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APRIL 2009 /
In This Issue:
and Tips
Giftedness Gala
Webinar on Suicide
U.S. Catholic Magazine Special Family Issue
Catechesis and the Proclamation of the Word
Formational Materials for the Roman Missal
Community Choice Act
Diocesan/Partner News
Tip Sheet on Employment for Persons with Disabilities
Diocese of Rockville Centre Workshop: Celebrating Children with Autism
Stauros Ministries Invitation: Access to the Land of the Bible
Cracked Hearts and Empty Spaces: Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities through Loss and Grief
Model futile Care Legislation
Conscience Protections for Health Care Providers
Pro-Life Email Campaign
Stem Cell Executive Order
Community Choice Act
World Without Hearing News
North American Deafness and Hearing Loss Related Resources: Weekly E-zine
Plaum Gospel Weekly Family Pages
Coming Events
Other Events / Feature Story
...from the smallest of seeds blossoms meaningful and contemporary/real life Social groups for autistic teens. Sean, a 14 year old with autism, participated in a special Sacramental preparation program, one that was taught by other (neuro-typical) teens and he received the Sacrament of Confirmation nearly two years ago (pictured below with Auxiliary Bishop William Winter.) Sean has been coming to the class for four years and did not want to leave his weekly class and so, as a freshman in high school, he began acting as a co-teacher with a neuro-typical counter part, working with/teaching a younger child touched with autism as he prepared for the Sacrament of the Eucharist. In a rather amazing way, Sean connected with the younger boy so well, that the two would sit during breaks and read together (helping the younger child to stay focused and attentive to the lesson).
Sean's participation in the Sacramental preparation program added a new dimension to the program enriching both it and his overall quality of life through his continued participation. Ironically, this small class where there are 17 individuals with an autism spectrum disorder in the class has become one of his most meaningful social experiences each week. It has become so important to him thathis parents and older kids (teens) in the class have formed with hima Venture Crew. Teens with ASD and neuro-typical teens (boys and girls), have formed a Scouting Venture Crew centered on photography and high adventure activities - activities many of the neurotypical teens identified as being things they enjoy doing (biking on trails, hiking, visits to interesting places including behind the scene visits to amusement parks).
What began as a way for Sean (and his parents) to have a more meaningfull involvment with his Church, has evolved into his both enriching the program that first sought to help him while creating a novel way for he and other teens in the autism spectrum to meaningfully be involved with neuro-typical peers in fun activities. This allows them to have wonderful Christian role models demonstrating how some teens can have fun with each other in real world activities.
[Deacon Larry Sutton, Ph.D., Pittsburgh, PA, developed and directs a catechetical program for children and youth within the spectrum of Autism, assisted by peers and neuro-typical peers of the students as catechists. Thanks to Deacon Sutton for submitting this article and picture, and to Sean and his family for sharing their story.]
NCPD News and Tips
NCPD's Giftedness Gala and Silent Auctionwill be held Thursday, April 16, 2009. The online silent auction is available now.(Click here for more information.) The Giftedness Gala and online Silent Auction honors pioneers Dr. David Byers and Dolores Wilson, and fundraiser/advocate Brian D. Stevens. Dr. Byers was one of the original members of the Bishops' Committee on Disability, a contributor to the 1978 Pastoral Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops on People with Disabilities. Dolores Wilsonis a pioneer in this ministry and served as the first Director of Disability Ministry for the Archdiocese of Washington DC for over twenty years and is now the Eastern Provincial Coordinator of Faith and Light in the United States.She is also the founder and director of Bethlehem House communities. Brian D. Stevens is a business executive, member of the Knights of Malta, an ex-officio NCPD Board member and founder of the Catholic Disabilities Foundation (CDF). He is a fundraiser and advocate for disability ministry in the Church. Join us to honor these extraordinary individuals and their work for and with people with disabilities. People from throughout the U.S. can enjoy the fun of the online silent auction bychecking out the incredible auction items. (click here)
Fr. Ron Rolheiser to speak on NCPD Webinar on Suicide
On Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:00-2:30p.m. Eastern Time, NCPD will present an extendedwebinarin recognition of an important topic requested by those in youth, catechetical, pastoral and mental health ministries.With May being Mental Health Month it seemed especially appropriate to be covering the topic of Access to Tools in Addressing Suicide: Pastoral Supports and Prevention Strategies. This internet seminar is provided by NCPD, the NCPD Council on Mental Illness, the National Conference for Catechetical Leaders and others. We will feature noted columnist, teacher and theologian Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI; Dr. Thomas Welch, a forensic psychiatrist with a Masters Degree in Pastoral Ministry who is a member of the NCPD Council on Mental Illness; and Claire Woodruff,Religious Education Coordinatorfor the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon. Claire serves as the Board of Directors Chair, and as Small Group Facilitator of the Suicide Bereavement Support Organization (SBS).
