October 18, 1965
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, October 18, 1965, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, Lowell Thomson, James Paramore, and Paul Washburn. Dixon Larson was absent due to illness. Also present were City Manager Earl Wengreen, Acting Engineer Chester Kocherhans, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Treasurer Victor Christensen, and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present were as follows:
Stanley A. Leavitt940 South 100 EastInterested
Ivan A. Farnsworth441 South StateCheck Sewer & Water
Misha McKinney46 North 800 WestReport CD Conference
George R. McKinney46 North 800 WestReport CD Conference
Jimmie McKinney46 North 800 WestVisitor
Jo ZimmermanSpringvilleNews
Meeting opened with prayer by James Paramore.
Mayor Jameson read a letter of thanks for the use of the City Park from the BYU Fourth Stake Presidency.
Motion was made by Paul Washburn to accept the minutes of October 11, 1965, as read and corrected. Motion was seconded by Lowell Thomson and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Paul Washburn, to accept minutes of February 6, 1961, as read and corrected. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Paul Washburn, to accept minutes of January 30, 1961, as read and corrected. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept minutes of January 18, 1961, as read and corrected. Motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by James Paramore, seconded by Paul Washburn, to accept minutes of January 16, 1961, as read and corrected. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Jameson read a letter from Dr. H. G. Goetzman asking to be released from the Board of Adjustment. Acting Engineer Chester Kocherhans reported that the Board of Adjustment is short another member. Motion was made by Lowell Thomson, seconded by Harley Gillman to accept the resignation of Dr. H. B. Goetzman, with recognition of service given by him. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Lowell Thomson to table to November 11, 1965, the appointment of two members to the Board of Adjustment. Motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen reported that he will try to make arrangements for Frank Turpin and City Manager to meet with Utah Power & Light Company regarding leasing the Marina Park for a race track.
City Manager Wengreen reported that when Horn Realty came in several weeks ago with a proposal to develop a subdivision south of 1200 South, an effort was made to discourage installation of septic tanks. At this time, he was not aware of other problems involved with the sewer line. Chester Kocherhans reported that there is a 15 inch sewer line to 400 West; and north on 400 West to 900 South, there is an 8 inch sewer line which is serving the whole area at this time. The proposal is to install a new sewer collection line from 400 West to the outfall line on 1250 West Street. The subdivider will participate to the cost of an 8 inch line adjacent to his property. The estimated cost to the City is $14,684.00. City Manager Wengreen stated that funds budgeted for other projects that are not as urgent could be transferred to pay for this project.
Motion was made by Lowell Thomson to accept the recommendation of the City Manager to install the new sewer collection line and authorize the City Engineer to finalize the engineering and advertise for construction bids; also, to negotiate with the subdivider on the cost. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
George McKinney, Civil Defense Director, gave a brief report on the Civil Defense Conference which he attended in Las Vegas. Mr. McKinney stated that the Conference stressed the National Shelter Program and natural disasters; i.e., hurricanes, earth quakes, etc. Civil Defense is dropping protection factor now on new buildings, as the protection will be principally from fallout instead of direct bombing. Paul Washburn thanked Mr. McKinney for the report and felt that the conference was well covered.
Attorney Wentz presented a "No U-turn" ordinance at intersections with a semaphore on State Street. Mayor Jameson read a letter from Police Chief Lunnen giving an accident report on each intersection as follows:
800 North State - 19 accidents, of which 4 were left or U turning accidents.
400 North State - 30 accidents with 7 turning accidents
Center and State - 20 accidents with 10 turning accidents.
800 South State - 36 accidents with 13 turning accidents.
Motion was made by Paul Washburn to table action on the ordinance for one week to be discussed with the Chamber of Commerce. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by James Paramore to refer the application for rezoning the Columbia Lane area to C-3 back to the planning commission to determine the reason for the request made by Kathleen Weight and Gay Lewis; also, to see if another zone would satisfy the requirement. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn was made by Lowell Thomson. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.