Minute of the North East Community Planning Partnership Meeting

held on Monday 14th November 2016

in Angus Housing Association’s Offices

in Ormiston Crescent

Present -Bailie Willie SawersDundee City Council

Councillor Brian GordonDundee City Council

Gordon BirrellChairperson, Dundee City Council

Ron Neave Community Representative, Fintry

Jane CaithnessHousing Section, Neighbourhood Services

Lynn CathroChildren and Families Service

Michael McLaughlinCity Development, Dundee City Council

Lesley MannsPolice Scotland

Fraser ScottScottish Fire and Rescue Service

Bruce ForbesVoluntary Sector Representative Mike Welsh Communities Section, Neighbourhood


In Attendance - Lydia BanksCommunity Regeneration Worker, DCC

Jacqui FlemingCommunity Regeneration Worker, DCC

Alison MacAulaySenior Community learning and Development Worker, DCC

Darren ThomsonLeisure and Culture, Dundee

Richard HeggiePolice Scotland

Kim McRaeOne Parent Families, Scotland

Adam HillD C Thomson

Apologies - Councillor Gregor Murray, Douglas Barr and Kathryn Torode

1. / Welcome
Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting as Gordon was attending a funeral and he indicated he would be delayed. Introductions were made and apologies shared.
2. / Poverty, welfare reform and its impact on the community
Mike explained that the latest theme chosen, due to the relevance to the Local Community Plan, was the impact of poverty on the communities of the North East and what can be done to mitigate its impact. He introduced Jacqui and Lydia who led the partners through a number of exercises and a presentation on recent welfare benefit changes. The discussion concentrated on the impact of the recent benefit cap and how this and previous changes were affecting the lives of those who were already struggling with poverty. After a lengthy discussion on the implications the following points were agreed;
  • Effort should be made to ensure all residents access the benefits they are entitled to, both working and non-working.

