Our Church
Consecration Sunday Overview
- Philosophy
This is an organized effort to teach the members of our congregation the principles of Christian stewardship. Consecration Sunday is based on the philosophy of “the need of the giver to give” for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the “need of the church to receive.”
II.Goal of Consecration Sunday
The goal is to raise the level of giving of individuals to the church, rather than to raise a church budget. Our task is to make good stewards; teach people to accept a sacred partnership with God; combat the sin of covetousness; and encourage people to give proportionately and systematically in keeping with their ability.
III.Plan for Consecration Sunday
- No home solicitation of pledges.
- At the morning worship service, the guest leader will conduct a period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their own commitment as an act of worship.
- No member will solicit another member.
- Commitment period will begin with the start of the new church year.
IV.Organization for Consecration Sunday
Consecration Sunday committee and church council members will be responsible to see that every member of the church participates in two events: morning worship on Consecration Sunday and the Celebration Luncheon immediately following worship that same day.
V.Time Line
- Six Weeks Prior –Consecration Sunday Committee meets with outside leader for one hour
- Three Weeks Prior
Sunday--Committee members makes brief announcement regarding Consecration Sunday and Celebration Luncheon (catered meal, not potluck)
Monday—Mail letter #1
- Two Weeks Prior
Sunday—Different committee member makes brief announcement
Monday—Mail letter #2
Tuesday and Wednesday—Council dinner telephone chair phones all Council members and spouses and Consecration Sunday committee members and spouses re: dinner for church leaders at restaurant where outside leader will speak to them about upcoming Consecration Sunday.
- One Week Prior
Sunday—Different committee member uses the “Grow One Step” sheet in morning worship. Copies distributed by placing one in each worship bulletin. Ask worship service attendees to make reservations for Celebration Sunday. (Ushers distribute, people fill out, ushers pick up). Tell them we will be making home visits to persons from whom we do not receive a luncheon reservation card. Pastor preaches on stewardship.
Monday—One hour before church leader dinner, outside leader meets with committee to finalize plans for Consecration Sunday and organizes obtaining reservations for persons who have not yet made them. Outside leader speaks at dinner for church leaders. Distribute instructions for making Celebration Luncheon Reservation Contacts. Make assignments for visits. Mail letter #3.
Tuesday and Wednesday—Personal visits made
Thursday—reservations phoned in to chair by 7:00 p.m.
Friday—Chair telephones for reservations of those still missed.
- Consecration Sunday—Outside leader preaches and conducts a commitment session at the close of the service. Tally immediately after worship. Comparison from previous 12 months prepared in advance. Report brought to the concluding part of the Celebration Luncheon for announcement by Committee Chair.
Monday, day after—Mail letter #4 to persons who did not attend the service.
Monday, one week after—Mail personalized letter of appreciation to each including exact dollar amount of their commitment.