Mrs. Dykgraaf's Parent Newsletter

November 10th-14th

Happy Veteran's Day (No school Tuesaday)Crustaceans

P.E. Tuesday/ThursdayMusic Monday/Wednesday Library Friday (bring books)

Reading: This week we may not be able to get Read Naturally sent on Monday because we have two Veteran's Day assemblies to sing at. Please continue to read the stories for the week on Wonders especially on this short week. Our spelling rule this week is not an easy one. We will be working on hard and soft c and g. The rule is: c and g followed by an e,i,y make the soft sound (city, giant). C and g followed by an a, o, u make the hard sound (came, gate). Our essential question this week is: What are features of different animal habitats?

Math: Hands On Math Practice for November has practice work on the back. I will be testing on Monday for story problems. On Wednesday we have our first District benchmark test. It will cover place value (246= 200+40+6), greater than and less than using signs, and story problems. I gave another math facts test on Wednesday. We now have several who have passed the addition. Several others are still really struggling. My goal is to get everyone to standard by the end of the year. I am sending a timed test practice sheet home to help practice. The circled ones were from first grade (under 10). Be sure to practice a little bit each night or several times a week at least.

Social Studies/ Science: Extraordinary Word Sharing word is crustaceans (crab, lobster etc.) Sharing on these animals will be onFriday afternoon. We all enjoyed seeing the real octopus tentical and the squid for sharing.

Mrs. Leavitt will be coming in to the classroom on Thursday at 2:30 for our lesson on hurrassment. It is geared for our level kids and talks about not teasing others. For example: playing games, toys, etc. that might be concidered gender specific. We also have Risk Watch this week on Wednesday. A very busy week ahead with our library also on Friday at 11:05.

Writing: This week we will work on using dialogue in our writing as well as describing a setting and keeping our writing in sequence. Many are also finishing up on the expository write on octopus. Next week we will be having our second District Writing benchmark. I am hoping to see some wonderful growth on their personal narrative writes.

I just want to thank all of our Veterans and their families for the sacrifices you make for our freedom. It has been very emotional for a few students (as we practice for our assembly) because they miss their daddy. We are honoring them today, and thanking them for their service.

Be sure to ask for your child's behavior paws slip that go home on Friday. As part of practicing the 7 Habits, I am going to really encourage/expect students to have Wednesday envelopes and Friday folders turned in on time.