4. /
  • An audit of all free IT/Wi-fi access should be done as residents will have to use on-line services for communication/applications etc.
  • Efforts should be made to expand the holiday based Family Food and Fun Sessions
  • The creation of a “one-stop-shop” hub of employment focussed support agencies should be created in the ward. It was explained that work has been started on developing this for the North East and East End wards as a pilot for the city
  • An event for all relevant agencies should be arranged to consider the conclusions of the “live” pilot in the Highlands
  • Effort should be made to share information on support funds/services e.g. Coats for Kids, local Fairshare provision, Foodbank points
Minute of the Previous Meeting
This was agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising
4.1 Whitfield Green
Mike reported that progress had been made on Whitfield Development Group’s use of their Lottery grant residue with plans for an additional wheelchair accessible roundabout in place. In addition, floodlight provision has been implemented through support of the Street Lighting Partnership which allows use of the facility up until 11 pm every night of the week.
4.2 Future of disused buildings in Whitfield
Michael reported that the demolition firm is likely to be onsite until the early part of December. Consultation on the laying of top soil and seed will be left until next Spring when a decision will be made. Councillor Gordon asked that a bus shelter now be installed at the west side of the site across the road from the new Spar shop? Michael agreed to look into whether this is possible and what timeframe this would take, as the site will revert to a housing site once demolition is complete.
4.3 Themed meetings for 2017
Gordon suggested that the themed meetings had been a success and asked members to nominate themes for 2017. Mike stated that Lynn had previously asked that “mental wellbeing and boosting self-esteem/confidence in residents” could be one and it was agreed that this would form the topic of the February meeting. During discussion other suggested themes were;
-Transport links/bus routes – particularly for Emmock Woods/Mill O’ Mains/Dalclaverhouse which has no regular city centre link
-Anti-social behaviour was also mentioned as this appears to be a perennial problem. / Bruce Forbes
Michael Mclaughlin
5. / Local Community Plan
5.1 Engage Dundee Feedback
Mike provided feedback from the North East Ward on the community consultation exercise for the city which had been strategically referred to as“Engage Dundee”. He pointed out that the consultation process had operated between March and November 2016. During this timescale staff had engaged with –
  • 452 adults – at galas, through the Mill O’ Mains Survey, at Family Food events and in workshops on the Mr White move to Whitfield green, and
  • 413 young people – throughBraeview Academy’s support and Finmill Centre through the youth work sessions.
Mike indicated that there had also been discussions with members of staff who work with the local community at;
  • Community Safety Working Group,
  • Health and Wellbeing Working Group and
  • Themed discussion at NECPP
He explained that there are plans to talk to local representative organisations using the Engage Dundee questionnaire in the next month with FintryCommunity Council, Whitfield Development Group, Mill O’ Mains Tenants and Residents Association and the North East Community Regeneration Forum. He reported that a number of themes had emerged from the discussions and views of local residents. The themes relevant to the LCP were;
  1. Health
-Poverty – impact of this on people’s lives,
-Tackling isolation – provision of activities in the community to promote connections (better/more reliable bus services) and community cafes,
-Improving aspiration/confidence/self-esteem particularly in young people,
-Food poverty – providing access to food/cooking skills/ budgeting,
-Fuel poverty – services needed in the community,
-Mental well-being- support people struggling with difficulties.
  1. Community Safety
-Improve relationships in communities to tackle disputes,
-Tackle gangs/anti-social behaviour,
-Motorbike problems- illegal motorbike use in particular,
-Concern over substance/alcohol misuse,
-Tackle “speedsters”,
-Slow traffic down in key areas – outside schools (drop-off zones), Emmock Woods and 20 mph zone needs implementing,
-Make parks safer for young people to use – keep gangs out / Action
  1. Children and Families
- Free or low cost family Food and Fun events should operate during
holidays e.g. food and fun days at schools/ community centres,
swimming at Braeview Academy,
- Improving relationships within families,
- Improve facilities for children and young people e.g. children’s work,
youth work, improved parks/equipment.
  1. Environmental
-Improve or enhance green spaces – protect mature trees, tackle dog-fouling in green spaces and on pavements,
-Improve facilities in open spaces – walking zones, equipment,
-More community facilities/interaction/celebrations,
-New social housing for all types of families, small and large,
-There is a good sense of community in the North East,
-Encourage people to exercise with free equipment e.g. Whitfield Green and Mill O’ Mains Park,
-Better bus services needed – particularly Claverhouse/Emmock Woods.
It was agreed that the comments would be gathered for reporting at a feedback event.
5.2 Local Community Plan Feedback Event
Mike reported on the plan to feedback the results of community engagement to the community. He pointed out that the concept of meeting the residents on “you said this……” and “this is what we will do” themes have been agreed for each ward. A lengthy discussion was held on how best to do this. It was agreed that a series of workshops will be held initially to analyse the data around the four SOA/ LCP themes of community safety, children and families, work and enterprise and health and wellbeing. During the workshops stakeholders from all sectors will discuss and agree appropriate outputs and their commitment to that output prior to feeding back to the community.
It was agreed that the workshops will be held in January and February 2017 with the feedback events being held in March. All partners agreed to participate in these events and discussion on the format and arrangements for the feedback events will be held at the next meeting of the NECPP.
6. / Agency Update
6.1 North East Regeneration Forum
Ron reported that the Forum’s allocation of small and youth diversionary grants had been utilised with £7,000 (approximately) left in the physical improvements budget for 2016/2017. Ron indicated that this sum would be likely be used
through events aimed at creating community engagement in Fintry Park and a dry-stone dyking project at Middleton Wood. / Action
6.2 Voluntary Sector Update
Neither Bruce nor Kim had a report. However Mike indicated that Evelyn Cairns from DVA had agreed to host a meeting of voluntary sector stakeholders in the ward once citywide thematic meetings had been held for the new Local Outcome Agreement.
6.3 Community Safety Report
Lesley took partners through the report which had been circulated. She pointed out the following;
  • Police still have four key priorities – road safety, tackling anti-social behaviour, tackling drug abuse and combating theft/housebreaking.
  • The new community policing approach was described with Lesley reporting that she was the new Sergeant for the North East and Strathmartine wards.
  • She reported that 28 motorbikes have been seized this year in relation to illegal use of motorbikes. In relation to this she pointed out that public nuisance complaints were up by 40% in the last quarter which relates to things like stone throwing.
  • Police reported a good outcome in relation to anti-social behaviour in Mill O’ Mains which resulted in an ASBO to the main protagonist.
  • Lesley asked members if a regular police surgery would be welcomed in the ward. There was a lengthy discussion held on the above. Councillor Gordon indicated that it was pleasing to see community based work being prioritised. He also felt that surgeries would go down well with the community, especially where residents were concerned with local issues such as anti-social behaviour around building sites. After discussion Lesley asked the partners for feedback on the surgery idea and any other suggestions.
6.4 Scottish Fire and Rescue Report
Fraser introduced himself to the Partnership and offered to meet any of the members if interested. He circulated the latest monitoring report and highlighted a number of points as follows;
  • 72 home fire safety visits have been done with partners to households in the local communities,
  • Secondary fire numbers are reducing. This includes the downward trend of “bonfires” in the city around 5th November which was down to 19 callouts this year.
  • He reported that some performance indicators were up, but only marginally and for smaller priorities e.g. unwanted fire signals from smoke detectors (often when toast was burned).
6.5 Environment Update
There was no official report, but Mike added that the joint Dundee City Council/Fintry Community Council play project in Fintry Park was now being
constructed. It is expected that the main construction will be complete prior to Christmas with planting and other environmental initiatives following in Spring.
6.6 City Development
Michael reported that the new Whitfield Dental Practice was progressing with its shop fit-out at The Crescent. Unfortunately the hot food take-away development had slowed down due to one of the partners dropping out. This means that the application/permissions need to start from scratch by the remaining partner. Councillor Gordon indicated that Mike Galloway had announced a convenient store was interested in locating at a recent Whitfield Development board meeting, but Michael was unsure when such a move was planned.
6.7 Mill O’ Mains
Gordon reported that handovers were continuing on the remainder of the third phase houses. In addition, he reported that the demolition contractor for the remaining flats had been appointed on 31st October. Information on the demolition schedule will be circulated to residents in advance of work commencing.
6.8 Whitfield Regeneration Update
Gordon reported that developments by Invertay Homes and Merchant Homes were progressing well and Angus Housing Association’s development at Ormiston was complete.
6.9 Integrated Joint Board update
No report was available.
6.10 Leisure and Culture Dundee
Darren introduced himself and indicated that Leisure and Culture was keen to develop programmes based on communities’ interest and he was keen to participate in the community planning meetings. It was agreed he would be invited to the upcoming stakeholder meetings in 2017. / All members
7. / Date of next Meeting
After discussion, it was agreed to meet next on Monday 6th February 2017 at 2 pm in Finmill Centre.