Flashcard Revision Game

Students take the role of ‘tutor’ and ‘tutee’ in turns and proceed through 3 rounds

Round 1 The “Tutor” shows and reads the front and back of the flashcard. Then, the “Tutor” shows the front of the card and the “Tutee” gives the answer for the back. If the “Tutee” answers correctly, the “Tutor” offers a praiser and gives the “Tutee” the card. If the “Tutee” answers incorrectly, he or she does not win the flashcard. The “Tutor” offers a hint or shows the answer again. When they have gone through all the cards, the pair switches roles and goes through the cards again.

For Round 2 Fewer cues are given. The “Tutor” shows the front of the card and the “Tutee” tries to win back the card by giving a correct answer. When both students win back all their cards they move on to Round 3.

In Round 3. Fewer cues are given yet. The “Tutor” says what’s on the front, this time without showing the card. The “Tutee” tries to win back the cards with the correct answer.

Why was there so little opposition to the Nazis 1933-39 and what opposition was there?

There was very little active resistance to the Nazis between 1933-39


The Nazis used propaganda, terror and volksgemeinschaft to make sure the German people didn’t resist their rule

Economic recovery and full employment meant most accepted the new system as better than what came before

Within 6 months of taking power Hitler had established a one party police state within which resistance was very difficult –

SS and Gestapo used terror to control people within the police state

Examples of Resistance


SPD (Socialists) were completely unprepared for the new situation. They fought the March 33 election in the context of violence and suppression by the SA and then very bravely voted against the Enabling law, but once the dictatorship had been established the SPD quickly disintegrated.

1,000s were either murdered or imprisoned and most of the remaining leadership fled to Czechoslovakia where under the leadership of Ernst Schumacher they tried to coordinate the production and distribution of propaganda pamphlets

A small number of underground socialist cells existed for a while in the industrial areas e.g. The Berlin red Patrol and the Hannover Socialist Front but very few were willing to get involved

The Communists (KPD) were brutally repressed by the Nazis from the start. KPD was the first party to be banned and have their leader Thalmann arrested

10% of all communists had been murdered by the Nazis by the end of 1933

KPD did manage to set up an underground network in Berlin, Hamburg and Mannheim but all of these had been destroyed by the Gestapo by 1935

A small number of factory based communist cells remained in industrial areas but given the risks involved in joining and in the context of the ‘Nazi economic miracle’ they failed to attract significant support

Trade Unions

Independent unions banned in 1933 and the link between the unions and the SPD broken

Workers organisations absorbed into DAF

DAF encouraged workers that the interests of Aryan workers and Aryan bosses were the same and drip fed them with constant Nazi propaganda

Despite this there were a small number of strikes during the Nazi period.

1936 – 100 strikes reported by Gestapo

1937 – 250 strikes reported by the Gestapo

Mostly about long hours, low wages and high food prices – dealt with very harshly by Gestapo e.g. 4,000 strikers imprisoned in 1937


In 1936 membership of the HJ was made compulsory. Up to this point most youths enjoyed HJ activities enthusiastically but after it marks the beginnings of youth resistance

HJ activities deliberately took huge chunks of teenagers time and from 1936/7 the Gestapo start to report absenteeism from compulsory activities such as gymnastics and military drill

As early as 1937 illegal youth gangs were emerging such as STAUBER, DANZIG and MEUTEN

Youth resistance was to peak in the war years but had clearly begun already by 36/7


Many leading figures in the army and civil service had serious misgivings about Hitler from the start. Hitler was poorly educated and lower class.

Most in the army were placated by the Night of the Long Knives which got rid of most radical Nazis and ‘thugs’.

However in 1938 there was a potentially serious threat to Hitler from the army generals anxious at the speed of rearmament and the ‘rush to war’

In 1938 General Beck plotted a detailed military coup against Hitler over the decision to invade Czechoslovakia and therefore risk world war with Britain and France. He even sent delegates to Britain to discuss his plans and seek support

However with the decision by Britain and France to ‘allow’ Hitler to take control of Czechoslovakia in the Munich Conference of 1938 the plot disintegrated