Joel William Goldstein, Ph.D.

(949) 380-1756


Summary: Twenty-three years of Federal substance abuse and mental health research and services program management. Responsibilities included basic, applied, and services research, and prevention; career awards; general extramural policy and procedures; and general policy and program coordination. Eight years of research, teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and service in the Psychology Department of Carnegie-Mellon University. Retired from Federal service September 30, 1997, under “early out” opportunity .

Born: June 5, 1939, Chicago, Illinois


The University of Kansas, Ph.D., Social Psychology, 1966

Second elective: Personality

Minor field: Human Relations

The University of Kansas, M.A., Psychology, 1963

Grinnell College, B.A., Psychology, 1961

Professional Experience:

Consultant, 1997 to present. A variety of projects for the National Institute of Mental Health and The Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration (SAMHSA) and it’s components, including the SAMHSA National Advisory Council, the Center for Mental Health Services, and The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

Director, Extramural Programs, Office of Policy and Program Coordination, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) , September 1996 to September, 1997.

Acting Associate Administrator for Extramural Programs, SAMHSA, November 1993 to September 1996.

Deputy Associate Administrator for Extramural Programs, SAMHSA, October 1992 to September 1996.

Deputy Associate Administrator for Extramural Programs, and Director, Division of Program Analysis, Office of Extramural programs, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA), January 1988 to September 1992.

Associate Director for Planning, and Director, Division of Science Planning and Policy Analysis, Office of Science, ADAMHA, November 1985 to January 1988.

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Deputy Associate Administrator for Prevention, ADAMHA, October 1985.

Deputy Chief, Center for Prevention Research, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), September 1983 to September 1985.

Executive Secretary, Research Scientist Development Review Committee, NIMH, January 1982 to August 1983.

Acting Chief, Basic Research Review Branch, NIMH, June 1981 to January 1982.

Executive Secretary, Social Sciences Research Review Committee, NIMH, 1975-1981.

Acting Chief, Social Sciences Section, NIMH, April-July 1977.

Social Sciences Program Specialist, NIMH, 1974-1975.

Assistant Professor of Psychology and Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1966-1974.

Associate Instructor, Department of Human Relations, The University of Kansas, summer 1964.

Research Assistant, affiliation research, Dr. Howard Rosenfeld, Bureau of Child Research, The University of Kansas, summer 1963.

Research Assistant, Comparative Studies of Organizations, Dr. Jay Jackson, The University of Kansas, summer 1962.

NIMH Trainee in social psychology, The University of Kansas, 1961-1964. Research assignments with Drs. Howard Baumgartel, Douglas Price-Williams, Herbert Wright, Howard Rosenfeld, and Fritz Heider.

Summer Research Fellow, Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc., Washington, D.C., July-August 1961.

Research Assistant, Grinnell College Interdisciplinary Community Power Structure Project, June 1961.

SAMHSA Major Reports, Presentations, and Special Assignments (partial list):

SAMHSA representative Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Task Force on Academic Health Centers, Research Work Group, and agency staff lead, 1997

Presentation: Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Measures for SAMHSA’s Knowledge Development and Application Program, May 1997.

Policy Paper: SAMHSA’s Knowledge Development and Application Program, 1996-97

Liaison to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, 1996-97

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Policy paper: On the Nature, Composition, and Evaluation of Demonstration Grants Or The Nature of True Demos, 1995.

Invited Presentation at Senator Edward Kennedy’s Grants Day meeting, Boxboro, MA, 1994.

Chair, Extramural Policy and Review Committee.

Chair, Strategic Plan Field Involvement Committee.

Chair, Customer service (National Performance Review) Committee.

Chair, Extramural Data Policy Committee.

Report: A Standardized Extramural Data System for SAMHSA, May 1993.

Chair, Participant Protection (Human Subjects) Committee.

Organizer, Annapolis Conference on Protection of Participants in Services Programs, Annapolis, MD, November 1994.

Agency Representative to Public Health Service (PHS) Customer Service Committee.

Agency Representative to DHHS Implementation Group on Research Integrity and Misconduct.

Agency Representative to the DHHS Continuous Improvement (National Performance Review) Committee.

Agency Research Integrity Liaison Officer, US PHS Office of Research Integrity.

Agency representative to PHS Human Subjects Regulations Committee.

ADAMHA Major Reports and Presentations (partial list):

Report: ADAMHA’s Plan for Research Funding and Management of Research Costs (Prepared for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), June, 1991).

Principal author, Science Education Partnership Award (Joint ADAMHA/NIH Request for Applications, February, 1991).

