Racquet Sports Advisory Committee (RSAC)

Monthly Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2014


Committee Members: John McNult, Tom Herrick, Scotty Wheatley, June Freeman, Bob O'Malley, Frank Creamer, Julie Woulfe, Leslie Shippee Absent, Bill Rakow

Dave Marshall Tennis: Dave Marshall

OPA: Sonya Bounds, Parks & Rec Director, Bob Thompson, GM OPA

Guests: Tim Laun, Kathy Wheatley

John McNult Opened the meeting with welcome remarks and meeting agenda outline.

Bob Thompson provided a comprehensive overview of the Site Master Plan (Ver 4) developed under the contract with Steve Soule. The RSAC unanimously agreed with the proposed implementation/development of the Site Master Plan. The Plan includes, Pickleball Courts located in the existing playground area, relocation of the existing playground to an area adjacent to the existing playground, two additional Platform Tennis Courts, parking lot improvements at the Community Gardens, relocation of the Community Gardens entry gate, alterations to the parking lot near the Platform Tennis and Tennis courts, space for two additional Platform Tennis Courts in the future, landscaping, foot paths, and a traffic safety fence along the roadway in the area of the playground and pickleball courts.

Sonya bounds distributed the Membership reports and Financial Reports.

Dave Marshall presented the result of his discussions with OPA Administration, Ruth Ann, regarding a new format for the Membership report. Ruth Ann is following up with OPA IT staff regarding creating the suggested membership report format.

Dave Marshall reported on the guest fee/court rental fee results for the 2014 Season:

Tennis court rental - $632;

Tennis Guest Fees - $410;

Pickleball Guest Fees - $525;

Platform Tennis Guest Fees - $55;

Platform Tennis Tournament Fees - $551.

Frank Creamer questioned the Pickleball guest fees indicating his examination of the records showed approximately $1,000 in Pickleball Guest Fees. Dave Marshall will follow up on the discrepancy.

Dave has a new action item to follow up with Bob Thompson regarding reverting the racquet sports memberships to a universal membership period (May 1 through April 30 the following year).

Winter Season Meetings will be held in the Community Center.

Meeting was adjourned due to time constraints on certain members.

Next regular RSAC Meeting will be December 17, 2014 3:00 PM at the Community Center.

RSAC Meetings are Open to the public.

Please direct your questions/comments to John McNult ().