DAILY SEVEN – Mobility & Balance


The Daily Seven will be a key focal point of all physical education classes. The following seven exercises will be performed at the beginning of every physical education class. The Daily Seven exercises will be done as a warm-up to prepare for more intense activity in class. Additionally, the Daily Seven will be used to illustrate and improve quality of movement and its application to craftsmanship across many aspects of life.

The Daily Seven is an adaptation of the Dynamic Warm-up created by Ron Jones of “High Performance Health.” These exercises can be done in limited space, require no equipment, and do not require lying on the ground. The following movements are designed to improve coordination, balance, rhythm, mobility, and muscular endurance. Many of these exercises involve cross-lateral movement which has been shown to improve cognitive function. Performed at increased tempo with high numbers of repetitions, these exercises can also improve cardiovascular fitness. To achieve the most benefit, these exercises must be performed properly. Do NOT sacrifice form for speed or repetitions. Improper form not only diminishes potential performance gains, it can also cause injury.

One-Legged Golf Swings:

Starting Position: Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, toes pointed straight ahead, and arms hanging comfortably at the sides.

(1) Raise the left knee to waist height while gently swinging both arms to an extended position over the head and left leg. The head should turn slightly upward to the left to see the hands of the extended arms; (2) Return to the starting position and immediately begin the next repetition to the other side; (3) Raise the right knee to waist height while gently swinging both arms to an extended position over the head and right leg. The head should turn slightly upward to the right to see the hands of the extended arms (4) repeat for designated time or repetitions.


Starting Position: Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart and arms/hands resting along the sides.

Exercise: (1) Lift left heel up and behind back while left arm reaches up over head and right hand reaches back to touch left heel, the head and eyes should follow the right hand in looking towards the left heel while it is being touched; (2) return to the starting position; (3) lift right heel up and behind back while right arm reaches up over head and left hand reaches back to touch right heel, the head and eyes should follow the left hand in looking towards the right heel while it is being touched; (4) return to the starting position. Repeat in alternating fashion for designated number of repetitions or time.

Single Leg Balance Reach:

Starting position: Stand on left foot and lift right foot off ground.

Exercise: (1) Standing on left foot, reach forward with right hand while slightly bending the left knee; (2) bring right hand back towards the body while extending/straightening the left knee to the starting position. Repeat for designated number of repetitions and switch sides. Stand on right foot while reaching with left hand. To gain most benefit for balance, complete all repetitions for one side before switching legs. If doing this exercise for time, switch balancing legs every repetition.

Forward Lunge & Reach:

Starting Position: Stand comfortably with hands along sides.

Exercise: (1) Step forward with a lunging step with the left leg, reach towards lunging foot with both hands, recover to a one-legged standing on right foot (left leg/foot should be raised high off the ground), reach as high as possible with both arms/hands; (2) return to starting position; (3) Step forward with a lunging step with the right leg, reach towards lunging foot with both hands, recover to a one-legged standing position on left foot (right leg/foot should be raised high off the ground), reach as high as possible with both arms/hands; (4) return to the starting position. Repeat in alternating fashion for designated number of repetitions or time.

Backward Lunge Twist:

Starting Position: Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart and arms/hands resting along the sides.

Exercise: (1) Step back with left foot while reaching up with left hand and twisting slightly to point right hand at left foot while the left arm crosses over the front leg; (2) return to starting position, (3) step back with right foot while reaching up with right hand and twisting slightly to point left hand at right foot while right arm crosses over the front leg; (4) return to starting position. Repeat in alternating fashion for designated number of repetitions or time. As coordination and balance improve, attempt to lunge further back so both legs have bends in the knees.

Cross Crawl March:

Starting Position: Standing with an erect spine and hands/arms along sides.

Exercise: (1) Inhale while raising right arm (reach as high as possible towards ceiling); at the same time the right arm is raising, lift the left leg (knee bent with leg to the front of body) as high as possible; (2) Exhale and lower right arm and left leg back to starting position; (3) Inhale while raising left arm (reach as high as possible towards ceiling); at the same time the left arm is raising, lift the right leg (knee bent with leg to front of body) as high as possible; (4) Exhale and lower left arm and right leg back to starting position. Continue alternating sides for designated number of repetitions.

The Heisman:

Starting position: Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart and arms extended out to the side (t-shape).

Exercise: (1) Bring left knee up and across the right leg; (2) return to starting position; (3) Bring right knee up and across the left leg; (4) return to starting position. Continue to alternate knee lifts while keeping the arms extended out to the sides for designated number of repetitions or time.