1. Type of the action requested(please put a cross for the action(s) which fits into your proposal)

Project Related Actions
Feasibility study for a project(1)
Detailed designs of acquis related investment projects (2)
Preparation of institution-building projectsor grant schemes (3)
Assessment of applications under grant schemes (4)
Acquis Related Actions
Assisting the adoption and implementation of acquis in particular areas (5)
Strengthening the institutional capacity in view of the future role in the implementation of EU acquis (6)
Developing human resources for the implementation of the EU acquis communautaire (7)
IPA Management Related Actions
Further strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of key DIS institutions (8)
Establishing and supporting the Managing Authorities under IPA in the management of EU funds (9)

(1)The most obvious studies in this field are cost-benefit and economic analyses of a recommended solution or sensitivity testing of various assumptions. Environmental impact assessments will also be carried out under this heading. Although feasibility studies are mainly related with investment projects, there may be cases where they are also necessary for institution building type actions. The activities should strictly follow the Log-Frame Approach of the Project Cycle Management methodology in a participatory manner.

(2)This includes the detailed technical preparation of investment projects following the completion of feasibility studies. It may involve developing detailed designs of geophysical and/or photogramatric studies, descriptions and technical specifications, bill of quantity for necessary inputs, completion schedules for works delivery and drafting of technical drawings including tender dossiers for works, supervision and supply contracts in accordance with the PRAG.The activities should strictly follow the Log-Frame Approach of the Project Cycle Management methodologyin a participatory manner. No finance will be provided for the solepurpose of project fiche editing.

(3)This includes the detailed preparation of institution-building projectsor grant schemes, following the completion of feasibility studies where necessary.It may also involve developing tender dossiers and call for proposals in accordance with the PRAG. .The activities should strictly follow the Log-Frame Approach of the Project Cycle Management methodologyin a participatory manner. No finance will be provided for the sole purpose of project fiche editing.

(4)The beneficiary institutions of grant-scheme programmes can be supported for the assessment of applications under these schemes, in case the human resource capacity necessitates such an action and there is no adequate specific allocation under that project budget for this activity.

(5)Proposals under this heading will address the priorities identified in the AP, the NPAA or emerging from the negotiation process. They will target specific areas, where legislative changes are required in relation to the requirements of the EU integration. Technical assistance activities such as legislative gap analyses, harmonization of action plans, preparation of draft legislations, etc. are examples for eligible actions.

(6)Proposals under this heading will address the actions related with establishing relevant administrative structures for future accession. They will target specific areas, where administrative changes are required in relation to the requirements of the EU integration. Technical assistance activities such as administrative gap analyses (including current and future work-load analyses together with human resources management recommendations), operational capacity enhancement action plans, etc. are examples for eligible actions.

(7)This may include activities aiming at raising awareness about “a specific piece of acquis communautaire” among the staff of a public institution which in the future will be responsible for the adoption and implementation of that legislation. These activities will be training oriented. Implementation of training programmes, study visits, participation in accession related conferences, workshops and similar activities are examples to eligible actions. No finance will be provided for the sole purpose of general EU-concept training.

(8)The short or medium term technical assistance needs of the DIS institutions (NIPAC, NAO, IAs, Sectoral Coordinator) may be covered under this heading. Implementation of training programmes (for the own staff of the DIS institution or for the staff of project beneficiaries in order to raise awareness on EU aid procedures), study visits, participation in related conferences, workshops and similar activities are examples to eligible actions.

(9)The short or medium term technical assistance needs of the Managing Authorities may be covered under this heading. Implementation of training programmes, study visits, participation in related conferences, workshops and similar activities are examples to eligible actions.

1. Name of the Institution

2. State the title of your proposal (max 10 words)

3. Beneficiaries and their contact details (only key partners to be involved in thisstudy)


4. Accession Partnership (AP) priority.(max 100 words)

5. National Action Plan (NAP) 2015-2019 Priority(max 100 words)

6. Regular Report(s) Priority (max 100 words)

7. Screening Process Remarks (if any)

8. Any Other Strategy Document Priority(if any)

9. Indicate the linked activities related with this proposal. (i.e. link to any EC financial assistance; other donor assistance (bilateral, multilateral); activities financed from the national budget. These activities may be completed or still undergoing)


10. Describe the purpose of your proposal in detail. (What are the key problems you are aiming to overcome; indicate the negative consequence(s) (if any) that may occur as a direct result in case this proposal could not be supported; describe the principal benefit(s) that this study will generate for its beneficiaries) (max.half page)

11. Main activities and resultsof the proposal. (Describe the output(s) of each activity)

12. Indicative duration of the proposal

13.Indicativebudget of the proposal (in EURO)

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