Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 1st July 2008

at 7:00pm in the Elizabeth Hall, Tisbury.

08.07.01 / Present: P.Cnllrs Mrs J. Golder (Acting Chairman), Mrs P. Chave, J. Berkley-Matthews, M. McGrath, Miss F. Corp, R. Dearden and Mrs J. Amos (from 7:04pm).
Also in attendance: C.Cnllr Mrs B. Wayman; Mrs S. Harry (Clerk); 3 members of the public.
08.07.02 / Apologies received: P.Cnllrs D. Carroll, D. Boxall and P. Coopman.
08.07.03 / Declarations of Interest: none.
Questions and /or statements from members of the public:
(7:04pm) / a.  Mr MacClelland, the applicant for S/2008/1104, briefly explained the necessity and rationale for the additional livestock building and answered questions from those councillors present.
b.  Dr Dalton explained how he believed the proposed ‘Polyclinic’ system would work, highlighting the following points:
·  Wiltshire PCT would have 2 polyclinics; 1 in Salisbury and the other in either Amesbury or Tidworth.
·  Each clinic would have 10+ doctors supported by nurses along with X-ray and minor surgery facilities and be open 365 days per year from 8am to 8pm
·  Patients would be able to make appointments, but also ‘drop in’ and there would be no requirement to be registered.
·  No ‘home’ visits would be available
·  The Salisbury polyclinic was not unwelcomed by the local doctors as some were in unsuitable accommodation.
Dr Dalton explained that the effect of polyclinics on Tisbury and Hindon was unclear, but did not envisage any direct threat. Although no specific action by the PC was requested by Dr Dalton, P.Cnllrs agreed that a letter in support of the Tisbury practice would be sent to Jeff James of Wilts. PCT.
c.  Mrs Austreng spoke on behalf of the T&DSC for R2 monies to be allocated for a custom made solar powered roller mechanism and covers for the pool – approx. £12,000. Further proposals were discussed with the P.Cnllrs, including a separate training pool, additional seating, main pool increase in depth at shallow end and solar panels on a rebuilt changing rooms, showers etc. / Clerk
Reports from County and District Councillors:
08.07.05 / a. County Councillor Mrs Bridget Wayman highlighted 3 issues of interest (actually spoke between Mr MacClelland and Dr Dalton):
·  Statistics to be presented at a WCC meeting on 15th July 2008 relating to the Wilts. Police Authority did not appear to tie in with crime and detection figures obtainable from the Wilts. Police website; the website figures being much worse. This had been queried by MrsBW and the written answer would be circulated to P.Cnllrs when received.
·  A request from the Cricket Club (based on the KGV playing field) to use the existing water and electricity supplies to Pandora’s Box had been granted, providing that the PC undertook to underwrite any costs with metering equipment and/or excessive usage.
·  The motorcycle project was now properly established at the Nadder Hall complex, having had permission to re-connect the electricity supply originating from the Nadder Hall rather than relying on a malfunctioning generator.
In addition, the MD of UBS on the Station Works site had agreed that the project could be based and use facilities leased by UBS, although this was time limited by potential development by the land owners.
Finally, MrsBW asked P.Cnllrs to note that the land on the Nadder Halls site all belonged to WCC and that relocation of the project back to their existing site might be necessary if the UBS site became unavailable. / MrsBW
08.07.06 / b. District Councillor Richard Beattie was not present.
08.07.07 / c. District Councillor Mrs Jose Green was not present.
Minutes of the previous meetings:
08.07.08 / Full – 3rd June 2008 - these were accepted and signed as a true record following correction of typing errors at 08.06.04,b., 08.06.09(08.04.15) and 08.06.18.
Proposed JBM / seconded RD / unanimous of those present (5)
Planning – 17th June 2008 - these were accepted and signed as a true record.
Proposed MrsPamC / seconded JBM/ unanimous of those present (5)
