RAC- V Meeting Minutes
Meeting Name: / BoardMeeting Date: / February 28, 2014
Meeting Place: / Rio Grande Regional Hospital
Meeting attended by:
Proxy Attendants: / Deborah Meeks, Frank Torres, Noel Garcia, Dawn Woods, Rudy Garza, Connie Manley, Raul Barreda, Mack Gilbert, Cynthia Shartle, Jorge Trevino, Dr. Carlos Garcia Cantu, Dr. Ruben Lopez
Jorge Trevino Proxy for Rene Perez, Noel Garcia Proxy for Lutano Villarreal
Guest: / Roy Tamayo
Agenda Item: / Discussion: / Action:
Call to order / Deborah Meeks
Introductions / No introductions needed
Approval of Minutes for January 31, 2014 / Frank Torres made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Jorge Trevino. / Motion approved.
Discussion and possible action on ACS TSA Planning Process/Benchmarks and Indicators Scoring (BIS) Tool.
Discussion and possible action on Stroke Data Criteria.
Discussion and possible action on Trauma Data Criteria
Discussion and possible action on TSAV exercise’s and activity.
Discussion and possible action on membership dues outstanding.
Discussion and possible action on Organization name change.
Discussion on FY14 County Assistance allotment allocation eligibility. / Dawn Woods informed the committee ACS will be sending out a survey (BIS) to each RAC, they are suggesting each RAC get a group of people who can review it, develop, and answer the questions. ACS wants to come out, see how each RAC is doing, and see how well they are doing. They want us to revamp the question not change it just word it to where it’s more accruable to our Region and a state.
Matthew mentioned on the second day of the meeting they completely said the first meeting was very challenging moving forward. The Benchmark Indicator Scoring Tool it was originally 113 questions, the state and trauma systemthat were there broke it down to 60 questions.The state wants it submit back to them by April 1st. Once it’s completed the document will go to all the RAC’s and all the state holders in the RAC. Individually the state holders will submit it directly to ACS. When ACS gets it they will compile all the information and data they get back. Then they will visit our RAC to give us an assessment where we stand as a RAC to figure out in a scale of 1 to 10 why some report a one and some report a 10 and see the difference and to find out what exactly works and doesn’t work. This is the whole purpose of this tool.
Mack Gilbert suggested the Board Officers review the (BIS) instead of forming a committee.
Jorge Trevino suggested when reviewing the BIS if there are certain questions pertaining to certain other individuals, an engineer or a physician the executive board should reach out to them about those specific questions.
Matthew Baker mentioned the state will distribute $2,000 to stroke for gathering stroke and cardiac data on a monthly basis, the state wants to see results on something they can track.
Deborah Meeks suggested Stroke and Cardiac each develop their own data criteria. Deborah had already discussed with Matthew Baker and Jeremy Bradshaw in developing a registry for our region and analyzing the data that comes in. Deborah Meeks met with the trauma coordinators and they are working on developing a goal to formulate there data.
Jorge Trevino mentioned the if the
Pre-hospital providers have the capability collecting certain elements they should be collected and be confident the data will be received.
Deborah mentioned our goal for the organization this year to capture our Data, look at our needs and resources.
Noel Garcia made a motion to table the regional stroke destination protocol, seconded by Dr. Ruben Lopez.
Trauma Data Criteria was discussed with the Stoke Data Criteria.
Dawn Woods suggestedtalking with the pre-hospital committeeto address, when doing drills,the results of the distribution of patients in the drill. After the McAllen drill, Dawn Woods will be having a meeting to sit down and talk as hospital and EMS about how it went
Mack Gilbert explained the drill is a mandatory drill for airports that is done every three years by Michael Fray from McAllen City Airport.
Dawn Woods suggested coming up with consensus on a triage tag we can get to our cities that is uniformed.
Connie Manley suggested Matthew Baker visit the airport, see if we can partner with them, and have the RAC become a big component in the drill that way all of our hospital participate and knock out the community drill we are required to do. The RAC can become a participating drill level.
Dr. Carlos Cantu mentioned there has to be more physician involvement in this type of field. We need to get organized to get prepared to know what is coming and what is going on.
Deborah informed there are a few hospitals and EMS providers that have not paid their dues, letters were sent out stating dues were to be received by the end of January.
Matthew mentioned a discussion at the TETAF meeting was brought out on the organization name, several organization identify themselves the idea with that is when they are talking with legislators individuals they want to try to get some kind of confirmative of what RAC’s are calling themselves.
Dr. Ruben Lopez explained the names has to do with the RAC Regional Academic Center medical school, we didn’t want anyone toconfuse us with the medical school name. That’s one of the main reason we called ourselves the TRAC.
Deborah Meeks mentioned Erik informed herto train herself to say Regional Advisory Council V, his point was when we go to the state meeting an your talking to the legislators or the Chairs ofGETAC or anybody else, when they talk with one person from TRAC and another one from Hot RAC they might not make the connection but when they get introduced to twenty-two people from a Regional Advisory Council A-V it starts to make an impression that this is a very strong group. That was Erik’s intent to show our unity and increase our numbers in awareness bybeing uniformed by the way we introduce ourselves.
Matthew asked is the County Assistant EMS funds totaling $64,166.00 that was received should be broken down by county. Those who were not eligible their portion gets split to EMS in their county.
Deborah Meeks informed the eligibility for the EMS Funds is participation in your RAC attending quarterly meeting and paying yearly dues.
Frank Torres mentioned we have a policy that states s how the funds will be distributed. / The Board Officers will review the (BIS)
No action taken
Motion approved.
Matthew Baker will havethe Pre-Hospital committee look at standardizing their field triage tags.
