SQA Exams: SQA exams start today. Please be aware that exams are not just held in the assembly hall but throughout the school building. Pupils should move quietly when moving from class to class. Thank you. (KJG)

Staff V Pupils Football: On Thursday 2 May the S6 pupils will be taking on the teachers on the Astroturf at 3:30pm. There is no charge for attending and a tuck shop will be outside the pitch. (KMackeznie, S6)

Book Vs Movie Challenge: The focus of the challenge is to be The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

If you would like to take part in this after-school activity in the library, then you can! The challenge will begin on Wednesday 4 June, so you have all of May to read the book – ready for the chat, discussion and popcorn – copies of the book can be borrowed from the library. Which is best? The book or the film? Make sure you get your opinion heard and take part in the challenge. (ST)

Whole School Pupil Council: Meeting at 1.20pm in G25 today (Friday) for litter picks. Thanks (R Gray)

Board Games: Board Games will be on lunchtime today (Friday) in room B20. (NG)

D of E: All Bronze participants must attend next Tuesday’s lunchtime meeting in G47, expedition dates are being decided. (AR)

Moray Secondary Schools Tennis Competition, Gordonstoun School, Duffus – Friday 7 June: If any pupil is interested in attending the above competition could they please collect an entry form from the PE dept. (JW)

Scottish Schools Swimming Association, Team Championships for Secondary Schools, Royal Commonwealth Pool – 19 June 2013: Could any pupils who are interested in competing in this national event please collect an entry form from the PE dept. (JW)

Moray Secondary Schools, Boys & Girls Golf Championships: If any pupils are interested in the above competition can they please collect an entry form from Mr Wylie in the PE Dept. (JW)


S1 WDCS Elective Visit: S1 WDCS elective pupils should attend registration on Monday 29 April then go promptly to the bus area at the start of Period 1, you should be back for the start of P4. (RG)

S1 Whales and Dolphins Elective: Could the following pupils please remember to bring in their letter of consent and £3 for the trip or they will not be able to come along.

Adeela Asif; Charlotte Bevan; Caitlin Stanley

Callum Farquhar (letter of consent only)

Lockers: Prior to changing timetable, we need to re-allocate lockers for all year groups. All keys should be returned and will be re-issued to those who want to continue with a locker shortly afterwards.

The arrangements for this are as follows:

·  Monday- Pupils in S1 who have a locker should register with their class teacher then report to the large locker area to return their key.

·  Tuesday- Pupils in S2 who have a locker should register with their class teacher then report to the large locker area to return their key.

·  Wednesday- Pupils in S3 who have a locker should register with their class teacher then report to the large locker area to return their key.

S1 French: The class winners of the brochure competition are to attend the final on Friday 26 April in B17. Please arrive as soon as possible after 12.50 and have your own pack lunch as you will not have time to go to the canteen. Have your pitch presentation organised with your group beforehand. Bonne chance! (JL)


Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Friday 26 April:

9:55 Jacob Paterson 6S 11:00 Briony Pickford 6S 11:55 Claire Mcinnes 5S

1:40 Hayley Nicol 5S

S6 Leavers Hoodies: Just a reminder that all S6 leavers hoodies must be paid for by Friday 3 May (last day). (K Mackenzie)