ADAMHA Evaluation Plan FY 1989 - FY1990, (Office of Extramural Programs, July 1988).

Report: Addressing the Shortage of Young ADAMHA Principal Investigators (Report to Congress, 1988).

Report: Age Trends of ADAMHA Principal Investigators (March 1988).

Report: A Proposed ADAMHA Science Issues Identification, Analysis, and Development Process (June, 1987).

Policy Issuance: ADAMHA Policy on Extramural Research Program Staff Roles (May, 1987).

Report: ADAMHA Report on Research Grant Cost Stability (May, 1987).

Report: ADAMHA Infrastructure Needs (February, 1987).

Report: Average Grant Costs (Prepared for and presented to OMB, May, 1986).

Report: Health and Behavior (April, 1986).

Policy proposal: Family Health Initiative (June, 1986).

Report: ADAMHA Support Mechanisms Work Group (July, 1986).

Preparation of presentations for the Administrator of ADAMHA for:

The Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology (1991)

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (October, 1986)

Ad Hoc Steering Committee (American Association of Medical Colleges; December, 1986)

Assistant Secretary for Health (1985-87).

Presentations to the Office of Management and Budget:

ADAMHA Average Grant Costs, 1975-1985

Role of Other Research Mechanisms in ADAMHA programs

Other Reports and Presentations:

Approximately 170 presentations at professional meetings reporting research on various topics in social psychology, student drug usage, behavioral aspects of computers, graduate training and career development, and NIMH, ADAMHA, and SAMHSA extramural procedures, priorities, and programs.

Six technical reports in the area of student drug use and drug education (Carnegie-Mellon University).


Reboussin, R. and Joel W. Goldstein (order of authorship arbitrary), Achievement motivation in Navaho and white students. American Anthropologist, 1966, 68, 740-745. Enlarged version reprinted in: H.M. Bahr, B.A. Chadwick, and R.C. Day, Eds., Native Americans Today, Harper and Row, 1972, 172-177.

Baumgartel, H. and Joel W. Goldstein, Need and value shifts in college training groups. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1967, 3, 87-101.

Goldstein, Joel W. and H. M. Rosenfeld, Insecurity and preference for persons similar to oneself. Journal of Personality, 1969, 37, 253-268.

Goldstein, Joel W., The psychology of conflict and international relations: A course plan and bibliography. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1970, 14, 113-120.

Goldstein, Joel W., “Social Psychology for Whom?” Review of Topics in social psychology, Charles A. Kiesler (Ed.), Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1969. Contemporary Psychology, 1970, 15, 488-492. Includes reviews of the following six volumes:

E. Berscheid and E.H. Walster, Interpersonal attraction; J.H. Davis, Group performance; K.J.Gergen, The psychology of behavior exchange; K.E. Weick, The social psychology of organizing; P. Zimbardo and E.E. Ebbesen, Influencing attitudes and changing behavior: A basic introduction to relevant methodology, theory, and applications.

Lowe, Charles A. and Joel W. Goldstein, Reciprocal liking and attributions of ability: Mediating effects of perceived intent and personal involvement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1970, 16, 291-297.

Holstein, Carolyn A., Joel W. Goldstein, and Daryl J. Bem, The Importance of Expressive Behaviors, Involvement, Sex and Need-Approval in Inducing Liking. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1971, 7, 534-544.

Joel W. Goldstein, Testimony and summaries of research project, In: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Alcoholism and Narcotics of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate, Ninety-second Congress, First Session, on Narcotics and Alcoholism, Part I. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971, 153-170, and 589-594.

Joel W. Goldstein, Putting the pieces together. Communique, 1971, No. 4.

Joel W. Goldstein, Drug education worthy of the name. Impact, 1972, 1, (4), 18-24, 64.

James H. Korn and Joel W. Goldstein, Psychoactive Drugs: A course evaluation. Journal of Drug Education, 1973, 3 (4), 353-368.

Joel W. Goldstein and Terry C. Gleason, On the significance of student marijuana use for intended use of other drugs. Proceedings, 81st Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, 1973, 8, 305-306.

Joel W. Goldstein, Motivations for psychoactive drug use among students. In, B. Kleinmuntz (ed.), Readings in Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, Harper and Row, 1974, 371-375.

Joel W. Goldstein, Terry C. Gleason, and James H. Korn, Whither the epidemic? Psychoactive drug use career patterns of college students. Journal Applied Social Psychology, 1975, 5, 16-33.

Joel W. Goldstein, Students’ evaluations of their psychoactive drug use. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1975, 22, 333-339.