Matthew will visit the airports in McAllen, Brownsville, and Harlingen to help coordinate the drills since they are mandatory.
Late notices will be sent out to the hospital and EMS. Matthew will reach out to the Board members and Trauma Coordinators of those facilities.
Deborah Meeks encourages very one to introduce themselves in public or at the state level as Regional Advisory Council V.
Matthew will review minutes from last year’s EMS meeting to check the final approval of fund distribution.
Discussion and possible action in RAC V membership requirements for Trauma and Stroke designated facility.
Elect Board representation for Physicians and Cameron County EMS 911 (1) and Hidalgo County non 911 (1)
TETAF update – Roy Tamayo / Mathew mentioned the stroke committee has been losing membership they want to know what criteria the RAC hold hospitals
to in order to get their letter from the RAC.
Deborah Meeks mentioned the By Laws state their hospital has to be a member and they have to participate in a subcommittee and pay their dues.
Jorge Trevino asked if we have any information from other RAC’s across the state as how they handle this membership participation.
Frank Torres made a motion to have elections at our next Board meeting in March and between now and then we have nominations made to the nominating committee.
Dr. Ruben Torres asked if the bylaws mention we need to have a nominating committee meeting.
Noel Garcia replied No.
Noel Garcia asked Frank Torres if he will rescind his motion.
Deborah advised floor is open for Cameron County Physician representation for the Board.
Dr. Ruben Lopez made a motion to nominate Dr. Carlos Barbaas the physician for Cameron County representation, seconded by Connie Manley.
Dawn Woods made a motion to nominate Dr. Raul Barreda as the physician for Hidalgo County,
Mack Gilbert made a motion to nominate Dr. Steven Glorsky as the physician for Hidalgo County.
Dr. Raul Barreda made a motion to nominate Dr. Carlos Garcia Cantu as the physician to represent Willacy County.
Mack Gilbert made a motion to nominate Dr. Steven Glorsky as the physician for Willacy County.
Dr. Raul Barreda made a motion to nominate
Dr. Edgar Cruz to represent Starr County on the Board.
Mack Gilbert made a motion to nominate Dr. Steven Glorsky to represent Starr County on the Board.
Noel Garcia made a motion to nominate Dr. Margo to represent Starr County on the Board.
Cynthia Shartle made a motion to table Starr County Board representative until those making the nomination verify with the candidate if they are willing serve on the Board, seconded by Frank Torres.
Rudy Garza made a motion to re-elect Rene Perez as EMS representative for Cameron County on the Board, seconded by Jorge Trevino.
Rudy Garza made a motion to re-elect Mack Gilbert as EMS representative for Hidalgo County, seconded by Frank Torres.
Roy Tamayo reported TETAF is reviewing the sunset advisory commission is reviewing every agency in the state. TETAF is a legislative action organization they are involved in the commission. The twelve member commission is a legislative body that reviews the policies and programs for more than one hundred and fifty government agencies every twelve years.
Another big thing is injury prevention they have a Just Drive Campaign that is being put out by TETAF Injury Prevention it is broken out in three little towns throughout the state. This has to do with driving and distraction by texting and cell phone use, this will go out to all injury prevention committee in every TRAC. This will break out to the state in September.
Deborah Meeks mention she and Matthew Baker attended the TETAF leadershipmeeting in Austin. The administrator, Chair and Vice Chair mention they are our body for legislative action and if there is anything we want from them they want that communicated to them. They are very open to our needs and being our advocate.
The big item this year on their agenda is the HPP funding which they do anticipate will be cut drastically they are looking for feedbackfrom the users, even though we are not the administrator of the grant our facilities and our providers benefit from having that money in our region. Their question was if we want them to be their advocate for that and it was a unanimous yes. Please put together the information shows how it benefits each region. If you are working with a HPP committee within our region please active on that.
Deborah Meeks also mentioned TETAF administrator asked if HPP funding was pulled from your RAC can you survive. They walk through it, said look at your resources, look at what you can do in a RAC, and look for additional resources of funding.
Deborah Meeks stated Matthew did receive the sunset advisory it’s a 200 page document they will be looking over and forming a committee to answer the questions. / Matthew Baker will check with other RAC’s on how they handle membership participation.
Frank Torres rescinded his motion.
Motion carried unanimously with a voice vote - 13 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion carried unanimously for Dr. Raul Barreda with a voice vote of 12 yeas, 1 nay.
Motion carried unanimously for Dr. Steven Glorsky with a voice vote of 1 yea, 12 nays.
Motion carried unanimously for Dr. Carlos Cantu with a voice vote - 13 yeas, 0 nays,
Motion carried unanimously for Dr. Steven Glorsky with a voice vote - 1 yea, 12 nays
Motioned approved.
Motion carried unanimously with a voice vote -
13 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion passed unanimously with a voice vote - 13 yeas, 0 nays.
No action needed
Old Business / Dr. Ruben Torres asked what happened in the lawsuit the TRAC was in.
Deborah Meeks informed the insurance paid what was owed to the TRAC from the credit card fraud. / No action needed.
New Business / Deborah reminded the Board members to sign the attestation letterthat were due at the last Board meeting and watch the required video.
Deborah Meeks informed the committee of Bill 1191 a new law that came out September 1, 2013 it requires the hospitals to have regional designated SANE sanctuary for forensic exams and sexual assaults. Deborah suggested for Matthew Baker we get a list of our SANE capable facilities and put that in the bylaws so hospitals can be identified as a region.
Cynthia Shartle suggested for the list to state if the hospital is a 24/7 facility, capabilities and the level of the hospital. / No action needed.
Next Meeting Date / March 21, 2014 at Harlingen Medical Center.
Meeting adjourned / There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.