U.S. Catholic Magazine Special Family Issue "Tough Love," which appears in the April 2009 Special Family issue of U.S. Catholic magazine,, features beautiful stories of parents of children with disabilities. Peg Kolm, Director of Development, NCPD, shares her story of awareness that is gained through her first reading of the 1978 Pastoral Statement of U.S. CatholicBishops on People with Disabilities. Author Kristin Peterson sheds light on the challenges faced by parents of children with developmental disabilities.
Catechetical Sunday, September 20, 2009
The theme for 2009 is Catechesis and the proclamation of the Word. Plan to include the topic in your catechist in-services and prayer. Resources will be available soon at Watch the NCPD website this summer at for disability specific resources that reflect the theme of Catechetical Sunday.
Formational Materials for the Roman Missal are now available at a new website. Click here to go to the USCCB Committee on Divine Worship website that provides materials for priests and the faithful which can be used for catechesis and preparation for the implementation of the revised texts. Be ready to guide catechists and prepare well for liturgies that you provide by making yourself familiar with the new texts before they are required for use. You can also find specific information on the following topics:
·  Changes in the people's part of the Mass
·  Changes in the priest's part of the Mass
·  Questions and answers to questions on the revised translation of the Order of the Mass and topics such as Holy Communion and Celiac Sprue Disease.
Community Choice Act (CCA)
An introduction Briefing at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on March 24 was attended by Janice Benton, legislators, members of ADAPT in bright orange t-shirts proclaiming "Community Choice Act...Free Our People..It's Time!", other advocates, and viewers in over 119 sites throughout the U.S. Senator Harkin, who introduced the bill in the Senate, and other speakers urged that the CCA be included in the health care reform package. Senator Harkin affirmed, however, that the CCA should be passed this session, whether as part of the health care legislation, or as a stand-alone bill.
The kick-off ceremony can be viewed on the ADAPT website by clicking here. It includes helpful testimony on the projected costs of the legislation by Mitchell LaPlante of the University of California, San Francisco.
Diocesan/Partner News
Disability Ministry Tip Sheet by Marsha Rivas, Toledo Once again Marsha is sharing her wisdom with us through providing tip sheet on Employment for Persons with Disabilities.. (Click here to view Tip Sheet).
Mary Anne Russo, Coordinator for Ministry with Persons with Special Needs announced that the Diocese of Rockville Centre is sponsoring a Workshop: Celebrating Children with Autism on April 29th from 9am to 2:30pm at St. Frances de Chantal Parish in Wantagh, New York. Anne Masters will be presenting: Including Children with Autism in Liturgy and Sacraments. Dr. Joanne Sgambati, PhD., will be discussing: Seeing Beyond Behaviors-Nurturing the Faith of Children with Autism. The registration for this event can be downloaded at Contact Mary Anne at 516.678.5800 ext. 540 or for more information.
Stauros Ministries Invitation Access to the Land of the Bible, August 17-28, 2010 is a trip for people with disability (see fact sheet flyer). Access to the Land of the Bible is a non-academic program of Bible study made accessible to persons living with disabilities. It is the realization of a dream by Fr. Donald Senior, CP, New Testament scholar, and Stauros U.S.A. founder, the late Fr. Flavian Dougherty, CP. In the words of Fr. Senior, "For many people with disabilities, their suffering is not their disability itself but, rather, the barriers and negative attitudes society puts in their way. We named our program 'Access to the Land of the Bible' because we want to demonstrate that people with disabilities should have the same access to the sources of our faith as anyone else."
