Waiting on The World To Change

Opening Program

The International Service Fund is a fund that is not BBYO’s charity, but instead it is our way of strengthening Jewish life by making BBYO better. ISF is the financial tool through which we build a more effective organization for our members and for others. Around the world programs and organizations depend on ISF for funding and support. In fact, as you will discover, you also depend on ISF to get the most out of your BBYO experience. The money that is raised for the I$F not only benefits BBYO when it comes to summer programs, but a large portion of I$F Money also goes to the JDC (Jewish Joint Distribution Committee). Before I explain anymore about these two things, the I$F and JDC, please get in a big circle.

- get group in a circle

- hand one person a ball of yarn

-explain that we will be reading out questions that have to do with I$F and the JDC

-I know how BBYO and the JDC & I$F can help make a difference in the world.

-I have loose change that I donate to I$F through WOW2C.

-I know that the JDC stands for the Joint Distribution Committee.

-I know that the six parts of the JDC are rescue, relief, renewal, Israel, non-sectarian aid, and operating principals.

-I know that Waiting on the World to Change (or WOW2C) is an initiative fundraising plan that donates loose change to the I$F to help Jews all over the world.

-I know that I$F stands for the International Service Fund.

-I know that some I$F money helps pay for BBYO’s amazing summer programs!

-I know that a portion of the money raised through BBYO goes directly to I$F and later the JDC.

-I know that people in crisis, the elderly, children, and women are groups that are aided by the JDC.

-I know the JDC gets funds and distributes money to Jews everywhere and others in need.

-I know that I$F is a part of BBYO.

- I know that the I$F is who BBYO gives money to and that a large percent of funds goes directly to BBYO and the rest goes to scholarships, international order, and so on.

-I know that BBYO fundraisers can donate a portion of their money to the I$F which will help Jews in need through the JDC.

-I know the JDC helps Jewish people in need not just in America.

-I know specific examples that are helped through the JDC include women's health programs and natural disasters such as the Myanmar Cyclone.

- I know that the JDC is not the only way BBYO helps Jews.

-I know that the JDC aided Jews in Palestine in 1914.

- I know that the mission of the JDC is to "serve the needs of Jews throughout the world, particularlywhere their lives as Jews are threatened or made difficult".

- I know that the Children in Need Program is ran through the JDC that helps to reassure families and kids that their lives are secure through sponsoring programs like summer camps.

-I know that WOW2C isn't the only way that I can donate to other Jews.

-I know that the JDC also helps to strengthen communities such as Israel, Argentina, and Russia.

The web that was created represents what I$F does for the Jewish world. They all have something in common because they are helped by I$F through the JDC. This relates to us because we’re all from different cities in the South East, but we are all connected because we are all aware of I$F and we want to raise money for it as well as the fact we are all connected through BBYO and Dixie Council. The purpose of “Waiting on the World to Change” is to educate members in Dixie Council about how the ISF is a major part of the world around them. Our goal is to make sure that members know where the money they donate to the ISF is going. We plan on educated them about the JDC as well. Each program in this initiative is centered around a different organization that ISF benefit. Some of the programs in this initiative will also be a fundraiser. We also plan to educate members in the local community about the ISF. Our logo for the initiative is kids from different cultures holding hands around the earth with the Dixie Council logo in the center. The purpose of the Dixie Council logo is to show that the money we are donating from Dixie is helping people all over the world. The more we educate our members and raise money for the ISF, the more we will be able to help the world change. People need to stop waiting on the world to change. We are trying to convey the positive aspect of “waiting”. At Labor Day, we are doing a loose change fundraiser. If you have brought any loose change with you, please put it in the box!