Joel W. Goldstein, Assessing the interpersonal determinants of adolescent drug use. In, D. Lettieri (ed.), Predicting Adolescent Drug Abuse: A Review of Issues, Methods, and Correlates. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975, 45-52, (NIDA Research Issues Series No. 11).

Joel W. Goldstein, Computers and our relationship to work. SIGSOC Bulletin, 1976, 7, 10-18.

Joel W. Goldstein and John Sappington, Personality characteristics of students who became heavy drug users: An MMPI study of an avant-garde. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1977, 4, 401-412.

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Joel W. Goldstein, Consensus conference on research funding. The FASEB Journal, 1992, 6, 819-820.

Papers Presented:

Sixteen scientific papers presented at annual meetings of national and regional scientific associations in the areas of social choice, social perception and motivation, student drug use, the social psychology of computer usage, social psychological research methods, research on the family, and prevention research, 1967-1974.

Approximately 20 presentations on science policy and extramural programs in the alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health fields, 1974-1997.

Numerous presentations at universities, grantee meetings, and at scientific society meetings on the review and funding of research grant applications; the programs of the NIMH, ADAMHA, and SAMHSA; nonacademic employment opportunities for behavioral scientists; services research and application, from 1974 to 1997.


Seven television and radio broadcasts on social psychological and drug usage topics, 1967-1971.

Professional Organizations (past and present):

American Psychological Association

American Psychological Society

Eastern Psychological Association

Society for Experimental Social Psychology

American Sociological Association

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Capital PC Users Group

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

Society of the Sigma Xi

Capital Area Social Psychology Association

Federal Executive and Professional Association

Publication Review Activities:

Behavioral Science (Manuscript Review Committee, 1971-1975)

The American Biology Teacher (manuscript review, 1991)

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (occasional)

National Science Foundation (proposal review, 1973-1974)

Harper & Row Publishing Co. (pre-publication reviews)

Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. (pre-publication reviews)

Applied Social Psychology Annual (editorial board)

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Research Grants:

National Institute of Mental Health, $41,763, Construction of a Causal Model of Student Drug Usage, awarded March 1972. Supplement of $25,440 awarded November 1972

Maurice Falk Medical Fund, $7,700, Epidemiology and Social Psychology of Student Drug Usage: Phase two, awarded July 1970

Maurice Falk Medical Fund, $8,833, Epidemiology and Social Psychology of Student Drug Usage, awarded May 1969

National Institute of Mental Health, $5,400, Extent and Patterns of Student Drug Usage, awarded June 1968

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships:

Society of Experimental Social Psychology:

Fellow, 2010.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:

Superior Internal Service Award for Coordinating the Agency response to the Government Performance Reform Act, September 1997.

National Performance Review “Hammer Award” from Vice President Albert Gore, to The Internal Regulations Reduction Work Group, September 1997

Commendation from Deputy Administrator for Work on FY 1996 Demonstration Grant Funding Plans

  • Public Health Service Special Recognition Award, 1994 for Leadership of the SAMHSA/CSAT Review Team.

SAMHSA Administrator’s Award for Meritorious Achievement, 1994 (group award for my Office for outstanding performance under my leadership as acting Associate Administrator).

Outstanding merit system evaluation for 1994, 1995 (merit evaluation system terminated in 1996)

Time-Off Award for serving as Acting Chief of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s review branch, summer 1993.

Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration:

•Administrator’s Certificate of Merit for development of the ADAMHA Science Education Program, 1991.

“Outstanding” merit system personnel evaluation for 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991.

ADAMHA Administrator’s Award for Meritorious Achievement, 1989 (group award for Extramural Staff Training Work Group).

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ADAMHA Administrator’s Award for Meritorious Achievement, 1989 (group award for my Division).

National Institute of Mental Health:

ADAMHA Administrator’s Award for Meritorious Achievement, 1986

“Outstanding” merit system personnel evaluations for the years 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985

Commendation for Annual Meeting of the NIMH Research Scientist Development Committee

Selected for membership in the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, 1974

Selected for inclusion in Who’s Who in the East

Carnegie-Mellon University:

Elected to Society of the Sigma Xi

 WQED (PBS) Award of Excellence for “Outstanding Community Service Evidenced Throughout the `Turned-On Crisis’, October, 1970”

The University of Kansas:

Passed Comprehensive Oral Examinations With Honors

NIMH Predoctoral Fellowship, 1964-1966

NIMH Traineeship in Social Psychology, 1961-1964

Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc.:

Summer Fellow, Washington, D.C., 1961

Grinnell College:

Younker Honor Scholarship

Younker Academic Scholarship

Selected for participation in Community Power Structure research project

Dean’s List


Names of references will be supplied upon request.