Section 3
Competition Dates
2013 Competition Dates
January / Event / LocationFebruary / Event / Location
March / Event / Location
23rd / British Championships / Liverpool / BG
24th / British Championships / Liverpool / BG
April / Event / Location
14th /
Apparatus Competition
/ LGMay / Event / Location
June /
/ LocationJuly
/ Event / Location7th / Regional Qualifiers / Europa / LG
August / Event / Location
September / Event / Location
7th /
London Open
/ LG8th
/London Development Open
/ LGOctober / Event /
November / Event /Location
1/2 & 3rd / National Finals /Birmingham
/ BGDecember / Event /
Section 4
Regional Training / Squad Information
London Regional Squad Training
It has been a longstanding action for the LG MTC to put together a comprehensive Regional Squad Programme. In recent years gymnastics has undergone a huge change both in terms of its method of assessment and the subsequent increase in demands on the young aspiring gymnast. For this reason 2013 will see an investment by the MTC in its coaches in order to equip them to properly prepare their gymnasts in order to meet these demands head on.
2012 saw the start of the newly formed Regional Squad and the training began. London was actually able to send 5 full teams to National finals (something we had not done for a few years) in May of that year and the boys exceeded all our expectations and we are hoping that this year we will be able to send 6 full teams to Nationals and the possibility of some boys to the Elite National finals. The Regional Squad Training will be beneficial to gymnasts, but more importantly a process of coach education will encourage coaches to aspire to produce a higher standard of gymnastics in the region. No system is fail proof – so your feedback will be key to the success of the programme.
It is really hoped that this system will go someway towards improving our results at the National Finals.
Many Regions now run Regional Squad training on a regular basis and the benefits are clear to see:
- Give gymnasts a sense of achievement by being a member of the Regional Squad
- Give gymnasts the opportunity to mix with gymnasts from other clubs
- Give gymnasts the opportunity to mix with new coaches
- Gymnasts can refine skills, and work new skills
- Gymnasts will train in different clubs, some of which will have better facilities than their own
- Gymnasts can work closely with other youngsters who will be in their team in National Finals and can create a good team atmosphere
- One of the biggest benefits to coaches is education. They can learn from others, refine techniques, share ideas.
- The first training session will be for the gymnastsand their coaches chosen from the Regional Testing as this session will introduce changes to set routines and updates on code amendments made during the last year.
- Those gymnasts selected as Regional Squad gymnasts will be expected to adhere to the regional squad membership guidelines as shown below.
- Coaches should inform the MTC Chairman if a selected gymnast has given up gymnastics or no longer aspires to be part of the London Team so that the space may be offered to another gymnast for inclusion in the Regional Squad Training
Format of Training Sessions
The format for each subsequent regional training session will be as follows;
Unless otherwise advised
Regional Squad membership guidelines
- Coaches will be allowed to petition to the MTC if they would like their gymnast to become involved in the Regional Squad Training
- At any time the MTC may decide that gymnasts are not appropriate to stay in the Regional Squad Training or may be removed due to bad behaviour or irregular attendance
- Training sessions will run from 9am – 1pm
- All gymnasts that wish to compete in the National Finals and represent London, must attend Regional Training (according to the rules of selection shown above)
- The MTC chairman should be notified ASAP if a gymnast or coach can not make the session
- Poor attendance will not be tolerated
- Gymnasts will pay £10.00 each training session to reinvest into the programme, and pay for facility hire.
- All gymnasts must wear regional kit
Dates of Regional Training
The Regional Training Sessions will run from 9am – 1pm. Gymnasts should arrive promptly and ensure they register and pay their fees.
20thJan 2013 – Regional Testing, Venue Europa, Time 9am – 1pm
Feb 2013 – TBC
17thMarch 2013 – Venue & Time TBC
19thMay 2013 – Venue & Time TBC
23rdJune 2013 – Venue & Time TBC
August 2013 –
6thOctober 2013 – Regional Team Training Only Venue & Time TBC
27th October 2013 – Regional Team Training Only Venue & Time TBC
1stDecember 2013 – Regional Testing Venue & Time TBC
Regional and
NDP Finals Information
Elite and Club National Finals
~It will be the responsibility of parents (or failing that the clubs) to find accommodation for themselves and for their sons at the National Finals weekend (Birmingham). All gymnasts will be expected to arrive promptly for competition registration times or a time set by the NDP organising committee.