Stauros is launching a campaign to recruit 25 leaders in the disability "no limits" movement who have disability themselves and desire to attend a fantastic study tour of the Holy Land with one of the world's foremost experts on the bible and New Testament: Fr Don Senior, the current President of the Catholic Theological Union.
Deacon Don Grossnickle Ed.D, Stauros USA Executive Director can be reached at: or Phone: 773-484-0581. He encourages you to visit their web site to see the information they have on past trips.
PittsburghParish Advocate Conference, April 18, 2009 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
NCPD Executive Director Janice Benton will speak to parish advocates from throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh on the continuing relevance of the Bishops' Pastoral Statement on People with Disabilities during this 30th anniversary year, and the significant ministry role they play as parish advocates.
Cracked Hearts and Empty Spaces:Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities through Loss and Grief, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. (click here for flyer) Learning to face and deal with grief, with the support of others, is a gift. This workshop will present a theological context and practical skills to assist in providing pastoral support through a guest speaker and a panel presentation. It will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2009 (9:30 AM-Noon). Doors open at 9:00 am for refreshments.
The guest speaker is Dolores Wilson, upcoming awardee at NCPD's April 16 Giftedness Gala and Director of Bethlehem House Community in Washington, DC. Dolores spent 23 years as director of the Office for Pastoral Care for People with Disabilities for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. She has served as a teacher and administrator at the Kennedy Institute for Children with Developmental Disabilities. The panel presentation will feature Rev. Msgr. Richard Bolger, Rev. Dennis Weber, parents and individuals with developmental disabilities.
Register by April 20 (registration form). Phone: 215-587-3530 (voice), 215-587-3913 (tty/video phone [vp]), Email: for more information.
Cardinal Krol Center
1799 S. Sproul Road
Springfield, PA 19064
(parking available on premises)
Model Futile Care Legislation
On August 22, 2008 the NCPD Board approved a statement on Futile Care (to view statement click here.)NCPD's Board Committee on Ethics and Public Policy recently posted on the NCPD website model legislation for implementing this statement. Click here to view this model legislation.
Conscience Protections for Health Care Providers
Contact Health and Human Services (HHS) and urge them to retain current conscience protections for health care providers. For information on sending a message, go to Click here to view comments submitted by the Chair of NCPD's Board of Directors, Stephen Mikochik, J.D..
Contact your Senators and Representatives and contact the White House to urge that any health legislation include strong conscience protection for individuals and institutions. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202)224-3121 or find your Representatives' or Senators' contact information at Call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 or send an e-mail by going to to
Pro-Life Email Campaign Encouraged by U.S. Bishops
U.S. bishops are encouraging Catholics to send e-mails to legislators in the second step of a national pro-life action plan. The first step was a postcard campaign promoted by the U.S. bishops' conference throughout all the dioceses in January, in which citizens appealed to legislators for pro-life policies through mailed post cards.
The e-mail campaign has the goal of urging Congress to "maintain widely-supported pro-life policies and to oppose the federal funding and promotion of abortion," a statement from the conference reported Wednesday.
Voters are encouraged to send pre-written emails to their legislators asking them to oppose the Freedom of Choice Act, "the most radical and divisive pro-abortion bill ever introduced in Congress." The e-mail states that "Americans should unite to serve the good of all, born and unborn" and asks legislators to "please retain existing laws against funding and promotion of abortion." For more information about this pro-life campaign, click
Stem Cell Executive Order
NCPD Board Committee for Ethics and Public Policy also issued a statement concerning President Obama's recent executive order lifting the ban on federal funding on embryonic stem cell research. Click here to view the statement.
Community Choice Act
Senator Thomas Harkin (D-IA) introduced the Community Choice Act of 2009 (S 683) to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide individuals with disabilities and older Americans with equal access to community-based attendant services and supports. With 13 cosponsors in the Senate, and similar legislation (HR 1670) introduced in the House of Representatives with 41 cosponsors, NCPD and the larger disability community are encouraged that this legislation will become law in the 111th Congress. In introducing S 683 on the Senate floor, Senator Harkin remarked: