WebQueston Global Warming

Purpose: To educate the learner on the effects of global warming on the Earth today and to allow the student to understand the various effects that global warming has on everybody on the planet.The learner will visit various webpages and write down answers to these questions. Once we review the major causes and effects of global warming the student will then utilize the gathered information to write a report on what they learned and offer some suggestions on how we can curb this ongoing environmental issue.

Utilize the following links to answer the questions:

  1. What is Global warming?
  2. Compare and contrast the natural greenhouse effect from the enhanced greenhouse effect.
  3. Looking at the graph Titled “mean global temperature” describe the trend that temperatures appear to be moving?
  1. Where do scientists obtain the information on past climate conditions?
  2. Based on the graphs predict where the temperature will be in 2050?
  3. How fast does warming naturally take to raise the global temperature 5 degrees Celsius?
  4. How many times faster is the temperature rising today compared to naturally?
  1. Describe the short term effect a volcano may have on Earth’s temperature?
  2. How many tons of Carbon Dioxide do volcanoes contribute to the atmosphere each year? Humans?
  3. Taking the answer from humans in the previous question how many tons of Carbon Dioxide will Humans contribute to the atmosphere in 10 years? 50years?
  4. Describe the relationship between solar brightness and temperature?
  5. If the Sun was actually less bright during the last sunspot cycle how come global temperatures still increased?
  1. What is the range in Celsius based on current predictions for global temperature increases in the next 100 years?
  2. What is a climate feedback? List the major climate feedbacks found on this page.
  3. After listing the climate feedbacks found on this page explain how each one can impact the current climate.
  4. Describe a carbon sink.
  1. Describe some of the impacts that global warming will have on the Earth.
  2. Describe how global warming will impact ecosystems
  3. Describe how global warming will impact people.

Now utilize the following websites to evaluate Virginia’s future in Alternative energy resources

1)How many jobs does Virginia stand to gain by developing Virginia’s offshore wind energy?

2)Based on the section Biomass fuels what does it say about Dominions policies on logging?

1)What percent of Virginia’s current energy comes from renewable?

2)What percentage of Virginia’sC02 emission comes from electricity generation?

3)Using the How does Virginia use electricity create apie graph and use the term other for the portion not listed

CHOOSE 1 of the following papers to conclude your activity

Summarize: Now that you have gathered the above information utilize your knowledge to come up with 3 solutions to the issues presented by global warming. If you need additional web sites utilize them and give proper citing of those websites. Your expository paper should be at least 1 page long and have a conclusion that reinforces your solutions.


Summarize: Read the above 2 reports on Virginia’s capacity for renewable energy. You will then write a paper at least 1 page long discussing the pros and cons of alternative energy in Virginia. Then conclude your paper by deciding whether it is in Virginia’s best interest to pursue alternative energy.