Supplementary Table1: Additional written doctor feedback

Do you think the brochure makes it easier for you to discuss CAM with your patients?
Oncologists /
  • Reminder to discuss CAM/ non-prescribed meds
  • Offers a starting point which actually clarifies the initial questions patients have
  • It is easy to read and follow. Patients often ask about alternative treatment

Oncology registrar /
  • clear, easy to follow

Haematologists /
  • If it is given out routinely (to all patients) would promote patients discussing CAM if not prepared to raise it themselves.
  • Provides good summary of medicine and non-medicine based CAM

Haematology registrar /
  • Should a patient express an interest in CAM, I would be very happy to give them this brochure [if] not prepared to raise it themselves.
  • I think this is important to discuss CAM with chemo patients as practically speaking, quite a few pts are inclined towards CAM & it’s very important to tell them the interactions of herbal/ chinese meds with chemo meds.

Has the brochure saved you time during patient consultations?
Oncologists /
  • Most of the time is consumed discussing/ checking specific medications or supplements and this requires a review of more detailed/ specific information on the product which is not in the scope of the booklet
  • It is easier to refer patients to the brochure if there is less time
  • has led to discussion which previously patients may not have raised with the medical team
  • Have not used it enough. Generally should help.

Haematologists /
  • haven’t used yet but believe it will
  • not used it yet but I imagine it would

Haematology registrar /
  • patients (to date) have not mentioned CAM in my clinics
  • I found it very useful. I think it should be discussed with all patients receiving chemo.
  • Some patients may not reveal their inclination towards CAM & therefore it’s important to discuss with them

Extra feedback and/or suggested additions or omissions for the next brochure edition
Oncology registrar /
  • Yes, informative and well-presented brochure. I would have no hesitation in giving brochure to patients who enquired about the use of CAM in cancer care.

Haematologists /
  • I think this is valuable to promote patients onto an evidence based path if they are considering alternative therapy
  • I have given a few to my husband’s (GP) clinic
  • I would try and publish something about it in the LMA (local medical association) newsletter
  • ?additional interaction eg velcade/ green tea

Haematology registrar /
  • I find the brochure very helpful as the majority of patients enquire about issues such as alternative medicine, life style, sports and meditation
  • I suggest a strong emphasis be made in the brochure that although following a healthy diet or life style is good to keep the patient in a better performance status, this is not an alternative to specific cancer directed therapy
  • I think it’s important that all the registrars, particularly the ones doing clinic, should go through the brochure and discuss with the patient (about to start chemo) the important aspects about CAM