The Springline Parish

Sunday, 17 September 2017 – 14th Sunday after Trinity

A very warm welcome to you if you are visiting one of the churches today. It is good to have you with us. If you have any queries or prayer requests please do let us know.



Fillingham Family Harvest Festival at St Andrew's Church at 10.30am on Sunday 17 September.
There will be all your favourite harvest hymns, some craft, puppets and an action song and fresh produce.
We will be pleased to receive tinned and dry goods that will be passed on to the Lincoln Food Bank.

Cammeringham Harvest Festival is on Wednesday 4 October at 7 pm in Cammeringham Church.
Light refreshments will be served afterwards. Springline Choir will be singing.

Ingham Traditional Harvest Festival Service at All Saints’ Church at 10.30am on Sunday 8 October.

The service will be followed by the Auction of Produce with proceeds donated to The Nomad Trust.

We will be pleased to receive both tinned and fresh produce. Tins will be given to the Lincoln Food Bank. Light refreshments will be served afterwards.

All the above churches look forward to welcoming you to celebrate this fruitful time of year.

Please pray for

Hannah, Jaya, little Jacob Chapman, Eleanor (10 years), Cathy Andrews, Stuart and Shirley Dickinson, Eileen Smith, and Brian, Lynne & John, Bernadette Chapman, Sally Dodson and Mike Hinch.

Please also pray for Andrew Wilkinson

Who passed away in a car accident on A15 on Friday. We remember with heart-felt sympathy and prayer Tracy, his partner, and Logan, who was with his dad when the accident took place and is recovering slowly, as well as his little brother Cobie. Let us remember the family at this tragic and painful time.


A Service for those wishing to be confirmed will be held on 18 Nov 2017. For details please contact 731793.

Organ Recital

Saturday, 23 September at 4.30pm St Giles Church, Lincoln

Annual Celebrity Recital by Jonathan Melling from All Hallows by the Tower of London.

Sponsored by Lincolnshire Organists' Association.

Contact information: Lewis Paul tel: 01522 730400 email:


Please contact a member of the above team if you would like any of the following: home and hospital visits, bereavement visiting, home communion and prayer.

Revd Sally Turnbull 01673 862764 Revd Sue Deacon 01522 730167

Authorised Lay Ministers: Anne Hunter 01673 861276 Rosemary Cox 01673 878258

Rector: The Revd Dr. Sebastian Mattapally

The Vicarage, Church Hill, Ingham LN1 2YE Tel: 01522 731793

Please send contributions to

You can access the weekly Pew Sheets online at

Please do not leave this sheet in the church, but take it home with you and give it to someone who was not in church.