The Seventh Annual International

Association for the Study of

Environment, Space, and Place


The Spacing of Festive Enactments

Program Schedule

April 29 - May 1, 2011

Clarion Hotel & Suites

Southern CT State University

Program Schedule

April 29 - May 1, 2011

Friday April 29

Clarion Hotel & Suites, Hamden, CT

8am-7pm Registration and Refreshments

8:30-9:00 Welcoming Remarks

John Murungi, Co-Founder, IASESP

Towson University

Welcoming remarks from SCSU Administration

Gary Backhaus, Co-Founder, IASESP

Towson University

Session 1: The Festive: American Style

Chair: Gary Backhaus, Towson University

9:00-9:30 Andrew Seal, Yale University

The Community of Marietta, Ohio

9:30-10:00 Shari Rabin, Yale University

Merry Purim: American Jews and Public Religious Festivals in the 19th Century

10:00-10:30 Todd F. Carney, Southern Oregon University

The Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress and the Celebration of American Development

10:30-10:45 Refreshment Break

Session 2: The Festive & Creating a Local Identity

Chair: Charlie Hailey, University of Florida

10:45-11:15 Xenia Srebrianski Harwell, U.S. Military Academy at West Point

Celebrating the Russian Past: Émigré Festivities in 1950s & 1960s New York

11:15-11:45 Evert Vandeweghe, Ghent University Belgium

Staging Urban History: Urban Festivities and the Creation of Historic Townscapes in Belgium (1860-1958)

11:45-12:15 Jeffrey Debies-Carl, University of New Haven

Celebrating the Local: Place, Identity, and Beer

12:30-2:00 Lunch: Buffet at the Clarion,

Keynote Speaker

Gary Backhaus, Towson University

"Festive Poetics: Yeats-Sligo and the Question of Rootedness"

Session 3: Celebrating Consumerism

Chair: Troy Paddock, Southern Connecticut State University

2:15-2:45 Dennis Wood, Edith Cowan University

The Enclave Estates and the Malls: A Counterfeit Celebration of Community?

2:45-3:15 Charlie Hailey, University of Florida

Festive and Ruderal: Spoil Islands of Southern Florida

3:15-3:45 Richard L. Wilson, University of Maryland at Baltimore County

The Festivity of Consumption: Celebrating Garbage

3:45-4:00 Refreshment Break

Session 4: Celebratory Maps and Borders

Chair: Stephen Sandbank, Independent Scholar

4:00-4:30 Christine Petto, Southern Connecticut State University

Celebratory Maps: Rhetoric and Reality

4:30-5:00 Peter Nekola, Pratt Institute

Why Celebrate Borders?

5:00-5:10 Refreshment Break

Session 5: Celebrating Animals & the Hunt

Chair: Nikolaos Chrissidis, Southern Connecticut State University

5:10-5:40 C. Michele Thompson, Southern Connecticut State University

The Totemic Saola

5:40-6:10 David A. Bello, Washington & Lee University

The Hunt for Inner Asian Identity: 1681-1821

7:00pm Group Dinner—TBD

Saturday April 30, 2011

Southern CT State University

Engleman Hall Room C107 and C117

(All “A” Sessions will be in Room EN C107 and all “B” will be in Room EN C117)

8:15-9:30 Coffee

Session 6a: Pilgrimages & Rituals

Chair: Christine Petto, Southern Connecticut State University

9:00-9:30 Kip Redick, Christopher Newport University

Old and New World Festive Enactments Accompanying Spiritual Journeys: Damascus, Virginia on the Road to Santiago de Compostela

9:30-10:00 Skye Doney, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Passing Through 19th-century Catholic Religiosity: The Trier Pilgrimages of 1844 and 1891

10:00-10:30 Nikolaos Chrissidis, Southern Connecticut State University

Hierarchies of Protection: Space, Power and Ritual Drinking in Early Modern Russia

Session 6b: Festive Art and Space

Chair: Elizabeth A. Hoppe, Lewis University

9:00-9:30 Catherine Baumgartner, John F. Kennedy University

The Poet Tree House

9:30-10:00 David Pettigrew, Southern Connecticut State University

Inceptual Dimensions of Art and Space

10:00-10:30 Aida Salketic, University of Oregon, Fulbright Scholar

Alternative Galleries and the Social Construction of Space

10:30-10:40 Refreshment Break

Session 7a: The Festive and Authority I

Chair: Alex Zukas, National University

10:40-11:10 Steve Amerman, Southern Connecticut State University

A Place to be Native in Connecticut: The Mohegan Wigwam Festival, From Ancient Times to the Present Day

