Reviewed AUG 14



The rationale for staff working within reception to have standardised dress code is to maintain a professional image at all times to the general public. Receptionists are the first point of contact to visitors and other professionals, it is essential that they be easily recognised. They have a responsibility to portray a smart image on behalf of their employers and it is an essential part of their job description.


The Practice will provide an approved amount for any staff employed as a permanent receptionist to spend on an agreed uniform, and will be responsible for the replacement of that uniform at the agreed time.

No new staff member will be issued with a uniform until they have completed three months induction and the Practice is satisfied with the suitability of that member of staff.

Any uniform purchased by the Practice remains the property of the Practice.

Any staff member terminating their employment with the Practice must hand in their uniform to the Practice Manager on the last day of their employment.

Uniforms provided will be reviewed on an biannual basis for renewal or replacement and the changeover date to be around the 30TH November. Staff commencing part-way through a year will be provided with a uniform on satisfactory completion of 3 months service.

The Practice will not be responsible for replacing uniforms that have been neglected.

The Practice will not replace uniform within the 12 month period of being issued in the circumstances of staff having increased in size unless in exceptional circumstances.

Staff will be responsible for laundering of uniforms and will be expected to keep these clean and in good order. Staff may be eligible for tax relief on cleaning costs and may wish to approach the Inland Revenue in this respect.

Once issued, staff will be required to wear the complete uniform set on a daily basis. Staff failing to comply with the dress code may be counselled/warned. This will be recorded in staff records. Failure to amend behaviour may result in formal disciplinary action being taken.


Administration staff will be provided with a set budget to purchase any of the following:

·  Black jackets

·  Black skirts or pairs of trousers

·  White plain blouses or shirts

Nursing staff will be provided with clinical nursing uniform

·  Navy blue dress or tunic

·  Navy blue trousers

Uniforms should be worn with black shoes.


Each individual employee has a responsibility to maintain their standard of presentation in keeping with their role and image to the general public and to their employers. Staff are expected to comply at all times with the dress code and keep their uniform clean, tidy and presentable. Staff are expected to launder their own uniform.

Employees must inform the Practice Manager if there is a problem with their ability to wear their uniform (e.g. pregnancy), under these circumstances alternative solutions may be negotiated individually with the Practice Manager – maternity wear is available.

Employers whose personal size fluctuates frequently will be responsible for purchasing their own replacements.


·  Permanent staff employed in the role of a receptionist will not be allowed to wear clothes that are different to their standard uniform issue

·  Mini skirts

·  Loud earrings/multiple earrings (more than 2 in any ear), wild hair colours

·  Blouse styles which may be provocative or revealing