
  1. Communication is a continuous process and an essential element of all human





  1. Communication is a ______interactive process




(d)Both a and b

  1. The media through which message gets encoded into symbolic from is





  1. What helps to keep communication transparent and free flowing





  1. The idea that makes effects to change or influences the behaviour and attitudes of others is called





  1. It creates favourable disposition in the person for positive results





  1. Communication between persons of the same states is

(a)Upward communication

(b)Lateral communication

(c)Downward communication

(d)Horizontal communication

  1. Interpretation of message is called





  1. Individual or collective spirit and level of zest for performance/ for accepting challenge refers to





  1. There are______reasons which explain the existence of barriers to the communication process





  1. Basic convictions, unquestionable in nature one





  1. Barriers related to etymology and their interpretation are called


(b)Semantics Barriers

(c)External Barriers

(d)Internal Barriers

  1. It acts like a screening mechanism





  1. The most difficult barrier to overcome is



(c)External Barriers

(d)Internal Barriers

  1. It is of crucial significance for effectiveness of communication





  1. The ability to identify the feelings and thoughts of other person





  1. There are______major organizational contest factors





  1. It is used for explaining the responsibilities, performance requirements for the tasks etc.

(a)Down word communication

(b)Upward communication

(c)Lateral communication

(d)Horizontal communication

  1. There are_____ common models of communication channels





  1. It crosses the departmental boundaries

(a)Upward communication

(b)Lateral communication

(c)Diagonal communication

(d)Horizontal communication

  1. It is the route though which social relationship is maintained among the workmen

(a)Formal communication

(b)Informal communication

(c)Downward communication

(d)Upward communication

  1. It is a byproduct of situation

(a)Informal communication

(b)Formal communication

(c)Grapevine communication

(d)None of the above

  1. There are ______types of grapevine





  1. In which category of grapevineinformation is conveyed in a random fashion

(a)Single strand chain

(b)Gossip chain

(c)Probability chain

(d)Cluster chain

  1. Body movements, gestures connotes

(a)Verbal communication

(b)Non-verbal communication

(c)Formal communication

(d)Informal communication

  1. The untrue part of informal communication is called-




(d)None of the above

  1. When a boss givesus a command it is a form of ______communication





  1. There are______C’s in a standerd business letter





  1. Clear thinking leades to _____ uniting





  1. It can be expressed in words and tone as well





  1. It refers to the issues on which the report in submitted

(a)Purpose of report




  1. The main purpose of a technical report is to convey




(d)None of the above

  1. The way in which professionals scientists and engineers choose to unite-

(a)Scientific model

(b)Standard model

(c)Dynamic model

(d)None of the above

  1. Polite thanks is brief note of -





  1. The overall findings of a study refers to





  1. The position of the parts of a letter on a sheet of paper signifies its





  1. It is a British form of lay out

(a)Indented form

(b)Modified form

(c)Semi-indented form

(d)NOMA form

  1. The most important feature of this layout is its paragraphing refers to.

(a)Noma form

(b)Hanging indention form

(c)Full rock form

(d)Indented form

  1. In NOMA ‘M’ stands for





  1. There are ______types of paragraphing





  1. It is something that is written after the letter ends and is signed





  1. It must be kept at the registered office of the company


(b)Minute book



  1. A type of reference work is called





  1. A compact book that treats concisely the essentials of a subject





  1. There are two types of communication





  1. Are a separate section of a legal document





  1. There are _____ types of communication skills





  1. Direct communication between two persons or group of persons signifies

(a)Dynamic communication

(b)Dual communication

(c)Two-way communication

(d)Direct communication

  1. Dynamic communication tends to be full of facts and figures but is not for

(a)Choric speech

(b)Informative speech

(c)Persuasive speech

(d)None of the above

  1. The speech which tends to invite a group is called.

(a)Persuasive speech

(b)Choric speech

(c)Informative speech

(d)None of the above

  1. What speaks louder than words


(b)Body language



  1. Which one are the best channels for group communication in an organization





  1. You should use ______words in your C.V.





  1. Your sentence should be on an average up to ______words





  1. The communication con be circulated





  1. The meeting of persons with common interest and similar occupation refers to a





  1. Collection of words results in a





  1. There are ______types of GD’s





  1. Precise is about ______length of the original writing





  1. The types of non-verbal forms that implies all movements that are not used exclusively as signals are called.

(a)Sign language

(b)Action language

(c)Object language

(d)None of the above

  1. Date of letter is the date on which letter is-





  1. Salutation is on the _____ side of a letter





  1. Voice volume, rate, pitch, and other sounds one makes includes a.





  1. It helps in avoiding cluttering of paragraphs with masses of figures.

(a)Graphic aid




  1. Which column denotes peace & purity?





  1. Which column denotes youth?





  1. The study of body motions is called





  1. The subject that deals with the way people use physical space to communicate





  1. Movement by hands ,arms, and shoulders are



(c)Body language


  1. Whenever we make the use of word it is

(a)Non verbal



