights and Trademarks of the Technology. This effort creates a legal, auditable, unified tracking, scheduling, compliant framework and control system that meets business reporting obligations, financial information systems needs, tracks status and development phases of multiple work scopes, provides for personnel work inputs, and verifiable contributions. In providing time resource loading, this vehicle provides a substantive compliance document that can be modified to yield optimal results, bringing systematic approach to business project development. In short this approach allows InOvate Inc. to grow the administrative and overhead support framework providing InOvate LLC Projects freedom to bring innovations to life....

A Bottoms UP vs Top Down philosophy....

b. Production Design Specifications

Process Flow Chart:

External inputs and constraints

Federal State and Local governmental regulation drivers

Financial obligations

Strategic planning,

Timeline Resource Loading

Step 1: External incoming idea process

a. via Teleconference (telecon) and Telecommunications (telecom)

b. web referral

c. mail / email

1.Voice Call

a.Request permission to record proceeding for QA purposes

b.NDA-send out

c.Record idea, concise, inclusive, specific

d.Repeat idea back verbally until client indicates he is in concurrence with concept. Playback [2]recording of idea, record concurrence, indicate both parties acceptance and agree on idea.

e.Perfom Preliminary Data Entry Process, name, contact data, download recording and clip to computer file (Brainiac)

f.Schedule Subject Matter Expert (SME) group responsible

g.Collect money. mc/visa POS

h.update records (Brainiac)

Step 2: Assig n Idea Number (Unique Identifier) in Brainiac

a.Enter DateTimeStamp+name ( this act marks Step 1 complete)

b.SME schedules review and confirms assignment on Brainiac (Eng/Bz/...)

c.NDA issue and return confirmation waits snail mail return, (Bz. Brainiac).

Step 3: SME Feasibility Report

a. Restate the idea on paper

b. internet google product search

c. internet google patent search

d. similar product search

Feasibility is then assessed.

If “no” Report goes to second opinion, following paperwork review, goes to Bz. for client closeout with non-actionable recommendation and NDA.

If “yes” goes for client contract and full feasibility [3]study

Step 4: Preliminary idea feasibility study:

i.inside our business mission it a new technology or existing

iii.need of technical assistance

iv.need of business assistance

v.need of legal assistance

Step 5: Planning

a. Initiate procedure

b. Development of the project

c. Funding feasibility (MAYBE manufacturers, MOU, generate

sales sheet, Letter of Intent)

d. Initiate the patent work (legal will evaluate regulations and need

to lobby regulators, allies and partners, strategic marketing)

i. Timeline- time resource loading (TRL), copyright, liability, provisional patent, trade secret

Output of step 5 is that we have finished feasibility evaluation, we now have a conceptual design document

Output of conceptual design document goes off to build the prototype:

Are we going to build to manufacture? or Are we going to license

Step 6: Proof of Concept Prototype

a. Build Prototype

i. Submit components list to admin if over $100.00

ii. Time Resource Loading

iii. Test Procedure

iv. Test Facilities

v. Conduct Prototype Test

vi Test Performance and Data Acquisition

vii. Data Evaluation

viii. Concept Findings

b. Engineered Test Doc Requirements

i. Beta Testing

ii. Third Party Inspections/Regulations Review Process

1. astm, nec,ul & ce approval reqs

iii. Feasibility Study complete w/recommendations

Output = proof of concept document

Step 7: Engineering Review

Output = Yes or No for functionality; If “yes,” then go to management decision for production prototype funding. If “no,” then redesign, modify for other applications, or stop.

Step 8: Production Prototype Funding Acquisition

a. Management Review Meeting

b. Funding Acquisition

c. Marketing Review

d. Sales Campaign with Sale Documents (Sales Sheet)

e. Selling Sales Agreements, Letter of Intent, MOU’s, Licensing

f. Manufacturing Marketing

g. Twinkie and Truck analysis

Output: Management Approval & source of financing

Step 9: a. Production Design Inputs

i. Q & A,

ii. Engineering Management.

iii. Design Analysis

iv. Contracts

v. Outsource

vi. Adaptations of other’s technology/ products

b. Production Phase Planning

i. Engineering

ii. Human Factors

iii. Marketing Research (see part III)

iv. Scheduling

v. Cost Analysis

1. Business, sales, engineering, business plan etc.

c. Legal

i. Project-specific patent App

ii. Patent [4]acquisition

iii. Fence patent

iv. Other patents, infringements, 3rd party assignments.

d. Contracts Negotiations

i. target suppliers list from Engineering

ii. negotiations

iii. projected cost analysis

iv. partnering agreement

v. antagonistic business strategy

vi. supply & transportation logistics, import export licenses,

1.bonding companies, power company, hired help projections (admin/specialty), facilities

c. Sales Sheet- Design may change with each project

d. Records of Minutes/Discussion

e. Existing Technology or Modification Research (What makes this worthwhile)

f. Viability (see step 3 of b.)

III. Market Research

a. Background- about the product

b. Audience Segmentation (Point of Sale)- Demographics, Psychographics, Lifestyle

c. Situation Analysis- Does the mat work effectively and how will it benefit the audience

based on our knowledge of the target audience.

d. Competitors

e. Funding Acquisitions

f. Target Segmentation

g. Marketing Evaluation- Based on data from market numbers (only credible

h. Measurements to compute raw data into effective processes

i. Strategic Communications Plan- create, develop, and implement (see next page

under Strategic Communications Plan

j. Statistical Analysis: mid-course/post-course corrections based on feedback and

generated sales

k. Sales Sheet (Tiffany)

-jpg conversion

-Corel9 design

-bitmap version

IV. Engineering Evaluation

1.Determine requirements and execute feasibility study

a.How far along is the technology?

i.Are there any leaps that need to be made?

ii.Is it just bringing existing technologies together?

b.What is required for a proof of concept prototype?




c.Approximate development cost, time, and resource requirements

d.Approximate production unit cost and equipment requirements

2.If determined to be feasible: Create engineering plan for proof of concept and path for first prototype

a.Identify major technological hurdles

b.Identify major resource requirements

c.Identify any potential lead time issues

d.Create basic development timeline and resource requirements

3.Once decision to develop is made, flesh out prototype plan and execute

4.Evaluate post-proof of concept and revise feasibility and production predictions

a.If IP is generated, execute patent or copyright applications

5.If re-evaluation is positive, create prototype development plan

6.Execute prototype development plan.

7.Evaluate post-prototype and revise feasibility and production predictions

a.If additional IP is generated, execute patent applications

8.If re-evaluation is positive, create plan for DFM (Design For Manufacture) prototype

9.Either create manufacture or licensing plan

V. Strategic Communication Plan

a. Media Platforms for advertising, sales, and promotions

b. View/Record different communication strategies and tactics used by competition

which either worked or didn’t work

c. Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Focus Groups with Interviews or Surveys for

target audience response across multiple communication channels

d. Advertisements and Promotions- Print Ads, Brochures, Posters, Webmail, Direct

Mail, Sales sheets

e. Organizing promotional events (i.e. exhibits, conferences, and symposiums)

f. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

g. Recommendations for future research

VI. Crisis Communications Plan

a. Travel- Employees

b. Natural Disasters- Earthquakes, Fire, or Flood

c. Environmental Consequences

d. Press Reports

e. Legal Reports- Specific Patents (Part License number and Model Specification)

f. Tax Records and Reports- MARA requirements, accountants

g. Death in the Company

h. Family Member Death- Work Release and Reassigning of Project Work

i. Financial Downturn- steps to move forward, how to generate money in tough


VII. Organization Website

a. Webmaster and Web Designer