08.07.09 / Matters arising from the previous meetings:
08.04.33: A cheque for £100 had been received as compensation for the bulbs lost during the recent works at the junction of The Avenue and Cuffs Lane. Any residual money following bulb replanting in the autumn would be spent on similar amenity plantings at the discretion of the Village Steward.
08.06.12: Cnllrs agreed that the planning application for the proposed parking area at the Nadder Hall complex (being financed from R4 monies associated with the Hindon lane development) would not be appropriate at this particular time, as the timescale for release of funds was not yet agreed and could possibly be later than the 5 year limit on planning approval. The application submission would be re-considered when the S106 agreement was in place and actual land availability was better known. / Clerk->
Consideration of Planning Applications:
08.07.10 / S/2008/1065 – full – Hodinotts, Hindon Road, Tisbury – install 2 dormers to both front and rear pitches of roof
Cnllrs resolved to support the application as the property was not visible from the highway and would not overlook any other property.
Proposed MMcG / seconded MrsPamC / unanimous
S/2008/1104 – full – Westfield Farm, Wardour – construct agricultural building for the accommodation of livestock
Cnllrs resolved to support the application following a brief discussion on manure production and storage.
Proposed MrsPamC / seconded JBM / unanimous
S/2008/1110 – TPO – 1 Portland House, Ladydown View, Tisbury – fell x1 ash, fell x2 beech, x2 beech crown reduce up to 20%
P.Cnllr MrsPamC reported on her site visit and Cnllrs resolved to support the application on her recommendation.
Proposed MrsPamC / seconded RD / unanimous / Clerk
08.07.11 / Applications Determined: none.
08.07.12 / Clarence / Highway Issues
a.  The wall bordering Vicarage Rd with The Grange had substantial weed growth at the base that required clearing/spraying.
b.  The Parish Steward programme for the summer was available, with August being dedicated to painting railings and ragwort pulling. / Clerk
08.07.13 / KGVth play area - works by Youth Club members were now progressing. The old football posts still needed to be removed, but the grass had been cut at the weekend.
08.07.14 / Lower Recreation Ground - a response from B. Woodcock was still awaited with respect to the meeting with Sid Kimbrough and also the landscaping.
08.07.15 / Footpaths - it was reported that the route of a path near Fry’s land had changed but was acceptable; however, further towards Squalls Lane an electric fence was presently crossing the footpath. This was assumed to be a temporary measure but would be checked in the future.
08.07.16 / Community Composting - Hill’s Waste had agreed to pay for the shredding of 1 large quantity of fly tipped waste at the site, but further fly tipping was taking place. It was hoped to make use of this material by shredding for eventual sale, but for this to be profitable the group needed to own a shredder. Hill’s Waste had offered to fund either product sold at £21 per tonne or the purchase of a domestic sized shredder. The group was currently making a decision on this.
08.07.17 / CAB Meetings - the 2 meetings held in Tisbury had done little to answer questions on Governance, accountability and communication of the proposed partnership. Despite this, 2 Tisbury P.Cnllrs had volunteered for the working party.
08.07.18 / TCSP
JBM reported that Andy Fell had replaced Mark Steele as the Community Beat Manager and that Tisbury Police Station continued to be open on Wednesdays between 11am and 1pm. Incident reporting can also be done at the library (to Shirley) when open.
It was noted that Tisbury is eligible to have up to 2 Special Constables and an advert would be written for FOCUS to encourage potential candidates to come forward. / JBM
08.07.19 / a.  The income and payments data previously circulated were approved.
proposed MMcG /seconded MrsPamC/unanimous
08.07.20 /