11:10-11:40 Lorna Lueker Zukas, National University

All Night Long: Pungwe as Revolutionary Festive Space

11:40-12:10 Jeanette Barbieri, Hollins University

Shooting a Leveled Landscape: Documentary Film on the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake

Session 7b: Festive Tourism

Chair: Kip Redick, Christopher Newport University

10:40-11:10 Chloe Taft, Yale University

Follow the Star: Christmas Tourism and Community Identity in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

11:10-11:40 Kristen A. Williams, Miami University of Ohio

Magic is Expensive: Marketing the Domestic Leisurescapes of Gilded Age Newport

11:40-12:10 Laura Menatti, University of Pavia

Disneyland Paris: From Non-place to Rhizomatic Place

12:10-1:15 Lunch Connecticut Hall

Session 8a: Creating a Festive Religious Space

Chair: Linda Ardito, Dowling College

1:15-1:45 Nancy Alexander, Independent Scholar

Women Celebrating the Sacred, Transforming Sacred Space

1:45-2:15 Rosalyn Amenta, Southern Connecticut State University

Ritual Transformation of Space: Circumambulation and the Location of the Sacred

2:15-2:45 Stephen Sandbank, Independent Scholar

The Transformation of the Street to Sacred Space

Session 8b: The Festive at Work and Leisure in Germany

Chair: Lorna Lueker Zukas, National University

1:15-1:45 Claudia Bosch, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

The Festzelt as Place of Cultural Performance

1:45-2:15 Will Wilson, Mount Allison University

Enacting Fascist Festivity: ‘A Nation at Work’ Exhibition Dusseldorf, 1937

2:15-2:45 Alex Zukas, National University

Workers’ Festive Spaces in the Weimar Republic: May Day and Other Celebrations

2:45-3:00 Refreshment Break

Session 9a: The Festive and Authority II

Chair: Peter Nekola, Pratt Institute

3:00-3:30 Elizabeth A. Hoppe, Lewis University

The Festival of Omelas and the Problem of Utility

3:30-4:00 Nick Rutter, Yale University

The Western Wall?: The Iron Curtain at the 1951 World Youth Festival

4:00-4:30 Thomas Chen, UCLA

Without Jurisdiction: the Circulating Festival in Yan Lianke’s Happy

Session 9b: Theorizing the Festive

Chair: John Murungi, Towson University

3:00-3:30 Christopher Ely, Florida Atlantic University

Festival in History and Anthropology

3:30-4:00 Remington Robertson, Independent Scholar

The Spacing of Festive Enactments

4:00-4:30 Steve Larocco, Southern Connecticut State University

The Festive, Emotional Energy and Shame: the Social Economy of Exuberance

4:30-4:45 Refreshment Break

Session 10a: Festive Connections

Chair: Troy Paddock, Southern Connecticut State University

4:45-5:15 Catherine Shortell, Independent Scholar

The Festive and Dance: Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake

5:15-5:45 Linda Ardito, Dowling College

The Ancient Oracle Chamber: A Space of Connectedness with the Other

Session 10b: Festive and the Self

Chair: David Pettigrew, Southern Connecticut State University

4:45-5:15 John Murungi

Nightclub and the Formation of Self

5:15-5:45 Christos C. Evangeliou, Towson University

Zorbas's Report to Kazantzakis: Onthe Lady, the Fiesta, andthe Existential Question

5:45-6:45 IASESP Business Meeting

Sunday May 1, 2011

Southern CT State University

Engleman Hall

Al Sessions will be in Room EN C117

8:30-9:30 Coffee

Session 11: Festive Processions

Chair: Nikolaos Chrissidis, Southern Connecticut State University

9:00-9:30 Bharain Mac An Bhreithiun, Middlesex University, London

Celebrating Canada at the Olympics: The Stadium as Stage for the Performance of Place

9:30-10:00 Byron Nakamura, Southern Connecticut State University

Elgaba’al’s Parade: Roman Triumph or Festival of Religious Imperialism?

10:00-10:30 Rafael Hernandez, Southern Connecticut State University

Mexico on Parade: Performing Identity and the Celebration of Indepedence

10:30-10:40 Refreshment Break

Session 12: Festive Modeling and Gardens

Chair: Gary Backhaus, Towson University

10:40-11:10 Luis Arata, Quinnipiac University

Modeling Festive Space

11:10-11:40 Pina Palma, Southern Connecticut State University

Gardens and Orchards in the Renaissance

11:40-12:10 Abigail Agresta, Yale University

Meaning and Social Use of an Urban Garden: The Wedding Feast of Lorenzo de’ Medici

12:15-1:30 Lunch Connecticut Hall