Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 1: Let’s Explore What adventures do you have throughout the day?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /H h/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
hot hen hose
house hat him hammer
hippopotamus have help hungry / are that do
Review: you see they
look a of the
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
chores – Choresare jobs you do to make your home clean.
tidy – Tidyis another word for neat or clean.
bustle –If youbustle, you do something quickly.
race – When you race someone, you try to finish first.
story – A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals, or things.
hungry – When we are hungry, our body is telling us we need to eat some healthful food.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 1: Let’s Explore What adventures do you have throughout the day?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /H h/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
hot hen hose
house hat him hammer
hippopotamus have help hungry / are that do
Review: you see they
look a of the
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
chores – Choresare jobs you do to make your home clean.
tidy – Tidy is another word for neat or clean.
bustle – If you bustle, you do something quickly.
race – When you race someone, you try to finish first.
story – A story tells us about things that happen to people, animals, or things.
hungry – When we are hungry, our body is telling us we need to eat some healthful food.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 2: Let’s Explore What adventures can you have on a lucky day?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /L l/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
Lin lid leaf
lamp loaf ladybug lake
lemon lap lucky line / Review: are that do
you like to
look a the
with we me
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
piglet – A piglet is a young pig.
fox – A fox is a medium-sized furry animal with a bushy tail and a pointed snout (nose).
lucky –Luck is when good things happen.
filthy – Filthy means “dirty.”
cook– A cook is a person who prepares our meals.
scrubber – A scrubber is someone who cleans something dirty.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 2: Let’s Explore What adventures can you have on a lucky day?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /L l/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
Lin lid leaf
lamp loaf ladybug lake
lemon lap lucky line / Review: are that do
you like to
look a the
with we me
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
piglet – A piglet is a young pig.
fox – A fox is a medium-sized furry animal with a bushy tail and a pointed snout (nose).
lucky –Luck is when good things happen.
filthy – Filthy means “dirty.”
cook – A cook is a person who prepares our meals.
scrubber – A scrubber is someone who cleans something dirty.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 3: Let’s Explore What adventures can an animal have?

Phonics / Words to Read
Consonant Blends
as in the following words:
flop spin slam
slid plop skip stop
clap drop spot / one two three
four five for the
I you likes to
my do
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
woodland – Woodland is another name for a forest or a place with many trees.
nest – A nest is a place some animals build to live in. Nests can be made out of grass, twigs, and/or mud.
vale – Another word for a valley is a vale. A vale is a place where the ground is lower than the hills around it.
hollow – A hollow is another word for an empty spot within something, such as a tree.
comfortable – When you are comfortable, it means that your body is relaxed and not too cold or hot. For example, on a cold night you may cover up with a blanket so you are more comfortable.
shadows – Shadows are made when the light is blocked.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 3: Let’s Explore What adventures can an animal have?

Phonics / Words to Read
Consonant Blends
as in the following words:
flop spin slam
slid plop skip stop
clap drop spot / one two three
four five for the
I you likes to
my do
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
woodland – Woodland is another name for a forest or a place with many trees.
nest – A nest is a place some animals build to live in. Nests can be made out of grass, twigs, and/or mud.
vale – Another word for a valley is a vale. A vale is a place where the ground is lower than the hills around it.
hollow – A hollow is another word for an empty spot within something, such as a tree.
comfortable – When you are comfortable, it means that your body is relaxed and not too cold or hot. For example, on a cold night you may cover up with a blanket so you are more comfortable.
shadows – Shadows are made when the light is blocked.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 4: Let’s Explore What adventures can a little girl have?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /G g/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
goat glove got garden
go girl gate goose
big flag ladybug / one two three
four five for he the
I little of
they my am with
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
bears– Bears are large animals. Bearshave shaggy fur and small tails. Bears like to eat berries, fish and honey.
porridge – Porridge is another name for hot cereal or oatmeal. Porridge can either be cooked in milk or water.
cottage –A little house in the woods is called a cottage.
big – When something takes up a lot of space, we say it is big.
middle-sized – Middle-sized tells about the size of something that is not too big and not too small.
small – Small means something that is tiny.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 4: Let’s Explore What adventures can a little girl have?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /G g/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
goat glove got garden
go girl gate goose
big flag ladybug / one two three
four five for he the
I little of
they my am with
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
bears– Bears are large animals. Bearshave shaggy fur and small tails. Bears like to eat berries, fish and honey.
porridge – Porridge is another name for hot cereal or oatmeal. Porridge can either be cooked in milk or water.
cottage –A little house in the woods is called a cottage.
big – When something takes up a lot of space, we say it is big.
middle-sized – Middle-sized tells about the size of something that is not too big and not too small.
small – Small means something that is tiny.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 5: Let’s Explore What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /E e/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
end elephant Eskimo Ed
red Ben tell sled
ten get pet / here go from a
is she he to
look the have for
little we
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
Antarctica– Antarcticais a big area of cold, ice-covered land around the South Pole.
continent – Antarcticais the name of a continent. A continent is a big area of land.
icebergs –Huge chunks of ice that float in the ocean are called icebergs.
penguins – Penguins are sea birds with flippers that live in Antarctica.
seals – Seals are animals that can live on land and in cold ocean waters. They have thick fur, a layer of fat to keep them warm, and whiskers.
whales – Whales are large animals that live in ocean waters. Whales breathe air through holes on the tops of their heads. Whales have flippers and wide, flat tails.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 5: Let’s Explore What would it be like to take an adventure to the Antarctic?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /E e/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
end elephant Eskimo Ed
red Ben tell sled
ten get pet / here go from a
is she he to
look the have for
little we
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
Antarctica– Antarcticais a big area of cold, ice-covered land around the South Pole.
continent – Antarcticais the name of a continent. A continent is a big area of land.
icebergs –Huge chunks of ice that float in the ocean are called icebergs.
penguins – Penguins are sea birds with flippers that live in Antarctica.
seals – Seals are animals that can live on land and in cold ocean waters. They have thick fur, a layer of fat to keep them warm, and whiskers.
whales – Whales are large animals that live in ocean waters. Whales breathe air through holes on the tops of their heads. Whales have flippers and wide, flat tails.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 6: Let’s Explore What kinds of adventures can you have in the city?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /E e/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
end elephant Eskimo Ed
red Ben tell sled
ten get pet / here go see a
is to one
look the
we they you
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
Abuela– Abuelais the Spanish word for “grandma.”
adventure – When we do something exciting, we call it an adventure.
flock –When birds travel together in a group, the group of birds is called a flock.
city – In a city, many people live and work. Some buildings in the city are very tall, and most buildings are close together.
airport – An airport is a place where airplanes and jets take off and land.
harbor – A harbor is where boats stay in the water to stay safe.

Grade Kindergarten Unit 4/Week 6: Let’s Explore What kinds of adventures can you have in the city?

Phonics / Words to Read
Connecting Letter /E e/ to its Sound
as in the following words:
end elephant Eskimo Ed
red Ben tell sled
ten get pet / here go see a
is to one
look the
we they you
Vocabulary – Words to Understand
Abuela– Abuelais the Spanish word for “grandma.”
adventure – When we do something exciting, we call it an adventure.
flock –When birds travel together in a group, the group of birds is called a flock.
city – In a city, many people live and work. Some buildings in the city are very tall, and most buildings are close together.
airport – An airport is a place where airplanes and jets take off and land.
harbor – A harbor is where boats stay in the water to stay safe.