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The Kite Runner

Chapters Twenty-Two to Twenty Five Study Guide Questions

Directions: Read chapters Twenty-Two to Twenty Five and answer the questions below.


1.  At the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Two when Farid drives Amir to the house, what are the men in the house carrying?

2.  Which childhood enemy does Amir face in the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Two?

3.  Where is Amir in the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Three?

4.  What does Farid say to Amir in the hospital that makes Amir cry?

5.  After Amir gets out of the hospital, who does Amir take with him to Islamabad?

6.  Sohrab leaves the hotel while Amir is asleep, where does Sohrab find him?

7.  What does Amir give Sohrab after he finds him?

8.  Why is Sohrab in the hospital?

9.  How long does Sohrab not speak?


10.  Where did Sohrab hit Assef with his slingshot? And, how is this action similar to another event in the novel?

11.  Summarize Rahim Khan’s letter: (page 300)

12.  List all the reasons Raymond Andrews from the American embassy in Islamabad tells Amir to “give up” trying to take Sohrab to America.

13.  What good news does Amir’s wife tell him about getting Sohrab into the United States?

14.  What act of terrorism does Amir reference in Chapter Twenty-Five “while Sohrab was silent and the world was not”?


Diction and Irony

15.  On page 277 Assef tells Amir, “You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘liberating’ until you’ve done that, stood in a roomful of targets, let the bullets fly, free of guilt and remorse, knowing you are virtuous, good, and decent. Knowing you’re doing God’s work. It’s breathtaking.” What is ironic about Assef’s meaning of the word liberating and his concept of “doing God’s work”?

Characterization and Symbolism

16.  While Amir is in the hospital he has a dream about his father. Describe the dream in 2-3 sentences? How does this dream compare to the one in Chapter Three? What does Amir’s seeing himself fighting the bear symbolize and how does this dream reflect how he has been feeling about himself?

Analogy and Theme

17.  On page 340 what analogy is Sohrab making about the sour green apples?

Diction and Theme

18.  Read the passage below and pay close attention to diction. What is the difference between “quiet” and “silence”?

IT WOULD BE ERRONEOUS to say Sohrab was quiet. Quiet is peace. Tranquillity. Quiet is turning down the VOLUME knob on life.

Silence is pushing the OFF button. Shutting it down. All of it.

Sohrab's silence wasn't the self-­‐imposed silence of those with convictions, of protesters who seek to speak their cause by not speaking at all. It was the silence of one who has taken cover in a dark place, curled up all the edges and tucked them under. (page 361)


19.  What is the significance of the title of the novel The Kite Runner? Who is the kite runner? How does this reference to a specific character relate to the narrator and the overall meaning of the work?