Spalding Parish Church of England Day School
Clay Lake, Spalding. Lincolnshire. PE11 2QG
Tel: 01775 722333Fax: 01775 712983
Head Teacher: Glyn Rushton B.Ed. Hons. NPQH
28th September 2012
Dear Parent/Carer
Please may I remind you that as a Parent/Carer you have a legal obligation to ensure your child is in school each day it is open. If your child is unable to be in attendance due to an illness I would ask that you inform the school office on 01775 722333 preferably before 9.30am on the first day of absence.
On your child’s return to school please provide written confirmation of the reason for the absence on the specified day’s absence.
Medical Appointments
Please avoid making medical appointments during school time. If you have to take your child to a medical appointment during this time, please provide proof of the appointment eg. appointment letter.Where possible, please bring your child to school before or after the appointment; please do not take the whole day off. I will only authorise the time needed for the appointment, I will not authorise the whole day.
This year each class teacher is planning morning activities that take place on entry to the classroom before the register is taken, to support the children’s learning from assessments undertaken from previous learning. Therefore, if your child arrives late they will be missing vital learning opportunities that will address misconceptions or that provide further input to support their learning.
If you are finding it difficult to get your child to school on time do not hesitate to contact me to discuss the options.
Holidays during Term Time
Parents/Carers should not normally take their children on holiday during the school term. As Head Teacher, I am able to use my discretion when granting parental requests. Each request will be considered individually taking into account the age of the child, previous attendance patterns, parental views and the educational progress of the child. If a request is not granted and the parent/carer takes the child on holiday, the absence will not be authorised. If a request is granted the absence should not normally be for more than two weeks in any school year. If the holiday goes on for longer than agreed, the extra days absence will be unauthorised.
Thank you very much for your support in this matter. Together I hope that we can ensure every child’s daily attendance, on time, so that they do not miss any of the carefully planned learning opportunities that are being provided.
Yours sincerely
Glyn Rushton
Head Teacher
We are a Caring Christian Community built on
Compassion, Trust, Friendship and Hope