Curriculum Vitae

January 2017

Kristen M Kalz

University of Missouri Columbia

Department of Sociology

340B Middlebush Hall

Columbia, MO 65211



PhD. Student, Sociology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO Expected Graduation, 2018.

Minor: Graduate Certificate in Women & Gender Studies, Completed: Fall 2016

Minor: Graduate Certificate in Grantsmanship, Completed: Summer 2016

Advisor: Amit Prasad

M.A. December, 2009, Sociology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL

Thesis: “Relationship & Family Expectations of African American Cohabitating Couples.”

B.S. December 2005, Psychology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL.

Senior Project (Psychology): “Assessment of Pathology as it is Related to Proposed Disorders”

Senior Project (Sociology): “Women with Breast Cancer and Support Group Participation”


Maatita, F., Hernandez, M.D. & Kalz, K.M. (2011). “It’s the Best Place for Him: Harry Potter and the Uses of Space.” Sociology of Harry Potter: 22 Enchanting Essays on the Wizarding World, Edited by Jenn Simms, Zossima Press.


Science, Knowledge, & Technology, Social Problems, Environment & Technology, Social Inequalities, Gender


Conference Presentations

Kalz. K. (2015). “Frameworks & Subsequent Trajectories of Risk in a Landfill Community,” Conference presentation at Midwest Sociological Society, Omaha, NE

Stygar, E., Kalz, K., & Mette-Bory, N. (2013). “Under Pressure: How Age Influences Uncoupled Women's Perceptions of Their Singlehood,” Round Table Discussion at Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL.

Governors Conference. (10/2009). St Louis, MO. Attended conference and engaged in discussions regarding the State of Missouri’s Economic Development

Gateway Labor Management Conference (09/2007). Collinsville, IL.

Attended conference and engaged in discussions regarding U.S workforce and labor management

Shehadeh, S., Metcalf, L., Flanagan, S., Moss, L., & Kalz, K. (2006). “Social Eating Habits of College Women.” Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA), Chicago, IL.

Aufderheide, M., McDowell, C., Kalz, K., Miller, T., & Travers, J. (2006). “Assessment of Pathology as it is Related to Proposed DSM Disorders,” Student Research Symposium at SIUE, Edwardsville, IL.

Invited Talks & Lectures

“St Louis’s Nuclear legacy & Two Landfills,” Presented to the students in Sociology 3010: Social Problems, Instructor Jeff Stilley (9/21/16) University of Missouri

“St. Louis & A Tale of Two Landfills,” Presented to the students in With Friends like These, Who Needs Hegemonies: Employing the Sociological Imagination, Instructor Doug Valentine (6/15/15) Missouri Scholars Academy


Graduate Instructor

Department of Sociology, University of Missouri Columbia

SOCIOL/WGST 3320: Sociology of Gender (Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2015)

SOCIOL 2200/BL_STU: Social Inequalities Online (Fall 2016- Spring 2017)

SOCIOL 3200: Class, Status, & Power (Summer 2016)

SOCIOL 2310: Culture & Mass Media Online (Summer 2015)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Department of Sociology, University of Missouri Columbia

SOCIOL 1000: Introduction to Sociology (Spring 2015, Spring 2014)

SOCIOL 1000: Introduction to Sociology- Culture, Media, & Interaction (Fall 2014)

SOCIOL 1000: Introduction to Sociology- Summer Transitions Program (Summer 2014)

SOCIOL 1000H: Honors Introduction to Sociology (Fall 2013)

SOCIOL 2200: Social Inequalities (Spring 2014)

SOCIOL 3430: Sociology of Sport (Fall 2014)

Department of Peace Studies, University of Missouri Columbia

PEA_ST 1050: Introduction to Peace Studies- Writing Intensive (Spring 2015)

Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice, Southern Illinois University

SOC 304: Race & Ethnic Relations (Spring 2007, Fall 2006)

SOC 309: Social Inequalities (Fall 2006)

Adjunct Faculty

Department of Behavior Sciences, Central Methodist University

SO101: Introduction to Sociology (Spring 2015, Summer 2015)

Department of Sociology, St Louis Community College Meramec

SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology- Hybrid (Spring 2014, Fall 2012, Spring 2011)

SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology- Online (Fall 2012, Spring 2011)

SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology (Fall, 2011, Summer 2011, Spring 2011, Fall 2010, Summer 2010, Spring 2010)

SOC 103: Human Behavior at Work & in Business (Spring 2013, Fall 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2011)

Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

SOC 111: Introduction to Sociology

General Education, Ranken Technical College

SOC 1206 T: Principals of Sociology (Fall 2010)

PSY 1206 T: Principals of Psychology (Fall 2010)

Department of Social Sciences, Southwestern Illinois College

SOC 255: The Family (Summer 2010)

SOC 153: Introduction to Sociology (Spring 2010)


Research Assistant

Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Spring 2007: Research Assistant to Kevin Cannon, Professor

Spring 2007: Research Assistant to Florence Maatita, Professor

Fall 2006: Research Assistant to Kevin Cannon, Professor

Fall 2006: Research Assistant to P. Denise Cobb, Professor

Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2005: Research Assistant to Laura Pawlow, Professor


Service to the Department

Department of Sociology, University of Missouri

Graduate Representative to the Colloquium Committee (Fall 2016-Spring 2017)

Elected President of Sociology Graduate Student Group (Fall 2015- Spring 2016)

Elected Vice President of Sociology Graduate Student Group (Fall 2014- Spring 2015)

Member, Sociology Graduate Student Group (Fall 2013- Spring 2017)

Member, Coalition of Graduate Workers (CGW) (2016-2017)

Department of Sociology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Member, United Students against Sweat Shops (USAS) (2007-2010)

Member, Youth for International Socialism (YFIS) (2007-2010)

Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Secretary & Founding Member, SIUE Psychology Club (2005-2006)

Service to the Community

Volunteer, Heart of America, Columbia MO (2015)

Fundraiser & Group Coordinator. Alzheimer’s Association. “Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease.” Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. (2011-2013)

Volunteer, American Lung Association. “Master the Met.” St Louis, MO. (2010- 2013)

Volunteer, Ronald McDonald House Charities. Inaugural Bike Ride. (2010)

Professional Training

Preparing Future Faculty, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, University of Missouri

(Fall 2016-Spring 2017)

Best Practices in College Teaching, St Louis Community College Meramec (Spring 2013)

Blackboard Basics & Advanced, St Louis Community College Meramec (Spring 2012)

Quality Matters Rubric, St Louis Community College Meramec (Spring 2012)


American Sociological Association (2015- 2017)

Midwest Sociological Society (2012- 2017)

American Association of University Women (AAUW) (2013)


Amit Prasad, Ph.D.

Associate Professorof Sociology

Director, South Asian Studies Program
University of Missouri-Columbia
332 Middlebush Hall
Phone: 573-882-8218 (office)

Rebecca Scott, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Sociology

328 Middlebush Hall

Phone: 573- 884-7644


Tola Olu Pearce, Ph.D.


337 Middlebush Hall

Phone: 573-882-7265


Cathy Santanello, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Edwardsville, IL 62026-1121

Phone: 618-650-5165