The MTC will pay for the accommodation of judges, coaches and other regional officials and will pay for the entry of Regional Teams.
Those gymnasts, who represent London, will be expected to purchase Regional kit. If a gymnast does not pay for their kit on the day, then they will not remain in the team and another gymnast will replace them.
All coaches in charge of Regional Teams and Individuals must be at least Club Coach and upwards (BGruling).
Any gymnast or coach who does not conduct themselves in a disciplined sportsman likemanner, or who brings the region into disrepute, will be removed from the competition arena and not allowed to compete nationally or regionally for a period of 1 year from the date of the incident.
Selection of teams
Selection of Regional teams for the National Finals will be made at the Tony Johnson Regional Qualifiers.
The MTC will send a team of 6 gymnasts where numbers permit.
The top six overall scores in a first past the post competition. The event only applies to the In Age category.
All gymnasts wishing to be considered for Regional teams must compete in the London Regional Qualifying competition unless injured or have National Commitments.
A gymnast who is on holiday at the time of the Regional NDP's will not be considered for team or individual selection.
Where a gymnast is injured or has National Commitments and there is not a full team, the individual may automatically take the spare space.
Where it is known that a gymnast is injured or has National Commitments, the team will not be announced until such as the MTC has met and has spoken with the personal coach and the Regional Coaches.
Gymnasts not competing due to a medical reason / injury will only be considered if all of the following points are met:
i.The gymnast must declare their intention to compete at the national finals prior to the regional competition.
ii.All entrance requirements for the regional event must be fulfilled.
iii.Documented medical evidence of the condition / injury supporting the reason for not competing must be supplied prior to the regional competition. This should include an estimated date for the return to full competition training.
iv.An assurance from the coach and gymnast that the gymnast will be competition fit by
the date of the finals.
Selection of Team Coaches will be made by the MTC
The LG MTC does it’s best to give personal coaches the chance to attend National Finals and help with Regional Teams. The Regional Squad Training will help define the coaches that we would like to work with each group. The final decision on which coaches will attend the finals will be taken by the MTC in conjunction with the Regional Coaches.
Regional Uniform
Gymnasts competing in the NDP Finals must purchase the following:
Regional Tracksuit, Kingfisher Leotard, White shorts and Longs White.
This year the LG MTC continues with the rollout programme for its new Regional Kit. This is because some of the old kit is no longer supplied by the manufacturer and it has become necessary for us to develop a new design.
To make this as smooth as possible, and to try and avoid too much of a financial strain on parents, the new regional kit has been phased in over 2 years.
To help reduce the financial burden to parents, the cost of all regional kit has been substantially reduced, and in all cases it is now cheaper to buy the lycra items through the MTC rather than directly from the Zone.
Coaches, who have not already bought the new tracksuits will be expected to purchase the new tracksuit trousers and tops this year. Again a considerable reduction on the manufacturer price has been made. A free polo shirt will also be available for Regional Coaches.
Gymnasts who have Regional Kit are expected to wear it at Regional Squad Training
It will be at the discretion of the LG MTC Chairman not to allow gymnasts or coaches to take part in the finals if they do not have appropriate kit.
Please ensure this procedure is adhered to.
1.) Following the competition, gymnasts finishing in the top six will immediately go to a separate area to be measured and order Regional kit.
2.)An order form must be completed.
3.)Orders for Kit must be paid in full. No orders will be accepted unless accompanied by a cheque or cash.
4.) Cheques should be made payable to LG MTC
5.)A receipt of payment and confirmation of the order will be given
6.)Gymnasts will receive their kit at the competition or it will be posted to them within 4 weeks.
7.) Coaches will order their kit following the coaches meeting at the Regional Finals.
8)ALL gymnasts will require the NEW tracksuit.
Regional Uniform – Price Guide
Zone Tracksuit Jacket
Size /Child
Zone Price / Not available direct from The ZoneLGF Price
/ £25.00 / £30.00Zone Tracksuit Trousers
Size /Child
Zone Price / £14.95 / £19.95LGF Price
/ £10.00 / £15.00Zone Leotard – Kingfisher
Size /26” – 32”
Zone Price / £12.95 / £15.95LGF Price
/ £10.00 / £12.00Zone Shorts - White
Size /26” – 32”
Zone Price / £10.95 / £11.95LGF Price
/ £8.00 / £9.00Zone Longs - White
Size /26” – 32”
Zone Price / £19.95 / £21.95LGF Price
/ £15.00 / £17.001