Southern Alamance High School

2012 - 2013 World History

Instructor: Teri Rasa,

Room: G4

Planning:1st Block

Afterschool help: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. (or by appointment)

Course Requirements

World History is a requirement for graduation. The grading scale is broken down as follows:

Tests/ Projects: 50%
Classwork/ Homework: 30%

Quizzes: 20%

3rd nine weeks: 37.5 %

4th nine weeks: 37.5

Final Exam: 25%


-World History textbook, Human Legacy

-Additional supplemental resources provided throughout the semester

Materials Required:

-Three-ring Binder (at least 1 ½”) with dividers

-Pencil or pen (blue or black ink ONLY)

-Lined notebook paper

Materials Recommended:

-Markers or colored pencils


-3x5” note cards

Classroom Expectations:

-Students and teacher are expected to be on time to class and ready to work.

-Students are expected to adhere to school and district rules and regulations (i.e. no personal electronics, food, drinks, etc).

-Students and teacher are expected to come to class prepared (including a positive attitude).

-Students are expected to hand in assignments and keep up with assigned coursework.

-Teacher is expected to provide feedback in a timely manner.

-Students and teacher are expected to be involved in class discussions on a daily basis.

-Students and teacher are expected to treat all others in the classroom with respect.

Course Work:


Students should expect homework two to three times a week, depending on the progress of the class. Many times, homework will only be assigned once or twice a week, and sometimes, not at all. Because of this policy, I expect students to complete and be ready to hand in any work I do assign at the beginning of each class.

Tests and Quizzes - A test will be given at the end of each unit. Each unit, on average, will last about two weeks. Tests will range from 40 – 60 questions, consisting of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions. Throughout each unit, students should expect two to three quizzes, on average. There may be some exceptions depending on the length of the unit and the progress I believe students are making. Quizzes will range from 10 – 20 questions, consisting of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions.

Projects - More information will be provided at a later date.

Missing/Make-up Work

If a student misses class, in order to get credit for any missed work, he or she must show an excuse slip. If a student misses a quiz or test, in addition to an excuse slip, the student must schedule a time with me to make the quiz or test up – whether it be during lunch or after school. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT WORK THEY MISSED.

Extra Credit

Extra credit is a possibility in this course at the discretion of the teacher. No extra credit is possible if student has missing work.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

My name is Teri Rasa, and I will be your child’s history teacher this semester. I hope this will be a very successful semester. I hope to get to know you and your child very well and to build strong relationships with each of you. I will do my best over the semester to keep in touch with you through e-mails and phone calls. Please fill out the information below so I can do a better job at this task!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or (336) 570 – 6400. Thanks!

Signing this indicates you have read and understand the expectations and requirements for the course.

Student name ______Date ______

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______

Parent name(s):

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Work Phone:


Street Address:

Town: Zip Code:

Do you or your child have computer access at home? YESNO

Do you or your child have internet access at home? YESNO

The following supplies are needed in our classroom. Please send in any materials ASAP if you are able. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!!!

Markers/ Colored Pencils

Glue Sticks


Index cards

Construction paper
