30 Nov 2005

Yaacov Cohen

I Go – Brand structure


Here you have my proposal for the I Go brand structure. It is purely judgemental.

1. Current situation

Cars and advanced, more available transportation systems gave people more freedom (to move around) and increase their coverage and interests areas. This, together with more complex urban communities, made target finding harder, and getting lost easier. That’s why, for most people, movement happens in controlled areas – territories that they know, or where information about various targets are available, either through maps or random advice receiving.

GPS systems are present in Romania; however, yet, no navigation systems: meaning something that helps moving from A to B in unknown land, without stopping to consult a map or ask for directions. This is only temporary: as digital maps are available, navigation and voice navigations systems will soon show up.

1.1. Current perception about GPS systems / navigations

·  Technically advanced

·  Financially unaffordable

·  Current gizmo in West, yet not available for less developed countries

1.2. Target expectations

·  Easy to use, affordable, reliable navigation service

·  Offering peace of mind and easy – moving –around not only in Romania, but in most European countries as well


2.1. Strengths:

·  Already working in Hungary, Slovenia, Israel

·  First in Romania

·  Delivering the same level of quality and detail in navigation services as any other well known competitor, but in more territories than others

·  Smashing success in Israel (over 15,000 pcs. sold to date, this year)

·  Works on any type of PDA on an SD-card memory

·  Many working features (Multilingual menu, including English & Romanian, Multipoint route planning, Door-to-door navigation - with automatic re-routing, Automatic day/night mode switching)

·  The ‘Black Box’

2.2. Weaknesses:

·  Europe(west Europe) not ready

·  Different maps for different countries / not expanded yet -> this incurres more costs

·  Messy / different bits and pieces (difficult to use)

·  Cannot be used indoors

·  Dependant on satellites and electronic map quality

·  Israeli (Middle east) origin

2.3. Threats:

·  Undeveloped market

·  Similar competitors

·  Slow updating map

2.4. Opportunities:

·  The next trend in communication

3. Objective & strategies

3.1. The main objective is to grab target’s attention and generate sales as soon as possible. We are looking for fast awareness, and association of the navigation concept with I Go. We want also pre-emption, meaning to be the first in the consumer mind with such a service.

3.2.  Positioning

Highly advanced, easy to use navigation systems, with roots in the military technology.

3.3. Working strategy

Aligning. Same reliable, easy to use, GPS supported systems that work everywhere. Familiar interface (PDA or car screen).

·  Electronic,

·  light,

·  compact,

·  GPS based,

·  electronic map based


·  Affordable

·  More accurate, because it’s tested by the Israeli army

·  Available for Romania too, not only for West Europe

·  Available for car video, not only PDAs

Specific features

·  Easy to use

·  Serviced

·  Romanian customized

·  European –wide extended

·  PDA and car video supported

3.  Main message/ desired equity

I Go is a navigation system:
·  Highly advanced, therefore more financially affordable
·  Available in Romania, designed for Romanians – as Europeans
·  Easy – to – use
·  Supported by Israeli army technology
Unique Selling Proposition (differentiation point) - ‘More affordable than others’

5. Brand structure

5.1. Target

Yuppies, middle class, foreigners, fitze –seeking, IT heads, business users

·  Prime: Main target – 25-35 urban young well travelled, willing to experiment females and males (discoverers)

·  Second: Conservative business –like 35 and up males

5.2. Accepted Consumer Belief

It’d difficult to get from A to B if you don’t know the area. (‚shortest way is the known way’)

5.3 Reason to Believe

It’s up and running in the Western countries

It’s endorsed by military technology (GPS)

5.4. Benefits

Freedom to move

Find your way / Avoid get lost

Peace of mind

Time saving – money saving

Sharp personal image (fitze)

Emotionals: Young, happy, easy- go –lucky, together, travel, discovery, Freedom, peace of mind, interior peace, sure of myself, knowledgeable, solution –generator, leading

5.5. Attributes

·  Easy to use

·  Romanian friendly

·  European expandable

5.6. Brand character

Reliable, Supporting, Protecting, Knowledgeable, Helping, Reassuring, Consistent

‚The little elf that knows, it’s always there for me, and shows me the way.’

Suggestive similar characters: the elf in Lord of the Rings – but not evil -, Neghinita – Romanian character

6. Execution

6.1. Communication and graphic elements (recommended):

·  Wings

·  Youth

·  Happiness

·  Lifted

·  Peace of mind

6.2. Media relations

·  Newsletters

·  Press conferences

·  Interviews

·  Press maps

·  Advertorials

·  Press events

6.3. Public relations



6.4. Advertising


Technical, lifestyle and car magazines

Respectfully yours,

Concept Marketing & Vânzări

Laurenţiu Curcă

+723 300 735, +21 335 6787