Screen Printing Syllabus 2016-2017

Mr. Navarro

Screen Printing in a Nutshell

The old screen-printing process dates back more than a thousand years. Screen-printing uses a stencil with openings that are the shape of the image. The stencil s mounted on a synthetic fabric screen. The medium is placed beneath the screen, and ink is applied to the screen’s upper surface. Finally, a squeegee is pulled across the stencil, which forces the ink through the openings in the stencil to produce the printed product.

Screen-printing is used to print on a medium such as, T-shirts, sweats, hats, towels, bumper stickers, drinking glasses, printed circuit board, and many other products.

Screen-printing is often called silk screening because when this process began, the stencils were mounted on silk fabric. Currently, stronger and more durable fabrics have replaced silk as the screen fabric used in this process.

Course Information

Course Prerequisite

The only prerequisite for this course is that each student has a desire to be creative and have an interest to learn.

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts in screen-printing. The instructor will use lectures, handouts, and other material for hands on activities to help each student understand the screen-printing process. The major topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to:

Artwork preparation

Screen preparation


Printing techniques

Computer graphics

Administrative techniques

Custodial duties

Safety Procedure


Course Objectives

This is a Career Tech Education course where the students will be able to describe and demonstrate the process of screen-printing. You will have enough knowledge to work in a professional screen-printing shop, or start your own business. The students will create their own personal printing projects, as well as completing jobs for commercial accounts.

Course Outline

  1. Dark image on a light garment 100 Points per project

Students are to find a one-color image on the Internet either at home or at school. This image will be transferred onto a clear piece of film where you will process that image on a screen. Students will be taught how to transfer image on a Light colored material using dark inks (most likely black ink) supplied by the teacher. The goal is to make the final print PERFECT for an “A”.

  1. Light image on a dark shirt. 100 Points per project

Students are to find a one-color image on the Internet either at home or at school. This image will be transferred onto a clear piece of film where you will process that image on a screen. Students will be taught how to transfer image on dark colored material-using light colored inks (most likely white ink) supplied by the teacher. The goal is to make the final print PERFECT for an “A”.

Projects will repeat more than once and will average out in Infinite Campus Grade book.

  1. Maintenance200 Points per semester

Students are required to clean up after each other, meaning they have to reclaim screens, take off all the ink off screens, remove all tape from screen, clean up around the shop/classroom/darkroom items such as paper towels, old test prints, and anything that makes the class/shop clutter. Keeping the shop and classroom clean helps the custodians, and also creates and easy work environment. Student can lose points for leaving class early without permission, not cleaning up their own project, and profanity. Dirty language makes the class dirty, which means you lose points! Possible points earned daily can be up to 5, 10 or sometimes 20. 20 points means I am in a generous mood or if you do something extraordinary for me. NO bargaining for points!

  1. Extra Credit – Teacher’s discretion
  2. Quizzes/worksheets - will range depending if it’s vocabulary or shop procedure

7. Midterm(150 points, 85 Questions)

8. Final Exam (150 points, 85 Questions)

Estimated Total = Varies due to multiple tasks. Grades will average out in Infinite Campus Grade book.

Grading Breakdown Grade Scale

Projects = 60%

Quizzes, worksheets, etc. = 10% 100 – 90 = A

Maintenance = 10% 89 – 80 = B

Exams= 20% 79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

59 - 0 = F

Assignments and tasks may vary, but will average out in Infinite Campus Gradebook.

Printing your own T-shirts

Students like to come up with their own T-shirt concepts and create their own projects for monetary funds. You have the right and opportunity to make money in this class, BUT you need to consult in the teacher first. There is a school code of conduct in how this class is ran, and there cannot be anything offensive, discriminately sexual, or profane on a T-shirt. Everything must be presented to the teacher!

Before you make your final t-shirt prints for your own projects to sell, you MUST pay the bookkeeper first before the product leaves the class. You need to pay the bookkeeper, then give me your receipt, then you can sell your T-shirts for however much you want after that. Remember to PAY THE BOOKKEEPER!!!


This class will be treated as a business where the teacher will be your manager and the student will be the worker. There will be student supervisors (Intermediate/advanced students). Treat manager and supervisors with respect. A Career Technical Education class teaches you the skills and knowledge to start your own business or work in an industry, so the salary you earn is your grade.

Keep this Syllabus for future references.

Conference Time

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns I can be reached at (951) 253-7200 Ext.3401.

If you would like to schedule meeting with me, please do so before school, during lunch, or after school.

My e-mail address is:

This class will be related to a screen-printing business as closely as I can make it.

Your grade will be determined by how much effort you put into the class. If you put in an “A” effort, you will receive an “A” in the class. Instead of paying you cash for the work you do, your wages earned are for your grade.


Most companies and businesses will fire you if you are constantly late. Because I can’t “fire” you, I have to be more creative in getting the point across that you need to show up on time. So, if you are tardy to my class I will not make a big deal about it! I will simply mark you tardy in the grade book and the attendance office will assign you a Saturday school.

I have the authority to assign a detention during break, lunch or after school if I feel it is necessary.

If you are tardy and/or cut my class on a consistent basis, I will assume that you no longer want to be in my class! So, if I need to, I will make arrangements for you to leave my class permanently! You do not leave my class without permission or a pass!


Because this is a “shop” style class, safety is important! We will be discussing the safety rules for this class and you will be required to take, and pass, the safety test before working in the shop.


For the rest of your life you will have to read in order to gain knowledge. For this reason, you will be required to read in this class. You will be reading from the textbook and completing related worksheets. The best way to learn something is to read it, review it, and apply it. You will be graded for your reading efforts!