b.  Internal Audit Report

Cnllrs noted the comments of the internal audit report and endorsed the actions to be taken to with respect to the recommendations made.

proposed JBM /seconded RD /unanimous / Clerk/RFO
08.07.21 / c.  Annual Return and Annual Governance Statement:
1)  Annual Return Statement of Accounts
Councillors resolved to approve the Statement of Accounts.
2)  Annual Governance Statement
Copies of the Annual Governance Statement were distributed to each P.Cnllr. present and the Chairman called for any questions before Councillors resolved to approve signature by the Chairman.
PROPOSED RD /SECONDED JBM /unanimous / Clerk
08.07.22 / R2 Monies
P.Cnllrs discussed further options for the use of R2 monies and decided that the following projects be investigated further:
·  Signage for the Living River project – the criteria for funding would be checked with SDC; if not appropriate P.Cnllrs would consider other funding options at the September meeting.
·  Swimming pool – following consideration of the information given earlier (08.07.04 c.), P.Cnllrs resolved to seek approval for approx. £12,000 to be spent on a solar powered roller mechanism and covers.
Proposed MMcG /RD / unanimous
·  The Football Club would be approached to establish whether the boundary fencing with Station Road could be replaced and improved, especially as this was an important entrance to the village. / Clerk
08.07.23 / Councillor vacancy update, inc. letter from JB Pope
The Clerk reported that a copy letter to SDC from Mr Pope had been received concerning the lack of advertising of the P.Cnllr vacancy. P.Cnllrs were informed that 2 of the statutory notices had been displayed in the village from 30th May to 1st July, although the notice had only to be displayed from 2nd to 20th June. It had not been possible to put a notice in FOCUS due to the timescale involved (copy deadline 15th of each month) and the village website at that time was not taking new entries (note: new editor now in place).
The PC had now been informed by SDC that a co-option should be made and a notice would be placed in FOCUS and on the website, with a view to making a co-option at the September meeting. / Clerk
08.07.24 / Affordable / Rented Housing for residents of Tisbury
It was reported that the Chairman had attended an open session organised by SDC for securing affordable housing within the village in partnership with the Housing Associations involved in current and proposed developments within the village. Copies of the necessary forms were available and the Chairman was keen to promote the PC in helping to secure places. P.Cnllrs felt that this should be further discussed at the September meeting with a possible ‘Housing Co-ordinator’ being appointed by the PC. / Clerk
08.07.25 / Double yellow lines in Park Road opposite Victoria and Elizabeth Halls
P.Cnllrs resolved to support the request from the VHMC in proposing double yellow lines in Park Road opposite the halls.
Proposed MissFC / seconded MrsPamC / unanimous / Clerk
08.07.26 / Delegation to Parish Councils
Following a brief discussion, P.Cnllrs agreed that the following services be further investigated with respect to devolvement to the PC from WCC provided that funding follow the service:
Parking – car parks and roads
Street naming
Street Cleaning
Open Spaces maintenance
These initial thoughts would be conveyed to WCC as previously agreed. / Clerk
08.07.27 / Events on the Lower Recreation Ground
P.Cnllrs were reminded that any events on the LRG should be cleared with both the PC and Football Club and subsequently resolved that the ‘Swap Shop’ organized for July be granted permission by the PC; permission from the Football Club already having been obtained.
Proposed MrsJA / seconded MMcG / unanimous
08.07.28 / Mobile Library Revised routes – Wardour not included in current or revised routes
P.Cnllrs agreed not to comment on the proposed changes.
08.07.29 / Parish Elections – 2009 or 2013?
P.Cnllrs briefly discussed the question posed by WCC with respect to future Parish Elections and opted for 2009. / Clerk
08.07.30 / Effect of ‘Polyclinics’ on Tisbury
P.Cnllrs confirmed their earlier decision to write to Wilts. PCT (08.07.04 b.) / Clerk
08.07.31 / Reduced hours at Tisbury Station Ticket Office
P.Cnllrs were informed of a meeting to be held on Monday 18th August on Platform 4 at 9:30am to protest at the proposed reduction in manned station hours. TPC would also register a formal complaint. / Clerk
08.07.32 / Airspace segregation by MOD to south of Salisbury Plain Danger Areas
Further information would be sought prior to the September meeting. / Clerk
08.07.33 / Gate from play area to KGVth playing field
P.Cnllrs agreed with a request from the Village Steward to investigate the possibility of a gate from the KGV play area to the field. At present, children going from one to the other either climb the fence, which is becoming damaged, or walk around on the road. Consultation with the school would be undertaken and a metal kissing gate was considered to be the most appropriate gate if all agreed, as this could be locked. / Clerk
08.07.35 / Tisbury Youth
It was noted that to gain Leisure Credits, the Youth Club was undertaking maintenance of KGV playground and this was welcomed as excellent community work by those present.
Jaki Farrell would be contacted with respect to further work at Stubbles. / Clerk
08.07.36 / Distribution of FOCUS
P.Cnllrs noted that outlets for FOCUS were under the control of the PCC.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9:16pm.
Date and time of next full monthly meeting - Tuesday 2nd September 2008.

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