Summer 2016 Professional Development Priorities and Aligned PD

Below you will find the prioritized professional learning that aligns with our summer literacy PD Focus Areas. PD for June is available for sign up in MLP where dates are determined, and July sessions are currently being entered.

Summer Focus / June / July / August (DLD)
Elementary Foundational Skills
Use these resources to guide your own learning:
Fluency for K-2
Fluency for 3-5
Guide to Foundational Skills / Workshop 1: Building Teacher Background in Understanding Foundational Skills – “Teaching Reading Essentials”
Lesson 1 –K-2: Teaching Letters, Sounds and Sense
(6/8 9-11am; 6/9 1-3pm)
Lesson 2 –K-2: Teaching Phoneme Awareness (6/8 9-11am)
Lesson 3- Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing
(6/10 9-11am; 6/21 9-11am)
Lesson 4- Teaching Advanced Phonics
(6/21 1-3pm; 6/22 8:30-10:30am)
Lesson 5- Teaching Vocabulary and Comprehension (6/22 8:30-10:30am; 10:45-12:45pm)
K-2 Summer Institutes (June 6-10)
Foundational Skills Focus Includes:
  • How to harness the power of songs, poetry, and movement to assist students in acquiring early/emergent reading skills with ease (such as oral language, sound/symbol association, and high frequency word knowledge).
  • Reading and writing instruction connection (i.e., vocabulary development in reading with word choice in writing)
  • Small Group Instruction/Literacy Stations
/ Workshop 2: Executing Foundational Skills in the Classroom (Date TBD)
Fisher and Frey:
Focused Instruction (Date TBD) / Planning and executing the 90 min block/workstations (continued standards work)
Use of Curriculum Resources
Secondary Foundational Skills
Use these resources to guide your own learning:
Fluency for Grades 6-12 / ExC-ELL Institutes (June 8-10)
Highlighted focus: Vocabulary Instruction
Reading Horizons Training (June 14-15)
Space is limited
Fisher and Frey: Structural Level Questions (June 8-10) / Additional ExC-ELL Vocabulary PD for Secondary Teachers(TBD) / Effective planning with complex text (text-standards-tasks)
Use of Curriculum Resources
Foundational Skills (ALL) / All teachers have access to a free online training course through Reading Horizons. Use this link to create an account and gain access to the workshop.
Group Code (if not auto-populated): 0015-7CEGLFQX
Elementary Standards, Tasks, and Student work / K-2 Summer Institutes (June 6-10)
Highlighted Focus: Text Sets and grade-specific implementation of tasks
Task on the Table Institute for Teachers
(June 14-16, 2016 – select 1 day)
Fisher and Frey:
Scaffolding Reading (TBD)
Close Reading (TBD)
Action Oriented Task (TBD)
Assessment (TBD) / Task on the Table For Teachers Part 2(TBD)
Fisher and Frey:
Action Oriented Task (TBD)
Assessment (TBD)
Secondary Standards, Tasks, and Student work / Task on the Table Institute for Teachers
(June 14-16, 2016 – select 1 day)
Fisher and Frey:
Action Oriented Task (TBD)
Assessment (TBD) / Task on the Table for Teachers Part 2
Fisher and Frey:
Action Oriented Task (TBD)
Assessment (TBD)

Summer professional learning is also being offered in other content areas and topics. Please visit MLP and select the appropriate month to see full catalog of offerings. Below are a few key highlights for other content areas:

Content Area / Topic/Date
Math / Math Institute I (June 14-16)
Algebra I Employment Training (June 6-10)
Math Institute II (July 25)
Social Studies / Social Studies Institute (May 31- June 2)
Science / Science Institute (June 1-2)