1. / How many rural fires were in the state last year?How many VFD’s have a population of 10,000 or less?
2. / How many VFD’s does the state have agreements with for FEPP?
3. / Who approves Acquisition and Disposal of FEPP items? / Name:
4. / Is there a letter on file with the FS from the State Forester for these appointments?
5. / How often are agreements updated with recipients of FEPP?
6. / How does the state notify the Users of FEPP that the property belongs to the FS?
7. / Does the State Repair/Rehab FEPP equipment for VFD’s?
8. / Does the state have a system to ensure equipment is put into service for fire fighting?
9. / Is there a time limit for repair?
10. / Does the state require certain fire colors for the vehicles?
11. / Does the state or VFD cannibalize salvage FEPP for parts?
12. / Are requests for cannibalization submitted to the FS prior to removal of parts?
13. / How does the state develop Acquisition Plans?
14. / How many active screeners does the state have? / Names:
15. / Are they paid or volunteer?
16. / Do they screen for the entire state or for certain geographic areas?
17. / Does the State have a Priority System for assigning property?
18. / Who modifies property information in FEPMIS? i.e. model year, serial number, location, mileage.
19. / Do the District Managers have access into FEPMIS?
20. / How often does the state conduct a 100% inventory?
21. / How is the inventory conducted – by whom?
22. / Are the FEPMIS inventory worksheets used?
Are they signed?
23. / Who updates the inventory date in FEPMIS?
Does it match the date the property was inventoried?
24. / Are inventory records kept for a minimum of 5 years?
25. / Is property reported as excess in a timely manner? (within 3 months)
26. / Are Change of Status forms completed correctly with all pertinent information?
(review a minimum of 10)
27. / Do VFD’s use GSA as a source for equipment, PPE, etc?
(Items, 1,7,8,9,24,26, etc)Page 1 of 210/03/2018