Seventh Grade Newsletter September 2016

English/Mrs. Mariani: We have begun our year with reviewing procedures that will help students become successful middle school students and we have also been building community in English class around the theme of “How Do I Want To Be Remembered.” In addition we have been learning about the practices that good readers and writers use by practicing annotation when we read, close reading, and partner reading. Our reading choice was a short story, “Thank You M’am” by Langston Hughes, and the examination of song lyrics (poetry), as well as a motivational video on success and being remembered. All three pieces connect to our overarching theme. We have had many wonderful and vibrant discussions on the essences of these pieces and how students relate/connect to the theme. The unit will culminate in students writing a personal narrative in which they describe how they personally would like to be remembered.

As we end September and go into October we will be undertaking the book A Long Walk To Water which is about the Sudan, the “lost boys”, the water crisis, and two young Sudanese children’s experiences.

Science/Ms. Bastedo: In science class we are currently working on our scientific method and measurement unit. We will be using lab equipment such as triple beam balances, graduated cylinders, and thermometers to measure mass, volume, and temperature. We will also review the metric system that we use in science so we can share our data with scientists across the world. Following this unit we will jump into exploring atoms and the makeup of an atom.

What’s Happening in Mrs. Stevens’ 7th Grade Health Class

This year in Health we are piloting a new text book which is up to date with the most current health information and new relevant topics in health.

Sleep is one of the new topics included in the new textbook and students have already expressed a huge amount of interest and enthusiasm about. I am working extremely hard to show our students how relevant the health curriculum is in everyday life and am striving to have students make real world connections to each and every topic discussed.

One way to build relationships as well as student’s self-esteem is to award one student with a certificate for student of the week. Students are selected based on social and emotional aspects and not academics. I, as well as the school are trying to bring to light the importance of recognizing and appreciating how students cope and treat others. I feel that taking time to point out behaviors that may go unnoticed is extremely important to the WHOLE child’s success in the classroom. Not only does this build relationships, but it builds self-esteem.

Math 7/Ms. Schuh:

I am excited to be returning to Ed Smith School teaching 7th grade mathematics. A little background, I grew up just South of Tampa, Florida. After high school, I moved to Illinois to attend Bradley University majoring in elementary education with an emphasis in mathematics. I taught in Illinois for 10 years before moving to Syracuse, New York to become a mathematics coach at Ed Smith School.

For October

Updates for Ms. Schuh’s Scholar’s

This month students will be focusing on ratio and proportion in math class. Students have been working to determine the constant of proportionality (rate of proportionality) to solve proportional word problems. Towards the end of the month, we will be gearing up for a new module based on rational numbers.

Consultant Teacher/Ms. Blue: Students in consultant Teaching Model are doing well with their modifications and accommodations for testing in all subject areas. Ms. Blue would also like everyone to know that we will bereviewing and continuing to build social and emotional skills.