American Political Thought 46.307.201

Reading Questions for Unit 4 – The Women’s Rights Movement

Note: These questions are strictly designed to ensure that students are keeping up with the readings. Consequently, your answers need not include analysis or background information.

Instructions:Type in answers, run spell check, proofread,then print and bring to class on Thursday, Feb 17. Be sure to write in complete and grammatically correct sentences.

Note: You may be called upon to read your answers to the class.


  1. What event helped to inspire Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to organize the first women’s rights convention in the U.S.?
  1. Drawing from “The Declaration of Sentiments,” list some of the basic rights denied to women in the U.S. in 1848.
  1. According to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, which social movement gave rise to the organized struggle for women’s rights?
  1. Name the two advocates for women’s rights who came to the North to agitate against slavery after freeing their slaves in 1836.
  1. Fill in blanks. Note: It is easier to find passages in Google Books if you choose “Plain text” at the top right corner of the screen. Please correct misspellings if the OCR has rendered words incorrectly.

The women who devoted themselves to the anti-slavery cause in the early days, endured the double odium of being abolitionists, and "______;" hence the men who were engaged in the same cause little knew all the peculiar aggravations and trials of their position. The admiration such women as Angcline Grimke, Abby Kelley, and Lucretia Mott, commanded by their presence and eloquence, was well tempered by ______. The press and the pulpit exhausted the English language to find adjectives to express their detestation of so horrible a revelation as "______."

  1. What is the occupation of the narrator’s husband in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper?”
  1. List some of the attributes of the narrator’s room in “The Yellow Wallpaper.”
  1. What does the narrator of Gilman’s story detect in the pattern of the wallpaper?
  1. What does the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper”nearly finish doing by the end of the story?