Business Travel Show, Olympia Grand, 22-23 February 2017


Do you include ‘interrupters’ in your travel policy? / 2017 % / 2016 %
Yes / 28 / 8
No / 40 / 48
No but travellers can book them independently / 17 / 19
No but we plan to in the next three years / 11 / 12
No and we don't plan to / 4 / 13
Have you used the following suppliers more or less in the last 12 months? / More / Less
Airbnb / 17 / 6
Uber / 56 / 4
Car pool services / 17 / 7
Do your travellers use ‘interrupters’ when booking independently? / 2017 % / 2016 %
Yes / 48 / 20
No / 27 / 60
Don’t know / 25 / 20
Do 'interrupters' offer a benefit or threat to your travel programme? / 2017 % / 2016 %
Benefit / 37 / 26
Threat / 25 / 26
Undecided / 38 / 48
Please explain your answer. / 2017 %
It affects our traveller tracking and duty of care policy. / 34
They are cost effective. / 29
It gives us greater choice. / 21
Uber, yes. Airbnb, no. / 6
It is not part of our policy. / 6
They don’t have insurance. / 2
It is not in our culture to use them. / 2

Notes to editors:

178 travel buyers took part in the seventh Business Travel Show annual survey in November 2016. 61 per cent of respondents worked in the UK, 37 per cent in continental Europe.

Respondents’ travel budget: %

Less than £150k/€185k 18

£151k-£500k/€186k-€625k 10

£501k-£1m/€626k-€1.3m 6

£1m-£3m/€1.3m-€3.75m 13

£3m-£10m/€3.75m-€12.5m 15

£10m+/€12.5m+ 38

Number of travellers responsible for: %

Fewer than 50 21

51-100 10

101-500 6

501-1000 13

1000+ 15

N.A. 38

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