Thursday, 16 October 2014
SAC Minutes: 16/10/14
-29th October. Been talking to Paul about what we want on the night. Feed of pics and tweets. Poster to be made with logos. Jack wants socks, if we can find them cheap, can give them away for free. RHIAN and MATTY to research socks for next CIYS. Do we want a specific theme? Like big stockings? Inflatable socks?
-Set up a photo booth, societies set up their own photo booths and the best idea wins? Have a photo booth but not society run, manned by a third party individual. SU photographer. Get a green screen?
-Face paint.
-Make a promo video to use for next CIYS? Brianna to ask Paul. Or Rhubarb.
Committee Training:
-2 weeks from now. Have all presentations done by the end of tomorrow. Limit training to one week, have exact training dates ready. Jack, prepare sessions in a way that they flow without explanation, so that it can be put on the website. Can be interactive, so filling out templates etc. give them something to take away. Customise sessions. Lauren to send out matrix.
-Dates cannot clash with teach first presentation.
Bears Day Wash-up:
-Hashtag worked really well. Used by most clubs. Had a lot of people at rugby, but need to have more people actively engaged, need to have a system where we put fixtures online on Monday night. Is it worth paying to promote our events? Issue of weather; insanity cancelled, and BBQ cancelled. In future, Rich will schedule staff ahead, but is dependant on weather.
-Please use twitter and Facebook responsibly, retweet responsibly. Avoid using when intoxicated.
-Got pictures. FREYA to upload album. Need to collate scores in one place. ALEX, JASON and CHRISSIE. Create a fixtures hotline, so people can call in. Potentially difficult, as matches end late. Use text message? Use Alex R's work phone.
Naked Calendar:
-Alinka has sent a sign up sheet, Brianna to email around. Ask MAGDA to take pictures as well. Looking to do 2 or 3 a week. If people want a specific month, they can bring in props if they want.
-Encourage people to fundraise through RAG account, rather than just giving? But is there a way that RAG can account through that? Needs to be looked into. But societies can send in their donations slips to add to total.
-Encourage sharing RAG on social media. Create hashtag #surhulrag
-Encourage societies and clubs to get involved?
-Best before and after show?
-Give prize incentives?
-LAUREN to make poster.
-Talk to rich about doing a Movember antidote. Encourage societies and clubs to get involved.
Remembrance Sunday:
-11th November
-Brainstorm ideas.
-Savoy are doing a picture gallery thing, we should promote it. So are history society. Is there any way to get cultural societies involved? Sports club to wear special socks?
Radio show:
-Pre- Recorded Gary.
-Have basketball on, they wanna be on. Men's rugby on this week. Fame broadway ball. have two performance society. Business, language, cultural. Shakespeare and Lyell soc. Ask HvZ for update, get them in the week after.
-Send in song suggestions before hand. By Saturday.
-A 'chain' of songs? Pad out societies bit. Have each society to pick a song that defines them. New segment 'Knock your Socks off.'
-Does ANATT need more promotion. Launch night on Friday 17th.